Saturday, December 10, 2011

Eric Holder Lies -- what else is news?

On display in this Washington Times article is Eric Holder's ability to lie with a straight face before a Congressional committee.  It seems liberals simply lie as a matter of course and probably don't even recognize they are engaged in prevaricating.  To lie is imprinted in the liberal's DNA, much as it is in the communist's DNA, or the Muslim's DNA as expressed in Taqiya, their justification for lying.   (Lying is allowed, as stated in Islamic doctrine, when a believer (Muslim) is speaking to a non-believer (non-Muslim) for the purpose of achieving his goal, the advancement of Islam. When this convenient tool is utilized by a Muslim in speaking to the non-Muslim, it is especially effective in promoting acceptance of Islam.)
For Holder to testify that under his leadership DOJ does not hire on the basis of any criteria other than experience is to lie egregiously,  per all the examples provided in this article.  How can any moral person take any of these people at their word, ever, on any subject??   Members of of the Republican Party on any committee should insist that all those who testify before them take lie detector tests on their answers.  Sure it would take a lot of time, but better that than sitting there listening to lie after lie after lie, meeting after meeting.  It's disgusting and what's worse, their testimony is a waste of taxpayers money, since they never tell the truth.

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