Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016

WHY BREXIT HAPPENED: It happened because we're becoming an extractive economy and a lot of people don't like it.

WHY WE'RE DOOMED:Not only is this meeting inconceivable on its face, it's the height of political corruption and malfeasance. And it's exactly what you get when your political system produces "leaders" like the Clintons.  They are the equivalent of Mobutu and all the other African country leaders who come to power by corrupting the system and suppressing the oppositions votes so that the are "elected" time and again by the people's will.  It's all a farce.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION THRIVES: And the result will be steady corrosion of schools and institutions. The evidence of the bad effects of this ridiculous, unAmerican policy are manifold and yet the beat goes on.  Justice Breyer is a squishy liberal who occasionally sides with conservatives when he doesn't want to look absolutely unhinged and foolish.

DEMOCRATS SURVIVE ON FRAUD: Can this be corrected as long as we are victims of Democrat PC culture? The answer is no and the reason is the Dems live for, thrive and prosper on state dole.  It provides them jobs, money, power and votes to perpetrate their manifold schemes to fleece the system and keep the good times rolling.  Hard to see how to overcome this scheme because for the most part Republicans are too busy being productive and too afraid of being called "racist".  The Dems have the perfect racket.

HOW GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR ALL:ESPECIALLY if you are one of the "ins" and are black.  The Obama years have been transformational in many ways.  They have perfected crony capitalism.  Watch this business in the future.  Meanwhile can anyone explain why the government should be in the business of making loans to everyone in order that they can get college degrees and then go on some form of the dole by most likely working for the government?

CBS AIDS AND ABETS OBAMA:hTheir handling of news should be required study at journalism schools everywhere.

A DEMOCRAT, WHAT'D YOU EXPECT?: Thomas Pickering is a political hack, a corrupt front man for Democrats who have something to hide. He's been around for decades and is the reason, among others, why the system needs to be blown up.

ONCE MORE YALE IN THE NEWS:All this stuff is enough to make one question the value of "diversity" at least as it is chronically stuffed down our throats by administrators at liberal arts school.