Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday, December 10,2017

CALIFORNIA'S PROBLEMS:Blue state blues on steroids.

PIKETTY IN THE NEWS:He's all about income inequality.

COLLEGE FOR ALL: Definitely not and here's why from this economist.

THE DEEP STATE CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP: Oh what tangled webs we make when once we begin to lie. Or something.

EATING ITS OWN: Campus chaos resembling Jacobins

HIGHER ED BUBBLE COLLAPSE: Inevitable, needed, overdue and deserving. Fraud is always outed in the end.

NET NEUTRALITY: Almost a who cares? discussion, but not quite. It's all about access to information delivered over the internet.  Should internet providers be forced to provide unlimited access to all available information from all sources, or do they have the right to provide what they want to?

UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE DEBATE: What has happened in Taiwan with NHI over several years.


ON THE ORIGIN OF TERM "LIBERAL" IN POLITICS: Very important read to understand the reason for so much confusion. Confusion about how current day "liberals" coopted the word for the confusion purpose and to further their statist, interventionist, socialist aims.  It is all unfortunate.

GOOD COP STORY Mostly cops are maligned. They have a most difficult job.

SOCIALISM'S APOLOGISTS: NYT, point man for the disease of socialism. Socialism is the promoter of hell on earth.  It is supported by intellectuals who cant imagine having to go out into the dirty world of capitalism and actually EARN A LIVING BY SATISFYING THE NEEDS OF OTHERS.  There is nothing that can be done to help these people.

LIVELY DEBATE ON ISRAEL AND PALESTINE.:Cornell West makes no sense. He may be insane. Wel, if you recognize he's really just a buffoon and showman, then he makes sense.

HEATHER MACDONALD ON CRIME:Latest propaganda from the left exposed.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday, December 4, 2017

TRUMP ADMINISTRATION STAR: Mike Mulvaney gets it! As apparant from his remarks Mulvaney understands the role of government and capitalism.  I'm sure if he had his way, this government created monstrosity would disappear overnight because it is the very essence of government meddling in the economy that makes matters worse.  As for the Wells Fargo debacle he mentioned -- that this agency did not see coming or do anything to prevent -- the answer lies with the absence of consumer diligence.  Same thing occurred at Citibank with me.  As soon as I saw the additional monthly charge of $30 appear on my monthly statement I cancelled my 40 year relationship with the bank and opened an account at another bank.  Consumers must take responsibility for themselves when it comes to functioning in the free market economy, period.

FOLLOW THE EVIDENCE: The fraudulent Mueller investigation goes on and on. Point being that this entire investigation is trumped up by the Deep State.  Never should have happened in the first place.  TUCKER CARLSON EXPLAINS STROZK ROLE IN MUELLER INVESTIGATION: This addition to the Trump collusion story that won't gom away because it promotes the left's causes.

SALEM WITCHHUNT:It's out of control.

PLAY BY THE RULES, WHO ME: FBI makes up the rules on the fly.. Hard to comprehend how corrupt the institutions of government have become.  Or, is it possible they've always been corrupt?  There's plenty rotten in the state of Denmark.  Here's a prediction: nothing will come of it especially if they (media, gov't agencies) can keep Trump on the defensive. Lock'em all up.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

WHERE'S THIS PROFESSOR BEEN?: Clone him is right, as one commenter said. This is a devastating indictment of faux education now going on at universities around the country.  Theyn have been taken over by the PC crowd promoted by inviodious programs like AA and TitleIX, Pell grants (which promote universal college education plus debt to the state) and so forth.  It really has destroyed these schools.  I no longer see any justification for a liberal arts, as currently constituted, education.  Want to know why so many college students, and college bound students, voted Bernie Sanders?  Look no further than this professor's rant.  College students are no longer taught how to evaluate what they read and "learn" from their professors.  They are, as the professor notes, indoctrinated exactly like the unfortunate citizens of the former USSR were for nearly 80 years until liberated around 1990.  The virus of Lennenism has found its way into our education system.

DEPTH OF CORRUPTION IS DEEP: They will never be held accountable because.....Because the media is corrupt, the very media that the founding fathers promotd and gave special protection and rights beause it was their belief that a democracy required an informed public.  Instead we now have a media that is one-sidedly partisan and that selectively covers news to protect and enhance te prospects of their side.  This is why every by-lined story should contain the most recent voting by authors as well as their education background and major in school.  That way there's at least a little context for the slant taken in the article.  Finally there must be a way to hold media companies accountable for ntheir selective approach toncovering the "news", although I can't think of a way at this point.

POVs  BASED ON NEWS SOURCES: Clearly fake news sites are the reason for bad race relations. This is a really serious problem and won't be solved until the fake news sites realize they are not producing unbiased, fact-based news.  The worst offenders are NBC and CNN, but there are plenty more.  How about an open forum debate between news producers from these sites, both left and right, fake and straight?

POWERFUL INDICTMENT OF SOCIALIST CALIFORNIA:It is a state in declined rivaling, for ejemplo, Illinois.  Great comments section particularly one Aesop.

TWITTER AND TRUMP: Yes, yes, and yes! Go Trump. MAGA.   He brings out the inner liberal in all the faux vonservatives which is a vital step in draining the swamy.  Must identify its

QUOTE THAT SAYS IT ALL:Every now and then the mask slips. Especially those members of congress who are in protected, or gerrymandered districts and can thereby get away with anything since all votes for them are bought with government largess.  CBC is an example.  I believe the CBC has about 35 members who meet to determin how to keep their scams going legqally, of course!

RED DIAPER BABY:A STORY ABOUT DAVID MARINESS's coverup for Bartak Obama's relationship with communist Frank Davis while a youth.

AESOP'S FABLES:Free from library of Congress.

WHAT'S NEXT:Clinton corruption writ large, very large. Drain the swamp.  By bringing out the inner liberal in the Bill Kristls of the world, he's identifying those icky creatures that inhabit the swamp.


SANCTUARY CITIES POLICY EXPOSED: Redoubtable Heather MacDonald explains. There is no one in the country who knows and understands more about this subject than Heather MacDonald.  God Bless her for the really hard work she does to expose this sham for what it is.

