Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mohammed Images

This is a really interesting site for those fearful of the Islamic terrorists who cut people's heads off for depicting Mohammed in cartoons or in any way at all.  Turns out that The One has been depicted, going back to his arrival on the scene in the 7th century, literally thousands of times and that one can find these depictions in books stored in libraries all over the world.  Now we have a site that aggregates all these images in one place and for good measure prints the emails from muslims all over the world who stumble on this site and are shocked by what they find.  It appears these goobers have no idea that Mohammed has been depicted so many times and by so many muslim artists, as well.  These people are indeed strange and weird.

ADDED:  An additional Pajamas Media piece has surfaced that provides a surprising insight into the activities of the Coptic Church in Egypt to provide a window into the early lifestyle and beliefs of Muhammed.  The idea here is to point out that The One is not quite the saint his followers proclaim him to be and that those followers owe it to themselves to understand exactly how flawed (perverse) this man was.  Since this attack is coming from the heart of the Muslim world and by a church that has been around since before Muhammed's arrival, there is more than just smoke here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gambling with other peoples money

Cafe Hayek provides a very thorough review and explanation of all the forces at work in the creation of the debt crises/financial meltdown and the consequences of which we now suffer.  This is a loooong piece, but for one looking for the full picture based on the information we now have, this is the place to find it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The SEC suit against GS is fraudulent and Richard Epstein tells us why here.

Tony Blankley adds to the story by pointing out the idiocy of the senators questioning the GS executives over their legal risk meliorating activities with consenting adult companies.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shannon Love and the leftists

There are many blogs out there in internet land.  Every now and then one of them strikes a particularly responsive chord (with me) that just simply rings true and answers some nagging heretofore unanswered question.  Such is the case with Shannon Love's (Chicago Boyz blog) post on the modus vivendi of leftists.  Love argues that leftists' by and large are coming from a position built on lies and that those of us who recognize this should not let them get away with this.  For example a leftist might say Dick Cheney is an evil person.  Rather than dismiss this obvious lie, Love suggest we engage this person and expose the lies that are at the root of this statement.  The comments on Love's argument are as interesting as his post and are worth the read.

Monday, April 26, 2010

17th Amendment discussion continued

The role of the 17th Amendment in the weakening of federalism and strengthening of the federal government was pointed out in the linked article to yesterday's post.  Another article has surfaced here that discusses the role the new financial reform bill being pushed by Chris Dodd and the Democrats will have to strengthen the federal government and the SEIU union in particular, and weaken the states and corporations even further.  Simply put, what Dodd, the Democrats and the unions all want is to consolidate and strengthen their political power, thereby gain more control over corporate policies and cause them to be more responsive to their wishes. How do they do this?  All government pension funds hold corporate stock, and sometimes in large quantities. By federalizing the laws of incorporation unions can now politicize the boards of the corporations through the Democrat Party influence and acquire positions on the boards and thereby influence their policies toward labor, the environment, etc.  As it stands now, investment firms favored with managing union pension funds, are major fund raisers and contributors to Democrat Party lawmakers.  In exchange for all this lucre Democrat Party lawmakers are motivated to see that unions get what they want from corporations which is of course much easier to get now that incorporation laws are politicized and federalized.  This is yet another power grab by the Democrat Party and unions.  Corporations and states should resist this monster vigoruously.  They could start by calling for a repeal of the 17th Amendment.