Monday, May 14, 2012

Teacher's unions, again

Anyone interested in the public school education of their children, this article is a must read..  The very left wing teacher's unions are dragging down our country in more than one way.  Not only are  they forestalling needed reforms in the teaching profession, but they are bankrupting governments at several levels.  The sooner these debilitating and retrogressive unions are dismantled and sent to the dustbin of history, the sooner children's education will begin to meet performance standards of Japan and the other advanced asian countries.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

There's been a lot of talk lately about the higher education "bubble".  Glenn Reynolds, among others has been on this case for several years now.  Shortly after Richard Levin and maybe a year or so after son John matriculated at Yale in 1990, I wrote Levin a two page letter questioning the cost (the about $42,000/yr) of a year at Yale and suggested one of the reasons was the comparative size of the course curriculum catalogue -- at least two-times thicker -- between my years at Yale ('54-'58) and John's.  Levin wrote back in a lengthy letter that a world class university must keep up with expanding knowledge and for that reason Yale must continue to offer an expanding number of courses and fields of study.  Somewhere along the way in an office move I lost that letter which I would dearly love to read again in light of this post from Powerline today.

Greatest movie line of all time