WOW! NO WONDER THESE GUYS ARE SO TOUGH: Navy seals are one tough bunch of dudes.

IT WOULD HELP IF THE MEDIA WERE SHAMED: THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Because they are too far gone to shame.  Every bylined reporter should have to state after his name, his political affiliation and voting record over the past 5 years.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Saturday, November 19, 2017

CLEAR STATEMENT OF CONSERVATIVE VALUES: It happens now and again that someone says it all unambiguously. 

MILITARY VIRTUE SIGNALling: General goes on a racial rant without the facts: Don't think I'd like to be court-marshaled by this guy's military court.  Recently heard a speech by a retired admiral of the navy who told the audience that he would not be willing to send his child into harm's way given the current state of the military leadership.

REPEAL 17TH AMENDMENT: Solve many problems.

THE CLINTON DEBACLE REVISITED: Brilliant analysis of Clinton's abuse of women and office. And to add to the distress of all those who dismissed Clinton's sexual adventures in office, and the effect it had on the moral turpitude of the feminist who supported him and his activities, there's THIS.

MORE ON OBAMA'S PERFIDY: Any sentient person knew this. As long as the media suppressed the story he was covered.  I just don't understand how these media people sleep at night knowing they are suppressing important developments and information/

UNUSUALLY PRO AMERICA VIDEO: From a black immigrant professor who takes on the naysayers.  Lefties won't like this guy.


CONRAD BLACK DESTROYS HILLARYS' EXCUSES: One by one. Until she's nothing but a blob of quivering mass, thoroughly destroyed once and for all.  She and her worthless husband managed to fool a bunch of fools for a long time.  Unfortunately, they probably remain fooled but the rest of us do not.  This "power couple" created enough mayhem in the American culture and body politic to last several lifetimes.  Like proverbial roaches, they seemingly cannot be killed.  But at least it's all now on the record, in one place.

THE COST OF ENTERTAINMENT VIA NFL: Taxes and stuff are for the little people. Like me! This rip off has been going on since the inception of the NFL.  Most overlook it for the entertainment value of the product.  But, it is invidious and should be corrected. It is a version of crony capitalism where one person or class of people is favored by the government at the expense of another.  That annual spiff to billionaire owners of 10 billion or so has to be made up by others, like the common folk.  This example of crony capitalism ought to be taught in economics classes as an example of how far we have departed from real capitalism and its benefits.

WHY SO MYSTERIOUS?: The trouble with O's past is we never get a straight answer from anyone, especially O.  And so the speculation continues.  For example, why doesn't he simply state for the record what his source of financing of his schooling was throughout his career and provide just a modicum of proof? Why does O seal his grades throughout his academic career?   Instead, we get vague assertions from him, his wife or a spokesperson referring to someone else, this or that.  Probably wouldn't solve the problem since we know he's a renown liar and simply cannot be trusted.   Much like the Clintons, these people who come out of a weird background, mysterious or strange, there's no way of coming to grips with the influences in their past, which, in and of itself, promotes speculation.  In a Democracy, the people are entitled to all the knowledge about the candidates past in order to judge his/her fitness for high office.  This is a basic requirement and should not be hidden by candidates.

THE FALL OF EUROPE: They've given up Christianity in Europe and Islam is rampant. This would largely be the result of indifference.  What Europeans don't get is Islam is not a religion as much asEuropeans awake to this fact, it just may be too late to recover and heads will roll.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

SHAMEFUL UNEQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW:  Hard to believe this partisan activity is going on under a Republican Administration. I mean if they, Republicans, can't get control of their own administration, how the heck can they expect to govern a country.  Supposedly this investigation is bi-partisan.  Suh a joke.  McCarthy exposes all.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN ACTION: Ours is no longer a meritocracy. And the result is exactly what the judge predicted: an apartheid society in which the whites are the oppressors and others the oppressed.  What a surprise.

TWO UNEQUALLY CONDUCTED INVESTIGATIONS: Shameful disparity! History should not look favorably on the players here.

WHAT'S WRONG AT COLLEGES TODAY: Runaway technology and administrators/. They have become employment factories for the administrative/industrial complex.

VOCATIONAL TRAINING: This would probably take care of many "students" at colleges too

ANTI TRUMPISM: It's not what he's accomplished, but that he didn't have their approval initially. The antitrumpsters are eating much crow these days however they remain committed to opposing because, well just because.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

AS VDH SEES TRUMP: He may be too kind toward the democrats. Because they are in their heart of hearts nothing more than fascists who want to tell the rest of us what to think and how to act.

DEMS IN TROUBLE:  Seems as though this bs investigation is going to unearth some real corruption after all.

ANOTHER RUSSIAGATE TIMELINE: Interesting to see if this TL is accurate.

EXHAUSTIVE ARTICLE ABOUT SACKLERS AND OPIODS: Some well-researched piece and ill-gotten wealth.

THE REAL VIETNAM STORY: Professor Hill deconstructs Ken Burns' TV extravaganza.No question Burns is a committed leftist.

SOCIALIZED MEDICINE??: Wonder what Cousin John would say about this drivel.

THIS SCREED COST THE DEMS DEARLY: The liberal media simply does not get it. And they are paying a very big price.  Liberal policies only work for so long.  In the end, as Margaret Thatcher said "eventually they run out of other people's money".  At that point borrowing and heavy taxation and the like kick in and they economies slow down to a crawl making everyone unhappy.

INTERESTING READ??:Hard to know from this review, still??.

ANOTHER STALIN HISTORY:Long and tedious(?) but with new interpretations?

ALGORE ANSWERYOUR PHONE: More fake news this time on co2 emissions.

MORE ON KEN BURNS' VN: The beat goes on with the liberals.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

NOW GW IS  UNDER FIRE:This happens when you politicize everything. But the deeper meaning is that the radical left in this country is doing what revolutionaries always do, usually when they are in power.  They are destroying the symbols and artifacts that have any meaning to the followers of the old order.  In this way there is no way anyone can rally around a flag or whatever and develop a following to resist the new order.  French revolutionaries eliminated all the monasteries after 1889 and killed many aristocrats, themselves symbols of the old order.. The Soviets did the same by looting the treasures, gold and artifacts of the Russian Orthodox Church after they came to power, and they, too, killed Czar Nicholas and his entire family  as well as thousands of aristocrats.

