Friday, March 30, 2012

Tom Sowell -- an American original

If there hash ever been a more authentic American than economist/historian Tom Sowell, show me.  What he displays in this brief piece about a favorite teacher who recently passed,  is all the virtues of hard work, individual responsibility and concern for others that that has always been the essence of American exceptionalism.  His regular columns reflect these values every time without exception.  What a guy!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crime stats deconstructed

Liberals have used misleading analysis of crime data forever to support the cause of black victimology, and it has worked well for them.  Heather  takes a look here at the data and exposes the liberal arguments proving racial bias in the legal system as the root cause of high black incarceration rates and the like is bunkum. The real story is since the multifarious programs put together during the 60's to address the poverty in the black community, things have only gotten worse.  What Heather exposes is the sham of government meddling in social engineering and the fact that when it does the ultimate result is diminishment of individual initiative and responsibility and in the worst case a breakdown of law and order. For some reason the black community in America does not want to deal with its own disfunction, choosing instead to rely on the federal government to provide solutions.  Programs like aide to dependent families have perversely led to the breakup of black families, and discriminatory programs like affirmative action have bred racial discord.  Once the civil rights movement eliminated the worse aspects of entrenched Jim Crow discrimination in the South, the black community would have been best served by being left alone to make its own way.  Unfortunately the grievance mongers (Jackson, Sharpton, et al) decided to make an industry out of perceived discrimination and enlisted the federal government assistance.  The result:  more poverty, worsened race relations, higher rates of crime, fewer intact black families.  Should this outcome surprise anyone? 
ADDED:  This NRO post by Heather MacDonald provides additional analysis (and stats) to the above post.

Forbes is on to Obama

To the extent Forbes is a part of the MSM, this article represents a breakthrough.  To date MSM has ignored or denigrated any suggestion that Obama was fraudulently elected.  This opinion piece therefore is unique and indeed could be the start of a reexamination of Obama's credentials and background qualifications to be POTUS
