Saturday, April 9, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2015

ABCT IN CURRENT CONTEXT: Why do they fight it so?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DISAGREE WITH HERE: But then we all know socialism doesn't work, don't we???

LBJ'S LEGACY OF BIG GOVERNMENT: No matter how you slice it, the '60's was a decade of utter disaster. And the legacy of that decade haunts us to this day.  Self reliance, individual responsibility, and other important values that produce a successful society were lost in that decade of establishing big government to control the lives of everyone.  The miracle is the economy has continued to be largely productive inspire of the massive government intervention through programs and regulations and bureaucracy.  The once expanding middle class is now contracting.  Where will that lead us?

VOLCKER IS BORED: Do these gurus have a clue? Or is the economy out of control?

A BRITISH AUDIENCE DISCUSSES ISLAM:They are finally, slowly, coming to grips with this Muslim disaster. It's the belief system that's at the root of the problem.

WHY WE'RE DEAD BROKE: It's beyond belief and beyond fixing. We are now looking at a highly paid people with make work jobs in a division of a government department out looking for work.  We have have government waste on vivid display in the video.  This clearly does not end well.  The next president has to face the fact this country is essentially in the same financial shape as Greece and now Puerto Rico and at this point in time has few options to deal with the impending implosion.  There is no one talking about the on the campaign trail.  The media are simply witless tools who do not understand anything about where we are at this point in time.                                  

UGLY TIMES TO BEGIN: Is Armageddon on the horizon? It sure looks like it if you connect VDH's dots, or is he far too pessimistic?

TESLA ANALYZED: Does it eventually succeed in the marketplace or not? Doesn't appear to be likely as the economics don't compute, at least for many years to come.

AS USUAL SOWELL NAILS IT: Trump is Obama squared is just about right.

QUESTIONING REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: Edmund Burke would have an interesting take on this subject. As I recall when Burke was elected MP from Manchester (I think) he told his constituents he believed he was elected to represent the best interests of the nation, not just those of Manchester.  They rejected this position and he lost his seat upon reelection.  He then went on to be "elected: MP from an obscure district safe for conservatives, and served the nation admirably for many years.

ALL BRILLIANT GURUS REFLECT ABCT: It's not a coincidence that they do. As it happens you can either have free markets or not.  Like pregnancy, there's not a little bit of it.  The Austrians saw all this clearly in the middle of Europe while others were falling in love with Socialism.

EVEN MUSEUMS ARE POLITICIZED: These progressives are everywhere and exerting influence disproportionate to their real numbers.

THE GREATEST DEPRESSION IS HERE: It will be different from the last on but just as devastating. Here are a few suggestions on how to survive.