Saturday, October 30, 2010

Two Perspectives on the Looming Election Tsunami

These two articles, here and here, present two reasoned and reasonable perspectives on the coming election this Tuesday and its probable aftermath.  In the first article Pat Cadell and Roger Shoen, two democrat pollsters for a long time, weigh in on why they are so discouraged by the Obama presidency and why he has betrayed true liberals like them with his conduct in the WH.  Essentially they say he has been the most divisive president since Nixon and that he campaigned to be the most inclusive.  It's safe to say this is the view of centrist democrats, which these guys are.  The second article is a particularly enlightening article by WSJ's John Fund.  His subject is Brian Baird, another centrist who represented his district in Washington State for 12 years and is retiring at the age of 56.  Baird has had it withthe rank partisanship in Washington and in particular in his own democrat party.  Baird voted for Obamacare and all the other socialist plans put forth by the dems and proceeds in this article to provide reasons why these were flawed programs in spite of his support for them.  It pretty much sounds like he was pressured by unions and one wonders if he just caved and then decided to retire after having second thoughts.  He sounds like a reasonable sort but his vote for those programs in spite of their flaws makes one wonder if he has a backbone.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Inflation or Deflation?

Seems as though the question for investors is always will there be inflation or deflation as a result of various government policy moves?  From the grave Milton Freidman weighs in here on the subject.  He was what they call a monetarist which I believe means he considered the amount of money available in the system determined whether we experienced price stability and ultimately inflation or deflation.  This article is not a bad primer on the Freidman theory of money supply and its effect on the economy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Byproduct of Obamacare

Reading this WSJ article, Big Insurance, Big Medicine, one gets a sense of how complicated the healthcare industry is and how it is being impacted, adversely, by Obamacare.  All sorts of consolidations are now going on as providers and insurers position themselves for the future under this nightmarish bureaucratic tsunami that is now descending on them.    This article clarifies some of the issues but doesn't really touch on one of the major ones to most people, what happens to the quality of healthcare once the docs are all salaried government types.  It seems the experiments in Canada and GB indicate that under government auspices the docs no longer have the same incentives to innovate and improve healthcare delivery from the consumer's perspective.  While reforms are necessary all over the place in the industry, one wants to take care not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The real reason for the Meltdown

NakedEmperorNews | September 17, 2008
Explosive CEO calling Obama and Dems the "Family" "Conscience"...

Highest Rated Comments

  • Obama stinks.
  • @pointdan They are ALL LIARS and THIEVES. Not just Dems, all of them.
    Don't play left vs. right. Play the haves vs have-nots.
    The "haves" have successfully divided this country. All the while, they are laughing themselves to the bank (which they own).
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  • Another wealth transfer, this time from the taxpayer to Fannie Mae and then to the poor. Oh, but the Fannie Mae executives earn millions - also from the taxpayers (because, after all, the taxpayer keeps bailing Fannie and Freddy out.)
  • @tickyul - the saying that Nature abhors a vacume comes to mind, when you mention disolving. I am of the opinion, that our 2 party system is nearing extinction. It did in the UK, and they are working together now, or trying to. It seems to me, that we will, and can bridge the gap to a truely online populace. That is, the people will be so connected that a representitive government will become obsolete. We will vote everything in our out by a referendum ab omnibus. (by everyone).
  • @pjamesbda This failed country has a huge bunch of supporters of the status-quo, that includes Republirats, do not be fooled by their Tea Party huffing and puffing. There is about a 1 in a million chance of true reform for this dysfunctional society, doing away with things like welfare and Baby Momma payments will not happen, if attempted you would see the wimpy Republirats rear their heads. Also, any attempt to slash bennies would be met with lawsuits from here to Mars. We will just devolve.
  • well all i can say is fuck all the white girls that think they are black and were pregnant by the age of 12 and are now on welfare with 5 fatherless kids that voted for obama sin laden the worst president of all times this shows me exactly why woman and blacks should not be involved in american politics.
  • What do you people expect from a government that sent the FBI ATF TANKS You name it !! to a church to burn everyone out JUST TO GET A GUY OVER A GUN VIOLATION. Hell,,sooner or later he would've had to go get a haircut or something THEN YOU GRAB HIM. OH NO,,not out government. IT'S A WONDER THEY DIDN'T SEND IN THE MARINES.
  • Where's TIMOTHY McVEIGH when we really need him. He bombed the WRONG BUILDING. The one with the LARGE ROUND DOME in Washington needed it more than that FBI building.
  • @THEMOJOMANsince1959 No. I didn't do it. Should we have to feel bad for what somebody else did? Fuck no. I'm a white German and I do not hate blacks or jews, fancy that? Frankly, I think what whites SHOULD do is make it CLEAR that we aren't racist (which I do) but making it clear we aren't racist does not entail ass kissing, and it does not entail reverse racism being "ok". Black caucus? Black history month? What a fucking joke. If we are all equal, where's the white history month? :)
  • Just remember, FANNIE & FREDDIE are creations of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY! Their top people - all DEMOCRAT INSIDERS - made 10s of MILLIONS of DOLLARS authorizing lending policies that virtually guaranteed default.
    And then, the scum that 53% of Americans voted for, said it was "a failure of Capitalism." An out and out LIE and yet the Jew-dominated (according to Jew Oliver Stone) media continues perpetuating this lie!
  • Racism is 99% on blacks, Not whites.
    Blacks Ignore All the Bad stuff obammie has done with his Leftist congress and Commie Czars!
    Actually Most Blacks Only get Left-leaning News, so Few know what is Really happening.
    Congressional Black Caucus supports Racist Louis Farrakhan and Black Panther radicals.
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