Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

CALIFORNIA IN DECLINE: VDH, A NATIVE, SAYS IT ALL..There really isn't much left to say.

BUT…THERE IS MORE ON THIS SUBJECT…MUCH MORE  This new site from Joel Kotkin shows promise and the truth.  This observation was written in 2011 and things have hardly improved based on the article by Victor Davis Hanson above.  California is in the grip of politicians elected by unions, both private sector and public employee.  Once this happens it's nothing but trouble ahead.  So far the Fed has prevented a complete collapse by extending credit opportunities everywhere with cheap money and the federal government has done it's part by spending money it does not have. So, how long can it go on, this sham economy?  There will be no improvement, no real entrepreneurial driven economy until we get back to basics, stop the easy money foolishness, get the unions under control and return to real capitalism.  Probably won't happen until we experience a real collapse and that scenario is scary given the fragile state of the culture, race relations, values and all the rest.  Messy future ahead.

WE'LL GET THIS CLIMATE CHANGE THING STRAIGHT YET: But probably not by listening to a religious leader and the NYTimes science page.

HE WRITES ON SCIENCE FOR YEARS: This is a clear articulation of what's going on in AGW, et al.

OBAMA CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH:The truth is blacks have a violent gene as a percentage of their population. There is a study on this subject and it holds that somewhere around 5% of the black race has this violence gene.  For comparison less than one percent of asian race.

CRONY CAPITALISM ANYONE?: GE's CEO threatening to export jobs if the bank's no reauthorized.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Momday, June 15, 2015

PROGRESSIVES=NO PROGRESS: The truth is Progs don't want progress. Otherwise they wouldn't put there heads in the sand every time logical, reasonable and obvious solutions to problems of their making haunt society.

HILLARY THE SHAM PROGRESSIVE: THERE SIMPLY IS NO SHAME IN THIS PROGRESSIVE SHAM, otherwise she would leave us alone to for tout the wreckage the Clintons have left us with after too many years on the scene. It is truly extreme punishment to even think about this contemptible hag as POTUS, almost as bad as the last 7 years have been with her ridiculous co prog Obama.

GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE BRUHAHA: Always watch out for the politics involved.

WHERE'S THE FREE MARKET AT WORK: There is no price competition at work here so what you get is a cartel charging whatever they want.