Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday, December 10,2017

CALIFORNIA'S PROBLEMS:Blue state blues on steroids.

PIKETTY IN THE NEWS:He's all about income inequality.

COLLEGE FOR ALL: Definitely not and here's why from this economist.

THE DEEP STATE CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP: Oh what tangled webs we make when once we begin to lie. Or something.

EATING ITS OWN: Campus chaos resembling Jacobins

HIGHER ED BUBBLE COLLAPSE: Inevitable, needed, overdue and deserving. Fraud is always outed in the end.

NET NEUTRALITY: Almost a who cares? discussion, but not quite. It's all about access to information delivered over the internet.  Should internet providers be forced to provide unlimited access to all available information from all sources, or do they have the right to provide what they want to?

UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE DEBATE: What has happened in Taiwan with NHI over several years.


ON THE ORIGIN OF TERM "LIBERAL" IN POLITICS: Very important read to understand the reason for so much confusion. Confusion about how current day "liberals" coopted the word for the confusion purpose and to further their statist, interventionist, socialist aims.  It is all unfortunate.

GOOD COP STORY Mostly cops are maligned. They have a most difficult job.

SOCIALISM'S APOLOGISTS: NYT, point man for the disease of socialism. Socialism is the promoter of hell on earth.  It is supported by intellectuals who cant imagine having to go out into the dirty world of capitalism and actually EARN A LIVING BY SATISFYING THE NEEDS OF OTHERS.  There is nothing that can be done to help these people.

LIVELY DEBATE ON ISRAEL AND PALESTINE.:Cornell West makes no sense. He may be insane. Wel, if you recognize he's really just a buffoon and showman, then he makes sense.

HEATHER MACDONALD ON CRIME:Latest propaganda from the left exposed.