Monday, April 26, 2010

17th Amendment discussion continued

The role of the 17th Amendment in the weakening of federalism and strengthening of the federal government was pointed out in the linked article to yesterday's post.  Another article has surfaced here that discusses the role the new financial reform bill being pushed by Chris Dodd and the Democrats will have to strengthen the federal government and the SEIU union in particular, and weaken the states and corporations even further.  Simply put, what Dodd, the Democrats and the unions all want is to consolidate and strengthen their political power, thereby gain more control over corporate policies and cause them to be more responsive to their wishes. How do they do this?  All government pension funds hold corporate stock, and sometimes in large quantities. By federalizing the laws of incorporation unions can now politicize the boards of the corporations through the Democrat Party influence and acquire positions on the boards and thereby influence their policies toward labor, the environment, etc.  As it stands now, investment firms favored with managing union pension funds, are major fund raisers and contributors to Democrat Party lawmakers.  In exchange for all this lucre Democrat Party lawmakers are motivated to see that unions get what they want from corporations which is of course much easier to get now that incorporation laws are politicized and federalized.  This is yet another power grab by the Democrat Party and unions.  Corporations and states should resist this monster vigoruously.  They could start by calling for a repeal of the 17th Amendment.

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