Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

REALISM ON GLOBAL WARMING: THE Greens are winning in Australia and elsewhere. Abbot speaks frankly.

TRUMP AND JACKSON: There are similarities as noted by Professor Yarborough.

VDH AGAIN ON MEDIA: And the meaning of Weinstein and co, plus NFL, etc.VDH covers a lot in this article and as usual, he has interesting and insightful observations.  As a historian of the classics, he has adapted and become a noteworthy commentator on current events.  He is also a farmer in Central Valley and has much to say about the immigration issue.  Oh and also he's on the "faculty" of the Hoover Institute where he opines regularly under those auspices.

CLINTON CORRUPTION NUCLEAR DEAL: Breathtaking how the Clintons got away with this stuff for all those years.Here we're talking about a complicated deal that influenced national security all done under Hil's watch at DOS.  These people should be behind bars.

LIBERALISM AND NEO-LIBERALISM: Discussion in 1938 re controlled capitalism. Lippmann conference prior to WWII presaged the development of the Welfare State on steroids.  This argument continues to this day.  Professor Ebeling of The Citadel.  And then there's this contribution from FEE.

KEN BURNS'S VERSION OF VN: All about the Liberals view of the VN war.  VN HISTORY:  Site comes highly recommended by VN veteran.The antidote to Ken Burns.  ON A RELATED PIECE ON BURNS