AGAIN THOMAS SOWELL CUTS TO THE CHASE:Until the racist, race mongers, Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, and the Democrat Party are driven from the public square, there will be no improvement in race relations in this country in the future.
WHEN WILL IT CHANGE?Probably won't, because some people are hard-wired to get it wrong and, they are born fools.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
ROOT OF RACISM: This item reflects the poisonous atmosphere in this country fostered by the race hustlers Jackson and Sharpton as well as the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Eric Holder and chief hustler of all, B. Obama. It is safe to say race relations have never been worse in this country since the 1960's and what's more the plight of the blacks has probably never been worse n the same time frame. Generations of blacks have been alienated from the larger community by all these people and groups living high on the hog by stirring racial animosity and what's worse, getting away with it all largely because of "white guilt". Eric Holder said we are a nation of "cowards" because we won't confront racism, or at least have a discussion about it. Wrong. We are a nation of cowards because we are afraid to have a discussion about racism knowing it will lead to finger pointing and accusations by the black leadership in order to push their agenda of black dependency on government programs, largess and payoffs to them that whites are repressing blacks. Unfortunately the well of good will has been poisoned to the point there is no future in open discussions on this subject between whites and blacks. Blacks have refused to take responsibility for the collapse of the black family unit, have shown no willingness to educate themselves and all the rest associated with a dysfunctional racial minority. They should take a hard look at the success of Asian minorities to see how it's done. The black race in this country, with many individual exceptions, is a failed minority with little or no prospects for the future. Meanwhile they are causing most of the dysfunction in the larger society by constant claims of racism as an excuse for their failure.
Brian Anderson, April 18, 2014 | 583 comments
Jesse Jackson Finally Makes A Statement About White Motorist Beating

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2014
The greatest conspiracy in world history is being carried out by the real-life “Manchurian Candidate”: President Barack Obama.
My definition of a “Manchurian Candidate” is a person who hates everything America stands for and whose goal is to win the presidency for the express purpose of destroying the greatest nation, the greatest economic system, and the greatest middle class in world history. That, my friends, describes Obama. I’m not basing it on rumors or innuendo. I’m basing it on the facts.
I know liberals hate facts, but bear with me. So here are a few, which I lay out more fully in my new book, The Murder of the Middle Class:
China is set to pass the United States as the world’s largest economy (based on consumer spending). This year. It will be the first time since 1872 that America has not been the number 1 economy in world.
For the first time in history America’s middle class isn’t the richest in the world. Canada’s middle class has passed us.
For the first time in American history more businesses are closing each day than they are starting.
More Americans now receive entitlements than work full-time.
There are now 70 percent more Americans collecting entitlement checks than working in the private sector (148 million “takers” vs. 86 million “makers”).
The average full-time male employee now earns less (adjusted for inflation) than he did forty years ago.
Twenty percent of U.S. families don’t have a single member who is employed.
The number of working age Americans without a job increased by about ten million in Obama’s first five years as president. Every year of Obama’s presidency, two million more Americans disappeared from the workforce.
Sixty percent of the jobs lost were middle-class jobs. But only 22 percent of the new jobs are middle-class jobs with decent wages.
America’s second-largest employer is a temp agency.
Seventy percent of Americans believe we are still in the middle of the economic crisis or that the worst is yet to come.
If Obama isn’t the Manchurian Candidate, he certainly plays the part well. Consider the evidence:
Who trades five jihadist mass murderers for one deserter?
Who releases 36,000 illegal alien felons into the population?
Who slows deportations of illegal alien youth, thereby convincing tens of thousands more to cross our border illegally and create a massive crisis?
Who advertises U.S. food stamps in Mexico for illegal aliens?
Who proposes 442 new taxes in only six years?
Who adds $7 trillion in new debt in only six years?
Who strangles business with tens of thousands of new regulations and adds thousands of dollars to middle-class American’s energy bills?
Who promises “your health premiums will go down, and if you like your insurance, you can keep it?”—knowing all the while that up to 80 percent of small business employees will lose their insurance, as will up to 60 percent of all employees, and that health insurance premiums will skyrocket?
Who uses NSA to spy on the conversations of ordinary Americans?
Who uses the IRS to attack political opponents, while turning a blind eye to illegal aliens getting billions of dollars in fraudulent tax credits?
Who spends $300 million on mortgages for Palestinians while allowing vets to die on phantom waiting lists for a doctor?
Who orders the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to sue American companies for demanding English as the language of the workplace?
Who bans Christmas cards from veterans’ hospitals if the word “God” is included?
Who bans the word “Christmas” from military bases?
Who demands Miranda rights be extended to a mass-murdering Jihadist but allows a heroic U.S. Marine to be tortured in a Mexican prison?
Obama may have been born in America, but his thinking and actions are un-American.
Yes my fellow patriotic Americans, I’m sad to report we have a “Manchurian Candidate” president.
Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new book The Murder of the Middle Class: How to Save Yourself and Your Family From the Criminal Conspiracy of the Century, as well as The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Sunday July 13, 2014
YES, BUT THE QUESTION IS HOW'D THEY GET THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE:There's clearly a lack of understanding of the subject of economics.
IT'S ALL ABOUT DEMOGRAPHICS This is all about nuclear families and property rights and freedom.
WMD, DEMS ARE LOSING THEIR MOST USED ANTI BUSH WHIPPING BOY: This article didn't even discuss the WMD found all over Syria. Plus , Saddam Hussein was the biggest WMD of all Go Bush.
IT'S ALL ABOUT DEMOGRAPHICS This is all about nuclear families and property rights and freedom.
WMD, DEMS ARE LOSING THEIR MOST USED ANTI BUSH WHIPPING BOY: This article didn't even discuss the WMD found all over Syria. Plus , Saddam Hussein was the biggest WMD of all Go Bush.
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DENISH D'SOUZA'S NEW MOVIE A HOMERUN: D'Souza exposed Obama as a fraud in one movie, now exposes the left as a fraud in another.