Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2015

HAYEK EXPLAINS TRUMP AND HILLORY: Their appeal is covered i "Road to Serfdom", the quasi political tract that explains a lot.

A FRACTURED WORLD INDEED: The incessant meddling and intervention by the political class has led to a world of weird and unrealizable ecpetations based on many false premises.  It is all coming unglued because the multicultural value free world is build on shifting sands.  Humpty Dumpty has fallen apart.  It will take a lot better political leadership than we have and have had now for quite some time to put Humpty-Dumpty together again.

THIS WRITTEN IN THE '60'S!: And the debt today is…..Well many multiples of then in inflation adjusted $.  Keynsian economics means spending to the exclusion of savings and if consumers don't cooperate and spend enough the government will do it for them.  As simple as that.

HOW THE PC MOVEMENT STARTED:All by some juvenile college kids who probably didn't wan to fight the Vietcong. In many ways it's hard to fault them for this ridiculous outcome, sense the war was poorly justified and poorly executed by the Johnson Administration.  Leave it to liberals!  What's confusing is how current liberals forget history and hold Democrats blameless in matters of warfare.

FRIGHTENING STATE ORTHODOXY: Naturally California's leading this outrage. Long live Jerry Brown, who was in charge when we moved to Craziifornia 45 years ago, and is still in charge.

WANT TO KNOW WHAT BEING AN AMERICAN MEANS?It means Ayaan Hirsi Ali, that's all.

WORTHY DISCUSSION OF ISLAM:But somehow incomplete without the context of Islam's historic aggressiveness.  Sorta like discussing communism without observing that the engine of this worldwide disease was the Communist Party cadre that drove its policies and evil intents.  McWhorter misses this point entirely.

SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT:Hard to argue with Codevilla on this story in Claremont.

MORE INTEREST HOKUM FROM THE FED:According Austrians this is pure BS.

WHY ASIANS AND JEWS VOTE DEM:Mayb they're more given to following their leaders??

MORE ON KEYNESIAN FALLACY: That fellow Keynse sure riled folks up.

BREXIT, YEA AND NAY. There are arguments on both sides of this vote.  The argument to LEAVE is well-presented in this piece by Simons and the other argument here by the NYTimes piece misses the point made in the Simon piece by hardly acknowledging it.  That point would be that open borders policy as promoted by the EU has allowed Muslims unlimited access to the Continent and to England without consideration for the very obvious connection to terrorism. It is difficult to imagine why the author of the Times article virtually ignores this threat in the aftermath of Paris, among many recent examples of the risk of allowing virtually open access by immigrants from Muslim countries. If these people are peaceably assimilating into their adopted states, there is scant evidence to support that case.

DOES CORRUPTION MATTER TO DEMOCRATS: The obvious answer on a resounding , NO!

THIS SHOULD BE THE NAIL IN THE COFFIN:Obama MUST answer for this. This PC stuff has gone on far, far too long.  It's getting innocent people killed.