Monday, December 5, 2011

What's wrong with present day politics

In short what's wrong with present day politics is manifest in this article.   The long and short of this story:  democrat and many republican politicians in effect have become employees of an industry, called the political industry, that has allowed many of them to become rich and famous.  Consider the wealth of politicos like Gore, Clinton, Daschle,Gingrich and many others (there are only a few serving senators who are not millionaires) most or all of their wealth has been earned after "active duty" when they have cashed in on their contacts, etc.  Until we can eliminate the opportunities for the political class to game the system to their benefit and enrichment, this form of corruption will only get worse.  In the meantime the public becomes ever more cynical and disillusioned about the fairness and probity of politicians in general and even worse about democracy as a way to govern ourselves.  With respect to the Cintons, in particular, having mastered the system they will probably never go away.  At least the Kennedys had a financial foundation established by old Joe Kennedy in the '20's when he profited from prohibition.

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