USUAL DEM PERFIDY: Demi support highly regressive tax system Trump want to eliminate/. Hypocrisy on display once again.

RIGHT WING TAKE ON COLLUSION: We"re about to see how accurate this author is. AND THIS ADDENDUM:.Brief look at Manafort indictment, Here is Levin's take on the indictment:Points out Mueller's oversight of Manafort early on. This is an audio segment in which Levin accuses Mueller, of colluding to bring down a sitting president arguing because there is simply NO crime here whatsoever.  It's all being made up.

FUSION OPERATION TAKEN DOWN: Bunch of former newsmen out to get rich: Nothing wrong with getting rich but there is something wrong about doing it fraudulently.  Clearly, these guys are "newsmen" for hire and shape the "news" to suit the client.  This is why Free Beacon is in so much trouble now.  Anything this organization reports or has reported is toxic.  This is all part of the absence of standards and morality, for that matter, in the news business.  Very sad.nAND HOW IT'S SPUN BY  NYT: We'll see how this stands up after some dust settles.  AND MARK STEYN MAKES HIS ASTUTE CONTRIBUTION: This the web of all webs. Somebody in the old government should go to jail. Preferably Hilary.IMPORTANT TIMELINES FROM CLARICE: Ties it all together nicely.

HOW ABOUT THIS: Q CONSERVATIVE SPONSORED FILM:Apparently backed in part by Sean Hannity.  This could be interesting.  Reviewed here by Roger Simon.

OVER THE TOP? MAYBE. MAYBE NOT: Time will tell however I wouldn't bet on it. Yes Frontpage magazine is hard right.  That's because its founder was once a communist, saw the light, and decided to devote his life to exposing its evil and destructive nature.

YALE IN THE NEWS, AGAIN: How about something positive once in a while. I'd like to see the racial composition on those classes on African poetry,

ON POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: If it offends, you must bend. Or something.  The question is who gets to decide what offends whom?  This never-ending issue is stupid, contentious and unnecessary.  As long as the PC government insists people identify by skin color in the case of whites and blacks (you see it on forms all the time) then why not identify people from the Asian continent by skin color?  So their standards are flexible and ever-changing, what's more, are inconsistent and frustrating.

OBAMA DEFINED AND DISSECTED:Almost perfect description of Obama and the obama years and not only because nothing's perfect. A wonderful paean to the American people and life in this country.  Truly wonderful.

THE REDOUBTABLE MOLLIE HEMMINGWAY EXPLAINS FUSION/GPS:The big story here is media corruption perpetuating this farce.  AND THEN THERE'S THIS: Because the dems are adept at the lie, bigger the better.

SPREADING THE WEALTH:How settlement monies were spent by the Obama machine. This story confirms the futility of the FRS and its attempt to manage the money supply.  In a rational world the banks that created all these "instruments" to help people own homes, never should have been making these loans in the first place.  They only made them because the government created bogus credit out of nowhere and then shamed them into making them.  Not that the banks are blameless.  Definitely not so.  They had no real justification for leveraging their capital base to astronomical, and dangerous levels other than the government encouraged it and they knew they'd be bailed out in a crunch. Which brings us back to the FSR and its creation of credit (and cash money) out of thin air on the grounds they think they know what's best for markets and the American people.  This story does not get reported.

MCCAIN'S INVOLVEMENT IN FUSION/GPS FARCE:As a member of the NeverTrump gang Mccain wanted and wants to undermine Trump at any cost. These guys can't stand the thought that their moderate stances have led us to 2-T in debt and deficits forever.  They still think money grows on trees and that there is never a need to balance the budget or live within your means like the rest of us are required to do in our personal and family lives.  This is the fallacy of living in Washing DC and being caught up in deciding what's best for everyone.  This will not end up well.  As a businessman Trump at the very least understands that there are consequences to excessive debt.  He paid the consequence of excessive debt at least once in his life when he lost the crown jewel in his RE holdings.  Debt is a commercial lubricant.  Excessive debt is a time bomb.  McCain and company have no clue.

INTERESTING DISCUSSION ON GW/AGW: Comments section worth a read.

BIOGRAPHY ON AUTHOR SCHLESSINGER JR: Review here makes it sound interesting.

BOOK ON THE REFORMATION: This sounds like an interesting book>

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

BILL LIND EXPLAINS TODAY'S LEFT:On the origins of the PC movement.  What's unnerving about this piece is the fact it was written 17 years ago, mentions the hostile intellectual environment on campuses and here 17 years later things have only gotten worse.

VDH REVIEWS HIS NEW BOOK: This will be a good read. This review by Continneti is interesting:Continnetti is a young and talented writer for the Free Beacon.

A 2015 STORY ABOUT THE CLINTONS, ROSATOM, PUTIN, URANIUM:This story has long legs and is far from over.Bottom line is Putin wanted to control the uranium mining and distribution business and it appears from current news that he may well have accomplished all this.  Thanks to Billy Clinton, his wife, the State Department, and lax oversight at all levels of government.  This is a major scandal with many particioants at all levels.

THE DRECK TURNED OUT BY UNIVERSITIES: We have too many universities turning out too many academics all looking for a unique niche of knowledge to teach.

SOMETHING TO REALLY WORRY ABOUT: China as a loose canon is worth worrying about. It's not as thought there are checks and balances in their totalitarian regime.  Without the model of the West for their economy, it would stil be an agrarian economy.

ON MISES BY HULSMAN:Hultman's biography of Mises sounds like a must read. "The Last Knight of Liberalism".

THIS GUY THINKS HE GETS IT:But I doubt it after 20+ years with NPR. He's probably just setting himself up for his new career in the private sector. He thinks Trump is mostly demagoguing and he waffles about why there's so much distrust of MSM.  Maybe he'd like to explain the media lovefest for Obama and the Clintons et al democrats, all the stories of corruption NOT covered or covered lightly, and on and on.  I'm not impressed with this faint mea culpa.

