Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015

AND THIS IS ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT: The Barbarians have arrived and are taking over.

WONDER WHAT HELEN AND FROLIC WOULD SAY ABOUT THIS: No wonder modern art is hard to get into.

GIVE'EM SOME BREATHING ROOM: Sounds all to familiar.

THIS IS WHAT YOU GET UNDER SOCIALISM: This exactly hat Obama meant by transforming America. If this happens it's all over.

C'MON REPUBLICANS GET THIS OUT THERE: It comes down to these two charts. Socialism doesn't work.

LOOKS LIKE TRUMP WAS RIGHT: He may be obnoxious but that doesn't mean he can't be right sometimes. These statistics are impossible to overlook.  Illegal Mexican immigrants are a serious crime problem.  The issue needs to be addressed however because of the PC climate in this country, it won't be at least seriously.

WELL, YES, BUT AN EPIDEMIC?: He's isolated a dozen young men out of 330 million Americans. Enough to generalize? Maybe.  I agree with his analysis of our society at this point in time.  It's a mess.

NOT MUCH TO ARGUE ABOUT HERE: It's all about capitalism unfettered.

JONAH'S GOT IT ABOUT RIGHT:  He got one significant issue front and enter, thank you Trump. Now go away.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

WHAT'S GOING ON WITH OUR AUTOIMMUNE SYSTEMS: Truth is no one seems to know.

PATRIOTISM ALIVE AND WELL IN AMERICA:  Love that a cappella and the wonderful song.

DOES MEDICARE WORK?  You could say it does, up to a point. The proposal to give medicare money directly to recipients to spend as they like maybe has merit.

REPUBLICAN RACE CARD USE: The author of this piece is exactly right. Playing the race card on Trump is disgraceful.

THIS GUY'S AN ECONOMIST? How about learning to live within your means? As a business, if you spend more money than you bring into your treasury, you will end up in bankruptcy.  So how about addressing the problem Paul, and quit making excuses for overspending.  GEEEZH!

FORCED READING FOR LIBERALS: It wouldn't make any difference, they are so far gone.

TURLEY IS A LIBERAL AND EVEN HE IS AFRAID:  He's pro same sex marriage just opposed to the way the SC decision was arrived at.  Nonsense.  All this is a a redefinition of marriage to include those to whom the word has never before applied because their union produces nothing that ensures the continuity of society.  Period.

THIS IS THE TRUMP STORY IN A NUTSHELL: There is a big difference between Wall Street and Main Street and this article nails it.

GOOD STUFF FROM RUBIO: Makes more sense than anything lunch well Barry ever says.

DEMOCRAT SANCTUARY CITY:  And there may be over 200 such around the country thanks to libs.

A WONDERFUL AMERICAN:There are not enough Tom Sowells around.

AN ANTI PC PROFESSOR:I'm sure he's shunned in the faculty lounge at Yale.  The bigger question may be what are parents getting for their $50,000 per ennui investment in their child's education??

A LITTLE JAB AT SCOTT:Sargent's talent was extraordinary.