Thursday, January 25, 2018


The Lives of Others
A movie about the Stasi came out in 2006, was foreign film award best of year

JORDAN PETERSON: A man to remember as one who turned back the tide of the PC nazis who were beginning to win the war for the mind of the youth.  His interview with the feminazi interviewer on BBC is enlightening.  He won the half hour debate hands down because he had the answers to every attemp she made to indoctrine him in the destructive, collectivist ideas of the feminist thereby exposing them as nothing more than than the collectivist, authoritarian, fascists they are.  Tucker Carlson would do well to have him on his nightly show along with some outspoken femnist and watch him destroy her arguments.

DEATH OF THE MEDIA: Michael Walsh says "stay tuned", the fireworks are about to begin.

VIDEO DISCUSSION OF FSR: Quite long but interesting discussion of new book by Conti-Brown on The Fed.

ARE WE IN A CIVIL WAR: Here's one thinker who believes it. His arguments are persuasive.   the Democrat Party, the GOPe and the Administrative State are all striving to undo the threat represented by Trump's victory and the clear message it sends.  If the Constitution means anything it means the individual comes before the State.  Individualism vs Collectivism.  Capitalism vs Socialism.  This struggle has been going on since Karl Marx infected Europe with the virus of Communism in the middle of the 19th century.

THE TET OFFENSIVE RESULT: Ken Burns notwithstanding, this is the real truth.  Excerpt from Hayward's book:And more here, and also here.

ROGER KIMBALL SPEAKS FOR ME:Exactly my Trump journey.

PROFESSOR PETERSON IN FEDERALIST MAG:Peterson is a valuable antidote to the ridiculous and dangerous BLM, PC,Progressive movement.

VDH's TRUMP ANALYSIS: Very, very astute picture shows why Trump won the primaries and general elections.

OBOMA'S AMERIKA: Rank fascism on display. Takeover of the IRS immediately afterObama is elected. Rank corruption that merits a case study in all schools preparing people for jobs in the government.


INSIGHTS INTO MEDIA IN WASHINGTON: Corruption has to be exposed, but the media is fighting it tooth and nail.

VDH ON THE CORRUPTION AT FBI/ETC.: Pretty good summary of where it all stands as of February 6, 2018.  Of course more will be revealed.

THE PICKETTY BOOK REVIEW:Says its really just a socialism apology.  Also A mises critique of Piety's work here.

BEAUTIFUL RENDERING BY CAROLINE CAMPBELL: So much for gender identity and the like. Talent is talent and always surfaces.