THE HILL DID THE HEAVY LIFTING ON THIS STORY:Clarice Feldman ties many loose ends together in her report here. THEN THERE'S THIS; This is the only reporter in the US best able to unravel and tell this story. Watch out for late night "accidents" happening to informants and others.  The criminality here is truly breathtaking. LORETTA:A FEW QUESTIONS FOR LORETTA.

CAN WESTERN CIVILIZATION SURVIVE?: Code villa gives and example and lesson.Liberal democracies are in crises.. Could de Toquevill have been right about the ultimate demise of a democracy?

GREAT DISCUSSION BTWEEN MCWHORTER AND GLEN LOURY:Very frank and very enlightening discussion about race.

CHRIS DODD AGAIN!: After screwing the banking system he took off before he could be held accountable:

DEBATE WORTH WATCHING: Cruz vs Bernie is a must watch. ALSO, The debate on utube is here.

ROBERT WOODSON DESTROYS BLM AND THEN REST:Would that these folks got the message.  And Woodson's article in the Weekly Standard is HERE.

THIS DOES EXPLAIN THE CULTURAL DIVIDE: Burning man phenomenon explained as another counter culture group looking for sexual excitement.

DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA: As a lifelong democrat she shares the blame. Camile Pagalia should have known better but, she didn't.

LIB BIAS AT UCLA:Excellent examples of suppression of free speech on campus.Maybe a bigger wuestion is the need for and utility of courses like the one this professor is teaching.  Such courses are boud to attract the weirdos and sexually confused types snd serve no lasting purpose.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

REALISM ON GLOBAL WARMING: THE Greens are winning in Australia and elsewhere. Abbot speaks frankly.

TRUMP AND JACKSON: There are similarities as noted by Professor Yarborough.

VDH AGAIN ON MEDIA: And the meaning of Weinstein and co, plus NFL, etc.VDH covers a lot in this article and as usual, he has interesting and insightful observations.  As a historian of the classics, he has adapted and become a noteworthy commentator on current events.  He is also a farmer in Central Valley and has much to say about the immigration issue.  Oh and also he's on the "faculty" of the Hoover Institute where he opines regularly under those auspices.

CLINTON CORRUPTION NUCLEAR DEAL: Breathtaking how the Clintons got away with this stuff for all those years.Here we're talking about a complicated deal that influenced national security all done under Hil's watch at DOS.  These people should be behind bars.

LIBERALISM AND NEO-LIBERALISM: Discussion in 1938 re controlled capitalism. Lippmann conference prior to WWII presaged the development of the Welfare State on steroids.  This argument continues to this day.  Professor Ebeling of The Citadel.  And then there's this contribution from FEE.

KEN BURNS'S VERSION OF VN: All about the Liberals view of the VN war.  VN HISTORY:  Site comes highly recommended by VN veteran.The antidote to Ken Burns.  ON A RELATED PIECE ON BURNS

Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017

IMPLICIT BIAS: Code for b.s. and an employment racket for the equality/diversity/inclusion crowd.This hokum is sapping the vitality out of large corporations and turning out a bunch of weak-kneed do-nothings.  Probably accounts for why corporations underperform as they get more bureaucratic.

ANOTHER TAKE ON VN WAR:Poorly fought but worthy war. Say what you will that war was to hold back the tide of Communism in the far east and to an extent it did.  Even though the West "lost" the 10 years of holding back the tide of communism gave other allies in the area (Japan, NK) time to develop their economies and build up their defenses enough to pose a reasonable deterrent and to signal that the US would continue to fight back against the tyranny of communism.  The Democrats across the board covered themselves with shame in this war.

ON  HARVEY WEINSTEIN:The weirdness of Hollyweird, and why the rot is so prevalent. Movies are dangerous when they come from the mind of the corrupt.

VDH ON TRUMP TODAY:Hard to say where it ends up. At least so far he's gotten quite a lot accomplished especially in terms of the economic outlook.  He's still a loose canon but he's also still an agent of change.  Make no mistake the progressives in both parties were winning big.  The Uniparty, Deep State, Establishment or whatever you want to call it was calling ALL the shots and making the system work for them.  Trump, an outsider, who who bulled his way to wealth and a form of influence at least, saw the plight of the disenfranchised in a way the other Republicans, part of the establishment, did not, could not.  That's what the blue collar, disenfranchised saw in him and why they voted for him.  He was seen as a change agent.  So far he's been living up to that promise, at least to his following.  Can he sustain his role as a change agent?  He must produce some concrete successes in order to and that is his challenge.  The forces arrayed against him are monumental, to say the least.

TRUMP AND JACKSON:DeToqueville met Jackson and here's a comparison.Not that far-fetched when you think about it.  They were both vulgarians who represented the interests of the very common man.

UNDERSTANDING CORKER/TRUMP DUSTUP: THE Irand deal was a fraud from the beginning and brings great shame on the politicians involved, especially Corker. ShowsmCorker was either in over his head or was duplicitous for some reason we cannot yet fathom.  Was he a pal of Obama's?  Did he have a deal with Boeing? Hard to know what was in his mind, but whatever it was it did not have the best interests of the US in it.  On this one Trump is right.

GREAT ARTICLE, EVEN BETTER DISCUSSION: This is civility in action. The responses and the discussion provoked by the article represents the best colloquy I've read on the internet to date.  A very important argument presented by the author and a spirited and thoughtful collection of responses.  Particularly useful is the back and forth between Steve Garner and urbangorrilla which is an example of a civil discussion between two people on a subject both know a great deal about.

BRILLIANT ANALYSIS OF TODAY'S MEDIA: Oh so true. Continnetti is an astute observer. He will be a major media star as time goes on.

ANOTHER RISING STAR: Or maybe he's a star already.

IT'S ALL ABOUT DICTION:Confusion about origin of the word "liberal".

Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

CAMILE PAGLIA: On what's wrong with society today.

GLOBALISM ANYONE?Sounds good but does it deliver?. Free trade worldwide touches on classic liberalism's (Adam Smith et al) basic freedom tenets that left alone without tariffs and all the rest associated with mercantilism (reigning ism of the 18th century in economics) the economies of the world would flourish.
GOOD TAKE ON LATE NIGHT TV: On why Kimmel, et al, are turning to political statements all the time. It's all about declining markets and the need to be stimulating a core audience to continue watchTV.  Looking back Carson was apolitical and hade a huge market for his comedy.

