Friday, December 25, 2009

Healthcare via the free market

Many solutions have been offered by way of solving the problem presented by our current healthcare system but none are better stated and argued than this one here

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Liberal way of thought -- PTS

The liberal mindset, logic and willingness to rewrite and manipulate history to fit a narrative is on display here, with Frank Rich's latest column in the NYT.  Leaving aside Mr. Rich's main theme that Tiger Woods's "deception" is but one in a decade long series deceptions produced by many business and a few political leaders, we are presented with Rich's Mother of all deceptions, those (guess who) who engineered the "predetermined march" into the unnecessary Iraq War.   What's wonderful about Mr. Rich's world is that he never has to make a life or death decision affecting the safety of others.  His decisions are what story to write today, and what facts to use and leave out of the story in order to fit the narrative he's pushing.  Incredibly, in today.s column during the discussion of the run up to the "fiasco" of the Iraq war there is no mention of:  the 9/11 attack by radical muslims and the death of 3,000 souls on American soil,  the 17 resolutions of the UN Security Council ignored by Sadam Hussein,  the ejection by Sadam of the UN inspectors looking for WMD (especially atomic weapons),  the prior use of WMD by Sadam on his own people (Kurds),  the use of WMD on the Iranians, Sadam's aggression against both the Iranians and the Kuwatis, and finally the use of torture and terrorism by his sons and his private police to keep the Iraqis subjugated.  Instead we are told that there were those (Obama among them) who made arguments (not provided) in opposition to the war from the get go but who were not heeded.  So?  Those people are right in their own eyes and in the eyes of those who then and now may believe as they do.  That's all.  The rest of us continue to believe, for those reasons given and others, that the Iraq War rid the world of one very evil regime that sooner or later would wreak major havoc on the world, havoc that could make 9/11 pale by comparison.  But again, in Mr. Rich's world, no one has to worry about anyone else's safety, just what the narrative of the day is.  Nice work.  Just not real work.