Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

ANOTHER SEQUEL TO NAIL STORY: Once in a blue moon NYTimes gets a story right ---this is not one of those times.  Read the Times at your own peril.

VDH TRENCHANT OBSERVATIONS: A scary but dead on look at where we are in history from a conservative historian.

OBAMACARE CRAZINESS: This thing is worse than Hillarycare which was terrible.

WONDERFUL DESCRIPTION OD THE DONALD ANS THE ELECTORATE: Captures the essence of the Trump movement exactly. The analogy is perfect.

REQUIRED READING BY WESTERNERS: The truth of any religion is measured by how it proposes women are treated by society.

SERIOUS HEALTHCARE INITIATIVE: Here's a nongovernmental initiative worth watching carefully.

CONSERVATISM AND CIVIL RIGHTS:  A clear exposition of this issue. Conservative intransigence lost the black vote and may have led to where we are today in race relations and the growth of the welfare state.  It was a tough call back then but conservatives got it wrong.

CLEARLY A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR: Impossible to imagine a worse person to lead this country. We really must do something about the school system and the irresponsible parenting that goes on and leads to this people like the Clintons rising to the top in our society.

GREAT DISCUSSION W/PL PRINCIPALS AND LAW PROF: This a really important discussion for everyone to understand the new administrative state. PL and this professor are doing very important work exposing the fraud of the Obama administration and the go along republicans like the Bush administration.

A DEFINITIVE FISKING OF CLINTON TESTIMONY: The so-called "brilliant" testimony is nothing more than a bunch of lies.  Very lad she's not my candidate.  Her lies and obfuscations are simply breathtaking to listen to and read.  Odds are she'll survive b/c her followers don't care and a big slug of the other voters don't have time or inclination to get into the weeds to understand just how perfidious this woman's story is.

PATHETIC BUNCH OF LIARS: Hildabeast to jail, the rest fired and shunned for life.

WHAT SANDERS AND TRUMP HAVE IN COMMON: They both subscribe to and promote crony capitalism.

RELATED: The interventionists are simply ignorant or confused about how the free market disciplines.