ONE OF VDH'S BETTER ONES ON RACE: It's all about socialism and changing the system.

ANALYSIS OF BURN'S VN SERIES: Far from accolades. Many, many comments posted buy veterans of that war that are mostly critical of the Burn's interpretation.  TBF there are some who thought it reasonabley fair, but not many. Some of the comments are exceedingly thoughtful.  On net most disagreed with the overall presentation.

MY OL BUDDY ACEMOGLU:Hard to know how all this wrks self out.

I PLAYED IN A FIXED GAME: As first reported in Sports Illustrated. In a follow up piece in SI:After more information surfaced there's this from SI.  Finally, a recent story on the 2017 fix involvingLouisville and Rick Patino is here: Some things never change. The allure of money and the the glitter and glamor of sports. For some reason I was always under the impression this fixed game that I played in in Peoria against Bradley in 1957, resulted in an indictment of the referees involved in this ring.  Unless there's more to the story than these two articles from SI, there was no indictment and the crooks got away their crime.  It is entirely possible there is more to the story not revealed in this post.  Leaving the court at the end of the game I remarked to this referee that that was the worst officiated game I ever played in.  He, Fraser, remarked in turn "Yeah, Sargent, I called about as bad a game as you played."  Which was a rather strange remark I thought at the time.  Not so strange now.

IDENTITY POLITICS IS ALL THEY HAVE.Democrats only believe in negative values any more. Hard to day when the Dems lost their way but probably with the Presidency of LBJ who foisted his Great Society on America with all its attendant co-dependencies.  He also botched the conduct of the Vietnam War after JFK managed to set things up by botching the internal police of South Vietnam. The war was a noble effort to resist communism and its expansionary proclivities.  Those who present the war as a legitimate civil war for independence have got it all wrong.  HO Chi Ming was a doctrinaire commie who ruled by mind control, fear and force, the three pillars of governance by every communist state ever.

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY: The real story is usually different.

THIS VETERAN DOESN'T BELIEVE BURNS: Vietnam war became a tragedy. After watching a few of the Burns's episodes on TV it's clear he is presenting the largely accepted wisdom now that the war was a mistake from day one and that it was mostly the result of American hubris.  He doesn't push this theme but one feels it's there just beneath the surface.  Obvious from the piece linked here this veteran does not agree although there's not much here to indicate what or how was to be done in the execution of the war that might have led to another, presumably, better outcome for the world. Of great interest about this blog are the over 500 comments that followed it.  They are mostly from vets and they mostly object to Burns's presentation.  one of the more compelling responses came from this vet:
In 1971 and 1972, I flew 120.5 sorties in the F4E out of Da Nang AB. I have a BA in Asian Studies and I have lived in Asia and the Pacific 5 times.
Like Burn's Civil War "history" the Vietnam War series also promotes false leftist narratives such as the claim that Tet uprising and the Easter Offensive were American defeats.
During Tet in 1968, Viet Cong mobilized 84,000 South Vietnamese fighters in sleeper cells. At the time, we had 560,000 Americans there. In Saigon, they had 5 objectives – overrun Tan Son Nhut air base, take the presidential Palace, capture Navy HQ, take the US Embassy and seize a radio station to broadcast a call to arms. They went 0 for 5 – taking a radio station, but the South shut off the power. Only about 10,000 VC escaped.
On 1 April 1972, we had only 40,000 US troops in Vietnam, when 200,000 NVA regulars equipped with tanks and artillery launched a 3 pronged invasion with the main thrust in Quang Tri Province. The monsoon season limited our close air support. On April 28th, the weather broke and ARVN slaughtered the NVA. According to North Vietnamese records, we had killed 100,000 of their invaders. We deployed in USAF, USN and USMC fighter squadrons from Korea, Japan, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and other places.
Nixon directed Operation Linebacker – a real air war on the North. The USN mined their ports. We took out their command and control, air defenses, munitions and fuel storage, road and rail networks and attacked transshipment points. As they had done in the past, the north offered to stop fighting if we halted bombing. As usual, they did not uphold their part of the bargain.
On 18 December 1972 the North walked out of the Paris Peace talks. Nixon told Mel Laird and Henry Kissinger to "End this." End it they did with Linebacker II. That night and every night thereafter 100 to 150 B52 heavy bombers carpet bombed Hanoi and Haiphong. POWs recognized the 108 Mk82 500 pound bomb detonations per aircraft. By Christmas Eve, the NVA were out of anti aircraft munitions. On 28 December hat in hand, Le Duc Tho returned to the table, agreeing with all our demands in return for an end to the bombing.
By any modern measure, that constituted a US military victory, but the democrats could not allow Nixon to win. They attached the Case Church Amendment to the Fy73 military appropriations bill prohibiting the US military from operating in, over or in the waters of North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Teddy Kennedy cut aid to the South from $1.4 billion to $700 million. In May 1975, with 5 fighter wing and a bomber wing in Thailand and two Carriers on Yankee Station, we had to sit and watch Soviet tanks manned by Cubans crash through the Presidential palace.
The left wanted to "Give peace a chance," but it was more deadly than the war. We lost 58,249 troops. The South Vietnamese lost 500,000 and the north, 600,000. The victors reeducated 850,000 South Vietnamese too death and another 150,000 boat people drown. A quiet little Cambodian college professor murdered 2 million of his countrymen.

