Thursday, January 20, 2011

Understanding the politics of the present

To fully understand the crises we now face as a country, Mark Steyn helps with this article in Commentary Magazine.  The crux of the matter is the clash of two divergent political and moral philosophies: collectivism and individualism.  Too much of one results in anarchy and too much of the other results in loss of freedom, self reliance and a sense of the worth of the individual.  In America today these two philosophies are clashing violently and the fault line is the healthcare issue.  The collectivists want government control of healthcare, the individualists want to be in charge of their own healthcare.  Which side wins this battle will likely control the fate of the country in the foreseeable future.  Steyn points to England as the model for where the collectivists want to go and will end up taking us.  He also points to the inevitable and now obvious demise of the strength and "exceptionalism" of the the 19th and 20th century British.  Not much new or exceptional coming out of GB anymore, but now no one goes without equal access to the government run healthcare system.  Over 40% of the population now depends on the government for sustenance.  Is this where we want to go?

And here is another blogger's take on collectivism v. individualism and the consequences of one dominating the other in the manner described by Steyn.