Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obama's stealth government

Once America became The Administrative State, the danger has always been that the country is, or can be, run by hidden bureaucrats appointed to their positions without vetting by voters or Congress.  Welcome to the Obama administration and the faceless Czars and Czarinas appointed to head the many commissions, committees, et. al. responsible for interpreting laws passed by Congress and churning out the rules and regulations that everyone then has to live by.  Obama, as per this article, has taken the administrative state concept to a new level with the appointment of all the far left lawyers like Cass Sustein, Eric Holder, et. al, to positions of power and unaccountability in what used to be our Republic.  This course of action by democrat presidents should never come as a surprise as they have been engaged in this stealth governing since FDR, some simply with more gusto than others.  Hopefully the next Republican President can reverse this outrageous government takeover and return the country to its roots as a Constitutional Republic, accountable to the sovereign people.