THE BIAS OF LEFTWING FACT CHECKERS ON DISPLAY:Wonder why they can't just play it straight!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
NOT LIKE THE UPPER EAST SIDE MOM I KNOW: And, the one I know has four children, private schools, and all the rest.
IT IS UNFORTUNATE CASHILL DOESN'T HAVE A WIDER FORUM:Jack Cashill has studied and written about Obama's life like no other. Why doesn't he have a wider audience is a legitimate question. Most likely the answer is the people who voted for Obama don't care about what his past reflects on the man and the people who didn't vote for him intuitively know all this written by Cashill.
THIS IN A LIBERAL NEWSPAPER?: As RR said: government's the problem not the answer. Whoever comes up with these ideas should be held accountable. Somehow we never know who's responsible.
WHAT'S NEW?:Another government failure; another misallocation of resources.
A RARE BRILLIANT PIECE FROM ALICIA, A REAL TALENT:Hard to believe this movement has prevailed as it does no one any good.
HANDS DOWN VDH IS THE MOST INSIGHTFUL HISTORIAN AROUND:This guy is no ivory tower intellectual who speaks in vacuous abstractions.
DO THEY CARE?: Since they are morally obtuse of course they don't care. And let's not forget they are Progressives who really believe they are doing good by exercising power. They are in reality a spiritual cancer with NO redeeming characteristics suitable to a functioning Democracy.
CRACK IN THE COST SCHEME?: Heard tuition at NYU is now $70,000. Is this possible??
IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME: Funny money has a way of destroying societies and then itself. Check out Venezuela.
BETWEEN BILL AYERS AND THIS CROWD THERE IS NO HOPE:Sounds like a breeding plan for terrorists like Ayers.
THIS POV IS MINE:The libs cannot stand success. That, BTW, includes Bill O'Reilly whom I heard dismiss the Iraq war out-of-hand.
INSIGHTFUL POV FROM INTELLIGENT COMMENTATOR This is quite a story. Indians don't exhibit manufacturing genius of Chinese.
CONDO HELL:Warning to condo owners!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS UNFORTUNATE CASHILL DOESN'T HAVE A WIDER FORUM:Jack Cashill has studied and written about Obama's life like no other. Why doesn't he have a wider audience is a legitimate question. Most likely the answer is the people who voted for Obama don't care about what his past reflects on the man and the people who didn't vote for him intuitively know all this written by Cashill.
THIS IN A LIBERAL NEWSPAPER?: As RR said: government's the problem not the answer. Whoever comes up with these ideas should be held accountable. Somehow we never know who's responsible.
WHAT'S NEW?:Another government failure; another misallocation of resources.
A RARE BRILLIANT PIECE FROM ALICIA, A REAL TALENT:Hard to believe this movement has prevailed as it does no one any good.
HANDS DOWN VDH IS THE MOST INSIGHTFUL HISTORIAN AROUND:This guy is no ivory tower intellectual who speaks in vacuous abstractions.
DO THEY CARE?: Since they are morally obtuse of course they don't care. And let's not forget they are Progressives who really believe they are doing good by exercising power. They are in reality a spiritual cancer with NO redeeming characteristics suitable to a functioning Democracy.
CRACK IN THE COST SCHEME?: Heard tuition at NYU is now $70,000. Is this possible??
IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME: Funny money has a way of destroying societies and then itself. Check out Venezuela.
BETWEEN BILL AYERS AND THIS CROWD THERE IS NO HOPE:Sounds like a breeding plan for terrorists like Ayers.
THIS POV IS MINE:The libs cannot stand success. That, BTW, includes Bill O'Reilly whom I heard dismiss the Iraq war out-of-hand.
INSIGHTFUL POV FROM INTELLIGENT COMMENTATOR This is quite a story. Indians don't exhibit manufacturing genius of Chinese.
CONDO HELL:Warning to condo owners!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Sunday, May 21, 2015
AM CURRENTLY READING THIS BOOK: It is a fascinating book.
PROGRESSIVES REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT: Ah yes, the perfectibility of man. Working out real well now isn't it. Let's remember the Communists and the Islamists both believe in the perfectibility of man.
BECAUSE MARXISM HAS GLOBAL SUPPORT: This is the answer to the question Steven Hayward over at Power Line asks: “How is Liberation Theology Still a Thing?” Liberation theology is a Marxist version of Catholic teaching, which views poverty through the lens of capitalist oppression, much like Black Liberation theology–of which President Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is an adherent–views black poverty as a consequence of white, wealthy capitalist oppression of blacks. As Hayward observes, yesterday’s front page New York Times story about Pope Francis’s actions to bring liberation theology out of the shadows, a subject I’ve I’ve written about before. But in typical NYT fashion, the reporter fails to even seriously consider the deep Marxist undertones of liberation theology, much less what the Pope’s embrace of it might portend. The only mention of Marxism comes in this brief passage:
PROGRESSIVES REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT: Ah yes, the perfectibility of man. Working out real well now isn't it. Let's remember the Communists and the Islamists both believe in the perfectibility of man.
BECAUSE MARXISM HAS GLOBAL SUPPORT: This is the answer to the question Steven Hayward over at Power Line asks: “How is Liberation Theology Still a Thing?” Liberation theology is a Marxist version of Catholic teaching, which views poverty through the lens of capitalist oppression, much like Black Liberation theology–of which President Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is an adherent–views black poverty as a consequence of white, wealthy capitalist oppression of blacks. As Hayward observes, yesterday’s front page New York Times story about Pope Francis’s actions to bring liberation theology out of the shadows, a subject I’ve I’ve written about before. But in typical NYT fashion, the reporter fails to even seriously consider the deep Marxist undertones of liberation theology, much less what the Pope’s embrace of it might portend. The only mention of Marxism comes in this brief passage:
Notice that liberation theology’s linkage to Marxism is dismissed offhand as a “conservative[] . . . claim.” Yet in the next breath, the NYT reporter concedes that Pope Francis “has expressed strong criticism of capitalism.” Hayward is right to ask why liberation theology is “still a thing,” but the answer is that it never stopped being a thing, because the Marxist ideology is alive and well, with powerful apologists or allies (even if not full-fledged adherents) in the Vatican, White House and beyond.“With the end of the Cold War, he [Francis] began to see that liberation theology was not synonymous with Marxism, as many conservatives had claimed,” said Paul Vallely, author of “Pope Francis: Untying the Knots.” Argentina’s financial crisis in the early years of the 21st century also shaped his views, as he “began to see that economic systems, not just individuals, could be sinful,” Mr. Vallely added.Since becoming pope, Francis has expressed strong criticism of capitalism, acknowledging that globalization has lifted many people from poverty but saying it has also created great disparities and “condemned many others to hunger.” He has warned, “Without a solution to the problems of the poor, we cannot resolve the problems of the world.”
Posted at 8:04 pm by Elizabeth Price Foley 
QUSTIONS A GOOD ECONOMIST ASKA: And never do if they're Keynesians or otherwise confused.

QUSTIONS A GOOD ECONOMIST ASKA: And never do if they're Keynesians or otherwise confused.
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