IT'S HARD TO  DEAL WITH THE TRUTH:Heather Macdonald has been doing great work on this subject forever. It often doesn't seem to make a difference how persuasive her work is but at least the body of work is there.  Sadly the problems reside in the black race and any intelligent, sober and thoughtful black says so.  Never mind the heritage of slavery, et al, remember most of civilization lived under slavery at one time or the other.  Comes a tie when the aggrieved put recriminations and blame behind them and start to move forward.  There are many examples of those who have done exactlyy this.  There are the special interest voices who for personal; gain or fame do not want blacks off the reservation.  That fact has to be dealt with summarily in order to begin the process of recovery.  Patrick Moynahan saw all this in the 1960's and was nearly run out of town for writing about it.  Charles Murray ditto.  The issue has become the third rail in politics.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

SILICON VALLEY IS FAR TOO POWERFUL: Defining crony capitalism. When innovative startups become extremely successful and profitable, the trouble often begins.  It begins with a protection racket that involves buying political influence to "protect" their success and morphs into a corporate culture that demands group think on the part of their employees.  We saw this recently at Google which fired an employee for criticizing employment practices of the company deemed to be politically incorrect.  Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore these companies that are a part of the Silicon Valley cartel and their ruling oligarchs have to be reigned in to protect the capitalist system.  VDH has identified an important issue for the Trump administration to pursue.

HISTORY DISTORTED AGAIN BY DEMOCRATS:The faux posturing by millionaire athletes is faux. The problem with lying is the truth is out there and nowadays there's always someone who will bring it to light.  Once and for all it's the Democrats who supported and fought for slavery over many years.  Once and for all it's the Democrats who have gotten us into all those destructive wars over the years.  Why don't Republicans point this out more often?

NBA COACH AS SJW:POPOVITCH IS NBA MOST SUCCESSFUL COACH:That doesn't prevent him from commenting on politics and current events as an expert as well. Since he's looked up to as a father figure by many of the players in the NBA his comments here are not productive.  He's clearly a Progressive who voted for Obama and Hillary.  He seems to be unaware of the long time goals and objectives of Progressives and Socialist to create discord and chaos in society as a means to effect the change Obama spoke of in his first campaign for President.  He's also seemingly unaware of the growth of the Administrative State, the chaos on college campuses, and all the other hallmarks of the collapse of structure and order going on in our society today.  His diatribe is that of a man who has been in a highly compensated position in the entertainment industry for many years and is simply unaware of the sources and consequences of these changes.  Part of his diatribe was a defense of those who support the racist claims of the BLM movement.  While he alleges to understand why those who voted for Trump did so, he wonders how they (voters for Trump) must feel now after his first nearly year in office. This position clearly misreads why people elected Trump in the first place.  His is a ridiculously naive presentation by an out-of-touch liberal leading from his sentiments.  Here's an analysis from Ben Shapiro:

But don’t worry, Popovich isn’t the divisive one, even though Popovich endorsed Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling for the national anthem long before Trump addressed it.
There are a bevy of problems with Popovich’s perspective here. First, talking constantly about race does not alleviate racial problems — it exacerbates them. That’s why polls show consistently that race relations were better before President Obama took office: by elevating racial discourse back to the center of our national consciousness, we reopened wounds that had been healing. And the notion that being born white in the United States represents an unspoken privilege is unsupported by data. If that were the case, Asian-Americans would not be the highest-earning group in the United States; if that were the case, single white mothers would be better off than married black parents (they aren’t, by a long shot); if that were the case, we would expect to see white life expectancy continuously rising, rather than falling again. Judging people’s circumstances based on color rather than actual individual background is racism.Finally, connecting all of this with Charlottesville rather than a natural backlash to the cultural warfare waged against patriotism by the hard-core left is myopic at best.But at least Popovich continues to win brownie points with the leftist media.


THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS:The sports protests are a farce. The progressives are wrong again. Cops are victims, set up by race mongers.

LIBERAL FOOLISHNESS ON LIBERAL CAMPUSES: Going to take a long time to unravel this mess: Of much more interest than this particular "news" item are the responses.  Here you find many, many disgruntled alumni of many liberal campuses recording their displeasure with what's going on in these schools.  Unfortunately the rot is advanced.  Seems this all started with Affirmative Action (AA) in the '60's and the admittance of under-qualified blacks to these schools who to accommodate this cohort were required to lower standards and even create studies (gender, sexuality, etc.) that functioning 8th graders could pass.  Ward Connerly, a former University of California Regent warned of this effect many times.  He was adamantly opposed to AA and he is black. I believe it was his contention that overmatching students in schools did them no favors and led to higher dropout rates, failure rates, etc.  He was ignored by other Regents and the result we see in these schools, and many others throughout the country, in the form of silly courses that require no effort to pass.  Welcome to equal outcomes.  Welcome to Socialism.

HERE'S THE REAL ANSWER TO KAEPERNICK ET AL:The race baiters, i.e., Sharpton, NCAAP, are winning. And the rest of us, particularly the cops, are losing.  These demonstrators and their enablers are all brain-washed zombies doing the bidding of the race mongerers who are in it for the money.  More unrest means more money from the timid politicians, corporations and so forth.  This is all bad news for the country.  It has zero to do with Trump.

IS THE CANADIAN HEALTHCARE MODEL THE ONE?: It is according to this writer. Could he be right? There are questions.  There is no discussion of the general impact on taxation in this article therefore its presentation is incomplete.  There is no doubt that the HMOs are adding to the cost of medicine in this country all the while attempting to control costs.  But, as doctor cousin John says medicine for profit may just be the problem since healthcare costs are often uncontrollable and largely random.  Maybe what's called for is a national referendum on whether healthcare is a right or not.  Once this question is answered going forward with market based- healthcare or socialized healthcare would be possible.

PROGRESSIVISM VS CAPITALSIM:This author reflects my views on Progs vs capitalism. It should be noted that Capitalism has been compromised to some extent by Big Government and that any comparison between Progressivism and Capitalism must take this into consideration.  The Regulatory State negatively affects Capitalism by severely limiting competition and thereby disrupting free market prices in many cases.  This fact artificially drives prices up and then protects that pricing from the natural market forces representing an important cause of inflation.  Inflationary pressure then results in the FRS artificially meddling with the price of money to control the inflation which leads to further meddling at the first hint of deflationary forces.  We then have the buildup of debt by the government in the interest of an attempt to prevent economic stagnation and in the Misean sense the elimination of malinvestments.

COLLUSION BY BIG BANKS:The connection between Obama and large, large banks is not good.Problem is this is a long term problem because these lefty organization have built-in cash flow with which to disrupt commerce and the operation of free markets.  Not good for long haul.  It's all about the transformation of the US that O talked about before he was elected in 2008.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

PRODUCT OF FREE MARKETS:Amazing comparisons.

