The Castro brothers have now run Cuba for nearly eighty years and the results are horrific.
But this state of affairs seems quite agreeable to the liberals who worship these two socialist thugs. Clearly what they must like, since it can't be the Cubans's historically low standard of living, is the fact everyone is equally poor. It is this inference that tells the rest of us that liberals are simply garden variety socialists. Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, and other loons from La La Land, along with Jimmy Carter and most liberal politicians, are forever touting Castro's leadership and accomplishments although the rest of us have difficulty seeing either. For those who've been to the Bund, Shanghai's famous waterfront overlooking the newest section of the city called Podung Area and the Huangpu River, may have marveled at all the high rises that have sprung up over the last thirty plus years. In fact Shanghai now has many more high rises than New York City and more under construction. Part of one well-known Shanghai guide's presentation is to point out a particular high rise, among those many, owned by a Cuban. Not just any Cuban, mind you, but Fidel's very own brother Raul. And there you have socialism in a nutshell. The people live in penury, and the dear leaders buy themselves real estate in the world's fastest growing city which, by the way, doesn't happen to be in Cuba. Nice. Wonder how many Castro apologists know about this scam. But then again who cares as long as everyone is equal. And so it goes in the ObamaLand of Hollywood and liberal political precincts.
Pudong Area from the Bund. |