Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Thursday, September 15, 2015

THE TITLE SHOULD READ "CRAZY TALK AT THE NYT": The Times never disappoints when it comes to promoting confusion among its readers. Such a waste of bird cage lining.  The Times has a point about the subject matter of the debate, but fails toe see this is where the liberal moderators steered the whole largely waste of time and opportunity.  Instead Times takes phrases and sound bites and turns them into philosophical pronouncements by candidates.  Also if the Times doesn't think fences can control population flows, they should send a few reporters to Israel, Hungary, Saudia Arabia, and to Berlin where they offer tours to study the Berlin Wall built by Walter Duranty's communist buddies in 1960 because no one wanted to live in the train wreck East German Republic.

LET THE CLEANUP BEGIN; It will be ugly.


AS USUAL COMMON SENSE: Required reading.

BERNIE BULLSHIT: How different is he from liberals and progressives?