Sunday, June 12, 2011

Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill

There will come a day when the truth about Obama's two literary works that helped propel him into the WH, "Dreams
from My Father", and "The Audacity of Hope", are revealed.  Whether Obama wrote these two "masterpieces" is the subject of Cashill book and is the subject of many articles written by Cashill and others about this subject.  The latest article here, describes how close the Daily Mail of GB came to publicizing and supporting Cashill's theory that these books were ghost written by William Ayers, the unrepentant urban terrorist who was a neighbor and friend of the Obama's when they lived in Hyde Park, Illinois.  I haven't read the book, but I have read many of Cashill's articles and those of others.  It appears to me the evidence is quite conclusive that Ayers had a hand in the writing of both these books, particularly "The Audacity of Hope".  I'm not sure what gets proved by revealing this fact, at least at this point in time, other than to point out what is fairly obvious: Obama is largely a made-up construct by liberal forces who saw in him a winning candidate who, when elected,  could implement their warped ideas of governance.