HURRICANES AND MONOPOLIES:Why some Floridians are still without power.

DEAN AT SAN DIEGO LAW EXPRESSES HIS SUPPORT FOR “DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION” BY MAKING CLEAR THAT “diversity” doesn’t include different ideas, and conservatives aren’t included.
I’m happy to see that Larry Alexander, despite his sin of promoting bourgeois virtues like hard work, got a letter of support from numerous colleagues. The dean, meanwhile, should be sent for remedial lessons in the enlightenment tradition, and in common decency.
Alexander’s colleague Tom Smith adds:
The point is, a man or woman should be entitled to express him or herself in the public prints without having a Dean rain down a ton of politically correct nonsense on his head, for heaven’s sake. Especially on one, i.e. Larry, who nearly put this law school on the map. And also, I just have to say, what Larry is calling for (get up in the morning, go to your job, don’t take drugs, don’t have kids out of wedlock, etc., etc.) is rather in line with traditional Catholic teaching, is it not? So if someone says something that is “loudly dogma[tic]”, to coin a phrase, in a newspaper, or at least is consistent with that dogma, he runs the risk of being shamed by the administration of a nominally Catholic law school? That just ain’t rat. Larry of course is not Catholic, he’s a secular Jew, but he’s advocating things that are absolutely in line with what a good or even just sort of good Catholic person would do or practice.
Yes, you’d think that Alexander’s law school dean — who, frankly, I’ve never heard of — would be a bit slower to condemn the most famous and celebrated scholar on his faculty. Well, you might think that, if you hadn’t been paying attention to academia the last few years. And nominally Catholic law schools are pretty nominal these days.
Plus, from the comments: “The Dean’s ignorant response has disgraced the school. His letter, in effect said, ‘shut up, you might discomfit the poor darlings.’ Lawyers have to bring dispassionate judgment to the most troubling human issues. By publishing such a patronizing view of USD law students, he suggests they are not emotionally fit to handle the profession for which they train.”
If deans can’t bring more adult judgment than students do, why have deans? And, frankly, if law students can’t handle an oped about bourgeois values, how are they to be trusted — as lawyers are — to protect clients’ lives, property, and liberty with no more than their own ability to think clearly and express themselves persuasively?

THOROUGH LOOK AT DEEP STATE MACHINATIONS:This link, studied in detail, offers many answers about what's going on with the Meuller investigation

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH:tThe PC culture leads to chaos. Here's the evidence.

WORTH A READ:No surprise that Dems are big spenders.


Green Beans with Tarragon and Toasted Walnuts
Yield: 4 servings
1/4 cup walnut halves
1 pound fresh green beans, ends removed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste1 1/2 tablespoons minced fresh tarragon (not dry)
1 1/2 tablespoons walnut oil
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put about 2 quarts water in large pot on high heat. Spread nuts on rimmed baking sheet and roast until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Watch carefully because nuts burn easily.
2. Add green beans to boiling water; add about 1 teaspoon salt. Boil until tender crisp, about 6 to 8 minutes depending on size and freshness of beans. Drain and place in bowl. Add tarragon, salt and pepper. Drizzle with oil. Toss.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


RACISIM CHARGES IN ENGLAND. TOO:The usual:liberal politicians are two-faced.Sara Champion is a Tory. And worse in Sweden. A crises is looming over Europe.

SERIOUSLY RACIST BLACK MAN:This dude's got hangups.

MULTICULTURALISM AND MARXISM:The war against Marxism was never concluded. From 2006 Gates of Vienna.

GOOD ANALYSIS OF CURRENT CORRUPTION:It's all about the size of government and the creation of the Federal Reserveplus the17th Amendment.

VON MISES KNOWS:And yes, it is a difficult read but worth it.

GEORGE WILLS'S DISAPPEARANCE: 40 years in Washington's enough!

PRAGER ON CONFORMITY:The essence of Political Correctness. Correctness

ANTIDOTE TO CULTURAL MARXISM:This man has the answer to defeat this scourge. Step by step Professor Jordan Peterson demonstrates how to defeat the Political Correctness, gender identity cultural Marxists who now control the agenda at universities across North America.  His book is a must read: "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief"

WHAT'S WITH ISIS CURRENTLY?:Lest you think things are calming down.

THE "NEW" CLINTON FOUNDATION GIG:Obama being the "Cashing-in" phase of his presidency.None of these pigs (and their enablers) have any shame.  The system IS rigged but don"t expect anyone, including Trump, to do anything about it.  Too much money, created by the ever-generous FRS, in playing the game.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday, September 2, 2017

Generally a good explanation, but a few mistakes. The interest on the government debt purchased by the Fed is paid back to the treasury, for example. But most of this is accurate. The Fed is not a private institution. GE and Apple are private. Technically the Fed has shares issued to other banks, but that doesn’t make it “private.” The Fed’s Board of Governors is a federal agency. The member banks are granted membership under that agency. That is the source of their monopoly power. Congress (supposedly representing the people) can get rid of the Fed with a stroke of a pen. Wilson said in 1917 that the Fed was the worst mistake he ever made because it put a lot of power in the hands of a few rich families. It was a deplorable exercise in extra-Constitutional excess. He had no right to create the Fed and give it the power to print money. If the central banks were truly private (not protected by law / regulation), then they would have competition. Others would have the right to print money (and we would not accept paper money with no value, so the free markets would choose the appropriate medium of exchange). The central banks are protected by the government (and subsidized by the tax payers) and have huge power granted to them by the governments. The government controls the coinage so it can tax everyone. It's all about control. The state is no worse the the mob. The state rules by violence/force. And if you don't believe this, then try not paying your income tax for a few years and watch what happens - they throw you in jail. No corporation or bank has that power. Banks and the Fed are not to blame. Blame the people who created the laws/regulation that gave the Fed it's monopoly power. So many people don't understand fractional reserve banking and the Fed. Anywhere there is a major problem in banking, healthcare or education, you can find the government behind the problem. There is no such thing as a natural monopoly. All monopolies are created by the government directly or indirectly. The Fed is one of the worst monopolies of all

EVERY YOUNG ADULT SHOULD BE TAUGHT THIS:Instead students are taught by Bill Ayers clones.

