Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The left's mantra

In his column today, David Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh's brother, succinctly presents the liberal "position" on various matters, likening those stands to those of the leaders of various government ministries in George Orwell's  "1984"  in which they always meant the opposite of what they proposed to the public.  Limbaugh's got it exactly right. Since liberals know that the majority do not buy their line, in public they propose the exact opposite of what they intend to do.  Example: Obama will talk about cutting taxes in order to provide incentives for job creators on the one hand, while working with Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy  (as if the wealthy were not the job creators).  This is the way it has always gone with liberals.  They have to lie, dissemble, confuse, obfuscate and deceive the electorate in order to promote their programs and "solutions".  Unfortunately, the busy and hard working public doesn't engage all that much in the political dialogue going on, while those who benefit from those liberal deceptions do -- the predictable result is a lot of bad laws and regulations that twist and distort the economy and cause the kinds of problems of debt and loss of freedoms we are now experiencing.  The warning:  Whenever a liberal politicians proposes something that seems to make sense, know that they mean the opposite.  Here's the way Limbaugh presents this reality:

The left's Ministry of Truth, with the full-throated support of the "unbiased" mainstream media, has given us such Orwellian originals as "pro-choice" while suing an 80-year-old prayer-warrior for standing outside Planned Parenthood's abortion factory to share important information with pregnant mothers to help them make a fully informed choice. The ministry seeks to shut down conservative talk radio, with the "Fairness Doctrine." It forbids private ballots for employees to vote anonymously on union membership for the purpose of intimidating them to join -- in the name of the "Employee Free Choice Act." It boasts of "budget cuts" when it slightly reduces the rate of increases in spending. It calls the budget-busting Obamacare legislation the "Affordable Care Act." It calls a bill that would further expand unemployment a "jobs bill." It fabricates and manipulates a consensus on "climate change" and ostracizes dissenters as science-averse. (In Oceania, science had "almost ceased to exist.") It conspires with its Ministry of Tolerance to describe political dissent from its effort to legalize homosexual marriage as "hate" and to brand political conservatism as "racism." While the rapacious Obama administration recklessly squanders our national wealth in its lust for power, its ministries of Plenty and Bipartisanship vilify the wealthy -- who are paying a disproportionate share of taxes -- for not paying their fair share. The Ministry of Plenty, while presiding over the destruction of the private sector, castigates job creators for hoarding all the wealth.

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