Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

THIS BIRD'S ANOTHER WALTER DURANTY Hard to imagine what goes on in the mind of this self proclaimed conservative, but for sure he is no conservative.

JUST ANOTHER LIB LIAR Fournier, Williams, Clintons, Rather, Cronkite, the list of lefty liars is long and sickening.

THE RECORD OF INFAMY NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED; HERE'S A START American public has been gulled far too long.

IDENTITY POLITICS INDEED http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/brendan-oneill/2015/02/identity-politics-has-created-an-army-of-vicious-narcissists/

HERE'S FOOD FOR THOUGHT Marbury vs Madison was a SC decision empowering judicial review.

CORRUPTION IS WHAT CORRUPTION DOES Are there two more corrupt people in or out of the public eye than the Clintons?  Perhaps GH Bush's greatest failure was allowing a two bit grifter-politician from a corrupt state to take the Presidency away from him without a real fight.  That failure allowed Osama bin Laden to prosper and take down the Twin Towers in NYC, contributed directly the 2007-8 financial crackup, and an egregious debasement of the culture which goes on to today.  Put unserious and corrupted individuals in charge of the state and you're apt to get a bad result.  To think of Hillary Clinton becoming POTUS is mind-boggling.  But why not?  The public discourse has been dumbed down and degraded to the point we've recently elected the least qualified person ever to the job not only once but TWO times.  There is no explanation for all this nonsense other than we, as a nation, have devolved into a third world mind-set wherein demagogues rule by fiat and by appealing to the basest instincts of the most ignorant among us.  With the advent of  de facto open borders immigration, thoroughly debased union driven public schools, and a political class who openly and enthusiastically buys votes enabled by a banking system that creates money out of thin air, how does all this end up well?

LET MUSLIMS DEFEND ISLAMIC EXTREMISM  Why is Obama the none to defend the faith. Is he a Muslim-Ilamic scholar or something?

FOURNIER'S THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE SHUNNED  Fournier is a typical lefty who condemns what he preaches and doesn't admit it. He's so far gone he may not even know how ridiculous he appears to rational people.

RUDY'S ATTACK ON OBAMA'S PATRIOTISM: Technically it wasn't an "attack" but rather a statement of the understanding of many, many people who bothered to inform themselvesbefor the election of 2007 and since. Holden Cauldfield indeed.