Thursday, October 4, 2012

Revealing editorial from the NYTimes

Reading this editorial from the NYTimes, one realizes how far liberals have sunk into the world of make-believe, fantasy and the most virulently destructive philosophies of the 20th century.  It is inconceivable that anyone could take seriously the arguments in this editorial that claim Romney is flip flopping, changing his basic positions on issues and/or lying.  And yet the libs who run that paper make all these claims and only fault Obama for not taking Romney to task for all this dissembling.  In truth everything Romney said rebutting the Obama campaign's serial distortions of the Romney/Ryan campaign positions is consistent with the platform put forth at the Republican Convention in Tampa last month.  Smaller government, strong defense, lower taxes to stimulate economic growth, elimination of socialized healthcare and regulations that stymy business activity that creates jobs and opportunity for those willing to put forth the effort.  But since none of these prescriptions for success involves controlling other people's lives that the liberal elites prefer, they are forced to resort to these mindless attacks on conservatives' lack of specificity in matters of policies of their agenda.  Which is exactly the point.  Liberals want 3,000 page bills that control every conceivable contingency concerning the delivery of healthcare services.  They want regulations that control all aspects of businesses trying to serve consumer needs and wishes.  They want total control over citizens' lives in order that their vision of the correct society can be achieved.  In the end their proscriptions for society are the same as those of the National Socialism of the Germans,  the Fascism of Mussolini, and the Marxist utopia of the USSR, and we all know how well those isms turned out.  In short, Republicans want maximum freedom for the individual while Democrats want maximum control of each individual's life by the state.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Odds and ends

If anyone needs proof that the so-called MSM media is hugely biased to the Democrats, read thisAl Gore versus "2016".

This explanation of the madmen we see  rioting over perceived 'insults' in the Middle East all the time is quite timely considering the election and chaos in the M.E at this very moment:Why Arabs are so Easily Offended

This book is not only easy to read but is deadly accurate.  It should be read by everyone in the country as a warning to beware of anyone who ever says "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.""Crazifornia: How California is Committing Suicide"

For those who do not understand capitalism and free enterprise and how this country became wealthy, lead this brief by Theodore Daylremple: "What is Entrepreneurship?""