Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

STORY OF A GENIUS (MAD?): Does the Tesla make it? The new model will tell the story.

ROTHBARD, THE GD AND TODAY: Even though he died in 1995 he remains relevant. Pray he's not right, otherwise rocky times ahead.  Liberal historians have confused us about the GD. Hoover,  FDR. New Dealers caused the GD to last 11 unnecessarily long years.  It should have been no more than 2-3.

ORANGE JUMP SUIT TIME? Serious times ahead for Hil who's earnd every bit of it.

HIL AND ALGER, QUITE A COUPLE:  The committee hearings ought be very revealing.

THE TRUMP STORY: In many ways the guys bigger than life. And, he's real.  There's more to Trump than meets the eye.  Last night he eviscerated O'Reilly on the subject of the economy.


BEN CARSON'S GOT IT RIGHT: It all started with The Great Society which was enabled by The New Deal, both created by liberal politicians trolling for votes. Can Democracy work with venal leadership like this???

WHY THE DONALD HAS TRACTION: It's really not that difficult. We're led by very foolish people.

HEAVY STUFF BUT DOES IT ADD UP? Not really sure he doesn't make it more complicated than it is.     Add this to the conversation.

INTERESTING ANALYSIS THAT LEAVES OUT ECONOMICS: There's more to the Trumo phenomenon than immigration. We've got a stagnant economy on the brink of collapse and Dems and Repubs seem to want more of the same, or treat it around the edges.

MY BLOGS OVER THE YEARS CONFIRMS EVERY ONE OF THESE POINTS:The disinformation on this subject is a national disgrace. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Raines, Johnson, and every member of the CBC, plus Barak Obama who received huge contributions from FM while in the Illinois senate, should all serve time for wrecking this economy and many, many lives in the process. The media, most of it, should serve time as well.  This was a bigger fraud and scandal that Teapot Dome, by far.

THE LEFT CAN'T UNDERSTAND HOW MARKETS FUNCTION: They're socialists. If they understood how markets work they'd be capitalists.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015

SYRIAN MESS EXPLAINED:Sykes-Picot agreement 1916 set up this strife.

EISENHOWER MEMORIAL JOKE: There's a reason this memorial has taken so long to get off the ground.

ENVIRONMENTALISM WAS ONCE NOBLE: An insiders story of how it became corrupted by radicals.

APPALLING: This is why almost all wars are the result of Democrat Party softness and lack of resolve.

14th AMENDMENT VIA SOWELL: Always clear thinking this time about sanctuary cities

TRY ARGUING WITH THIS CONCLUSION: C'mon, they guy's a muslim to the core. The rest is fakery. Some choice America.

SOCIALISTS NEVER LEARN: Failure of the BRICKS is a lesson in Austrian economics theory.

TRUMP UNMASKED:  Once you get to the nitty-gritty there's little there there.

RACE RELATIONS: Never been worse and with a black president.

SO WHEN DOES THE BUBBLE BURST?  Probably any moment now and it won't be pretty 'cause there's so many.

PRETTY FUNNY:  He doesn't lack for confidence now, does he?

UNTOLD STORY OF WWII: Kinda makes MacArthur look good in retrospect.

IT'S THE JUDICIARY, STUPID: The D'Souza case represents the sovietization of America. The leverage for the soviets is in the phony patina of legality in what they do. It's all politics all the time.

THE GUY IS HILARIOUS AND UN-PC:  Doesn't mean he'd make a good president, it probably means he wouldn't. It would always be too much about him. Remember silent Cal Coolidge?