Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

AS VDH SEES TRUMP: He may be too kind toward the democrats. Because they are in their heart of hearts nothing more than fascists who want to tell the rest of us what to think and how to act.

DEMS IN TROUBLE:  Seems as though this bs investigation is going to unearth some real corruption after all.

ANOTHER RUSSIAGATE TIMELINE: Interesting to see if this TL is accurate.

EXHAUSTIVE ARTICLE ABOUT SACKLERS AND OPIODS: Some well-researched piece and ill-gotten wealth.

THE REAL VIETNAM STORY: Professor Hill deconstructs Ken Burns' TV extravaganza.No question Burns is a committed leftist.

SOCIALIZED MEDICINE??: Wonder what Cousin John would say about this drivel.

THIS SCREED COST THE DEMS DEARLY: The liberal media simply does not get it. And they are paying a very big price.  Liberal policies only work for so long.  In the end, as Margaret Thatcher said "eventually they run out of other people's money".  At that point borrowing and heavy taxation and the like kick in and they economies slow down to a crawl making everyone unhappy.

INTERESTING READ??:Hard to know from this review, still??.

ANOTHER STALIN HISTORY:Long and tedious(?) but with new interpretations?

ALGORE ANSWERYOUR PHONE: More fake news this time on co2 emissions.

MORE ON KEN BURNS' VN: The beat goes on with the liberals.