Monday, August 30, 2010

What happened on the Washington Mall

Nobody can get worked up in a lather of righteous indignation better than Hugh Hewitt.  And he does't disappoint here, either.  Hugh is highly partisan (who with a brain isn't these days) and is usually spot on in his analysis.  He's one of the best interviewers on talk radio one can hear, usually skewering liberals on their own petard to the degree it's surprising any are willing to show up on his program in the first place. His analysis of the Glenn Beck hosted event before the Lincoln monument this past weekend is succinct and devastatingly accurate in its put down of the left and all its shenanigans of the past two years since O came to office.  Of course their shenanigans have been sleeper cells waiting to happen once they got control of all the levers of government.  Having been through this horrifying experience for really the last four years when the dems first took control of the Congress, one can better understand just how frustrating it is to live in countries where the left is permanently in control and pretty much tells everybody how to live their lives.  Americans are saying at this point in time, not here, not now.  Go back to your little perfect world of academia and progressivism and leave the rest of us alone, dammit all!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Liberal Mindset ala Frank Rich and the NYT

On display in this column by  Frank Rich of the NYT, is the mental rot that over time infects the liberal's mind causing its victim to live in a make-believe world of conspiratorial capitalist evil doers, like in this case Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers.    Poor Frank can't stand success (he is working for the NYT of course) and just knows there is something, somehow amiss when it happens.  It simply can't be that these people have created successful corporations that hire hundreds of thousands of people, create wealth that allows them to contribute to worthy charities, pay millions in taxes for bureaucrats to largely waste.  Nope, they must be rigging the system by buying politicians who believe as they do in the free enterprise, free market capitalist system that has provided a higher standard of living for millions all over the world.  Poor Frank, and all the other envy driven liberals, who dream of a perfect world where everyone has all they want made possible by a benevolent government that plans and provides for all.  On the other hand these very same liberals have nothing to say about George Soros and his collection of buddies like the co-CEOs of Golden Financial (big time mortgage peddlers bailed out by the gov't) who mostly made their bundles manipulating markets and taking advantage of government interference in free markets, but who support right thinking types like Frank and Obama, and on and on.  And boy do they love FDR because he created most of the government programs that led us directly to the debacle of the last few years.  It's mostly amusing that Frank's mental acuity is so far gone he can't  understand how Murdoch's Fox news commentators can criticize the Ground Zero mosque project when a major Saudi investor in News Corp thinks it's a wonderful idea.  Frank, and his cohorts, need help. They could start by reading Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, something they obviously failed to do when they were getting those expensive, elitist Ivy League educations.

Big Money in politics

McCain-Feingold was passed in 2002, or thereabouts, as a way to limit the so-called unlimited "soft" money contributions of the super wealthy to the political system and thereby limit the influence of these particular players.  The net result of this legislation was to create the 527s and a parallel funding mechanism for politics to the now highly regulated party system.  Thus there is now more money in the political system than ever before, its simply harder to track and account for.  People like George Soros are now kingmakers behind the scenes, largely hidden from accountability, pulling their strings throught the 527 organizations like Move, etc.  This 2005  article in the Boston Globe tells the story in some detail and if it is in the interest of the democracy to limit the influence of a few super wealthy types, and it probably is, then it is worth trying to understand how all this works.  This article helps. According to the Powerline blog this book available at Amazon also is helpful to understand the strategy of Soros & co as it relates to their successful campaigns in Colorado, taking a republican leaning state and moving it into the democrat column.  A later example of this strategy working was the successful campaign of Al Franken in Minnesota,