EGADS! THE LAW PROFESSOR SPEAKS:Speaks with forked tongue, may be more like it. Sheer hypocrisy.

LENGTHY ARTICLE ON CAGW CONTROVERSY:At a minimum skepticism is recommended on the subject. Proof is not in yet that it actually exist.

EXCELLENT ARTICLE ON CRIME:From the always reliably insightful City Journal.

DARTMOUTH AND THE IVIES SOLDIER ON:Cross this one off the list.

WHY TRUMP WON:Beginning of major change is the answer.

AYAAN HIRSI ALI:An explanation of DAWA and the Muslim objectives in US and Europe.It's all invidious and supremely dangerous if left unchecked.  Karl Popper, author of the Open Society, is her inspiration for dealing with Islamism.  He said:Popper writing in 1945: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”  HERE is what touched off the discussion of DAWA.

STEVEN HAYWARD REVIEWS FDR AND RR COMPARISON:Mostly comports with Folsom, Powell, Schlaes analysis.Admittedly FDR is a complex study. But what goes unmentioned is the duration of the GD and the incredible roadblocks put in the way of a recovery by FDR and his Brain Trust of Harvard professors.

BEWARE PUBLIC SCHOOLS:Cesspits of Communism, especially on the West Coast.

CHARLOTTSVILLE EXPLAINED:It's about this simple.

GOOD LORD!:Corruption, corruption, liars and fools.  These people have no shame and what's worse there are people (voters) out there who don't either.  These so-called reporters are simply news-credentialed members of the Democrat Party with bi-lines provided by fake news organizations.  What's worse, they're all getting wealthy off this scam.  Disgraceful at a minimum.

Meanwhile, the engine of real income/wealth expansion, productivity, has faltered:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A VERY GOOD CONCEPT:Premium mediocre cuts a wide swath in American life, to be sure.

EVEN IN THE BIRTHPLACE OF DEMOCRACY:The beat goes on and worse by the day. Our children face dark times.

SOMETHING UPBEAT, FOR A CHANGEA lot like Schylur's was for diabetes.

LIQUIDITY TRAP:Yep, I get it. Now why can't Noble Laureate economist (say Krugman) get it.?

DELUSION AND MADNESS:JimWhelpley's contribution to wisdom was that book.

NEW LEFT VS OLD LEFT:Hayden and company were still dreamers.And they went on to academia where the begat this current crop of anarchists.  The left doesn't know when to stop.

GREAT TALK BY KENNETH MINGLE:Great thinker. Where we are in history.

GOTTA LIKE THIS ATTITUDE:Rebuke of John Danforth and WSJ. They still don't get it.Conventional, traditional Republicans still don't see themselves as part of the problem, but they are.  They are by and large, get-along, go-along types who want to compromise every issue until the solution satisfies no one.  They think that is a solution.  In reality that is just kicking whatever can down the road until a crises solves the problem.  Principles are to these types, malleable, flexible and compromise able.  So we have a 20 trillion dollar debt hanging over the heads of our children, we have terrible race relations, and we have a dysfunctional political class looking after themselves instead of those they represent.  Welcome to the world of dependency, welfare and discord.  Can't go on.  Won't go on.

MORAL PRESIDENCIES?:VDH talks about Trump and the moral presidency. Makes good sense.

REFERENCE THE HOUSTON FLOOD:It's always about the perverse consequences of government action.

AMAZON FIRE TV STUFF:Maybe Brad can explain all this for me.

RACE DISCUSSION'Why Trump is winning the race and PC wars.

CONCISE SUMMARY OF SWAMP FOREIGN AFFAIRS:Thirty years of disaster via the establishment in Washington including, importantly, the press.Oo wonder Trump was elected!

POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE INFORMATION:This Merller investigation smells worse and worse.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Tuesday, August 7, 2017

SOME OF TRUMP'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE:Impressive considering Democrat B.S.: All this is a nightmare for libs.  Good. They have earned it.

EGADS, 1984 ALL OVER:This ia scary stuff. Big company mind control is no better than state mind control. Having just finished a book about the Krupp family company in Germany, the parallels between Google and Krupp are eerily similar.  Best not to forget the Krupp Company became one of the biggest and mostt enthusiastic supporters of the Hitler regime.  The mind-control of their employees was total.  In fact they were a mini totalitarian state within a totalitarian political system.  And therein lies the danger.  The Krupp company trained and prepared its hundreds of thousands of workers for the Hitler totalitarian death machine and eventually even ran work concentration camps as evil as the camps run by the Nazis. .Follow up item.

SOWELL VS, GALBRAITH:No contest. Galbraith is in over his Harvard head.

CONRAD BLACK ASTUTE ANALYSIS:The peaceable civil war is here. Now what?

DEEP STATE DESCRIPTION:Loosely defined this is the problem. "They know best."

THE FUTURE OR A JOKE:Who knows this could be the answer to the FRS and its continual failure.


NOT AGAIN AT YALE:Will they never learn to stop beclowning themselves at New Haven?

OH SURE, IT'S DISCRIMINATION:Not! It's really just politics and bullshit.

ZOMBIE COMPANIES:Japan is falloff them. Equals sluggish growth at best.

NOT NEWS BUT STILL DISTURBING:This author has very real credentials. Very disturbing.This analysis is one I have believed for some time, i.e., that Obama's election (twice) was very suspicious, considering his lack of qualifications and experience.  It and he had to be orchestrated by powerful forces which we know for certain included George Soros.  Once in office Obama's team successfully seeded all Federal agencies with extreme leftists and the result, finally, was Trump whose election at the very least stopped the runaway train.  All those extremists are far from expunged from office so what we see is a desperate rear guard fight to preserve their gains.

WHADDAYAKNOW A CORRUPT MEDIA:These folks need to start over. Corruption turns on itself.Mollie Hemingway  is a bright,uncorrupted reporter  who's unusually perceptive.  Fox News see this and is including her in their nightly news program with Bret Bair. Here\ she exposes the media's technique in covering democrat party people caught in compromising situations.  Witness Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton.