Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

NOW GW IS  UNDER FIRE:This happens when you politicize everything. But the deeper meaning is that the radical left in this country is doing what revolutionaries always do, usually when they are in power.  They are destroying the symbols and artifacts that have any meaning to the followers of the old order.  In this way there is no way anyone can rally around a flag or whatever and develop a following to resist the new order.  French revolutionaries eliminated all the monasteries after 1889 and killed many aristocrats, themselves symbols of the old order.. The Soviets did the same by looting the treasures, gold and artifacts of the Russian Orthodox Church after they came to power, and they, too, killed Czar Nicholas and his entire family  as well as thousands of aristocrats.

USUAL DEM PERFIDY: Demi support highly regressive tax system Trump want to eliminate/. Hypocrisy on display once again.

RIGHT WING TAKE ON COLLUSION: We"re about to see how accurate this author is. AND THIS ADDENDUM:.Brief look at Manafort indictment, Here is Levin's take on the indictment:Points out Mueller's oversight of Manafort early on. This is an audio segment in which Levin accuses Mueller, of colluding to bring down a sitting president arguing because there is simply NO crime here whatsoever.  It's all being made up.

FUSION OPERATION TAKEN DOWN: Bunch of former newsmen out to get rich: Nothing wrong with getting rich but there is something wrong about doing it fraudulently.  Clearly, these guys are "newsmen" for hire and shape the "news" to suit the client.  This is why Free Beacon is in so much trouble now.  Anything this organization reports or has reported is toxic.  This is all part of the absence of standards and morality, for that matter, in the news business.  Very sad.nAND HOW IT'S SPUN BY  NYT: We'll see how this stands up after some dust settles.  AND MARK STEYN MAKES HIS ASTUTE CONTRIBUTION: This the web of all webs. Somebody in the old government should go to jail. Preferably Hilary.IMPORTANT TIMELINES FROM CLARICE: Ties it all together nicely.

HOW ABOUT THIS: Q CONSERVATIVE SPONSORED FILM:Apparently backed in part by Sean Hannity.  This could be interesting.  Reviewed here by Roger Simon.

OVER THE TOP? MAYBE. MAYBE NOT: Time will tell however I wouldn't bet on it. Yes Frontpage magazine is hard right.  That's because its founder was once a communist, saw the light, and decided to devote his life to exposing its evil and destructive nature.

YALE IN THE NEWS, AGAIN: How about something positive once in a while. I'd like to see the racial composition on those classes on African poetry,

ON POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: If it offends, you must bend. Or something.  The question is who gets to decide what offends whom?  This never-ending issue is stupid, contentious and unnecessary.  As long as the PC government insists people identify by skin color in the case of whites and blacks (you see it on forms all the time) then why not identify people from the Asian continent by skin color?  So their standards are flexible and ever-changing, what's more, are inconsistent and frustrating.

OBAMA DEFINED AND DISSECTED:Almost perfect description of Obama and the obama years and not only because nothing's perfect. A wonderful paean to the American people and life in this country.  Truly wonderful.

THE REDOUBTABLE MOLLIE HEMMINGWAY EXPLAINS FUSION/GPS:The big story here is media corruption perpetuating this farce.  AND THEN THERE'S THIS: Because the dems are adept at the lie, bigger the better.

SPREADING THE WEALTH:How settlement monies were spent by the Obama machine. This story confirms the futility of the FRS and its attempt to manage the money supply.  In a rational world the banks that created all these "instruments" to help people own homes, never should have been making these loans in the first place.  They only made them because the government created bogus credit out of nowhere and then shamed them into making them.  Not that the banks are blameless.  Definitely not so.  They had no real justification for leveraging their capital base to astronomical, and dangerous levels other than the government encouraged it and they knew they'd be bailed out in a crunch. Which brings us back to the FSR and its creation of credit (and cash money) out of thin air on the grounds they think they know what's best for markets and the American people.  This story does not get reported.

MCCAIN'S INVOLVEMENT IN FUSION/GPS FARCE:As a member of the NeverTrump gang Mccain wanted and wants to undermine Trump at any cost. These guys can't stand the thought that their moderate stances have led us to 2-T in debt and deficits forever.  They still think money grows on trees and that there is never a need to balance the budget or live within your means like the rest of us are required to do in our personal and family lives.  This is the fallacy of living in Washing DC and being caught up in deciding what's best for everyone.  This will not end up well.  As a businessman Trump at the very least understands that there are consequences to excessive debt.  He paid the consequence of excessive debt at least once in his life when he lost the crown jewel in his RE holdings.  Debt is a commercial lubricant.  Excessive debt is a time bomb.  McCain and company have no clue.

INTERESTING DISCUSSION ON GW/AGW: Comments section worth a read.

BIOGRAPHY ON AUTHOR SCHLESSINGER JR: Review here makes it sound interesting.

BOOK ON THE REFORMATION: This sounds like an interesting book>