Sunday, November 19, 2017

Saturday, November 19, 2017

CLEAR STATEMENT OF CONSERVATIVE VALUES: It happens now and again that someone says it all unambiguously. 

MILITARY VIRTUE SIGNALling: General goes on a racial rant without the facts: Don't think I'd like to be court-marshaled by this guy's military court.  Recently heard a speech by a retired admiral of the navy who told the audience that he would not be willing to send his child into harm's way given the current state of the military leadership.

REPEAL 17TH AMENDMENT: Solve many problems.

THE CLINTON DEBACLE REVISITED: Brilliant analysis of Clinton's abuse of women and office. And to add to the distress of all those who dismissed Clinton's sexual adventures in office, and the effect it had on the moral turpitude of the feminist who supported him and his activities, there's THIS.

MORE ON OBAMA'S PERFIDY: Any sentient person knew this. As long as the media suppressed the story he was covered.  I just don't understand how these media people sleep at night knowing they are suppressing important developments and information/

UNUSUALLY PRO AMERICA VIDEO: From a black immigrant professor who takes on the naysayers.  Lefties won't like this guy.


CONRAD BLACK DESTROYS HILLARYS' EXCUSES: One by one. Until she's nothing but a blob of quivering mass, thoroughly destroyed once and for all.  She and her worthless husband managed to fool a bunch of fools for a long time.  Unfortunately, they probably remain fooled but the rest of us do not.  This "power couple" created enough mayhem in the American culture and body politic to last several lifetimes.  Like proverbial roaches, they seemingly cannot be killed.  But at least it's all now on the record, in one place.

THE COST OF ENTERTAINMENT VIA NFL: Taxes and stuff are for the little people. Like me! This rip off has been going on since the inception of the NFL.  Most overlook it for the entertainment value of the product.  But, it is invidious and should be corrected. It is a version of crony capitalism where one person or class of people is favored by the government at the expense of another.  That annual spiff to billionaire owners of 10 billion or so has to be made up by others, like the common folk.  This example of crony capitalism ought to be taught in economics classes as an example of how far we have departed from real capitalism and its benefits.

WHY SO MYSTERIOUS?: The trouble with O's past is we never get a straight answer from anyone, especially O.  And so the speculation continues.  For example, why doesn't he simply state for the record what his source of financing of his schooling was throughout his career and provide just a modicum of proof? Why does O seal his grades throughout his academic career?   Instead, we get vague assertions from him, his wife or a spokesperson referring to someone else, this or that.  Probably wouldn't solve the problem since we know he's a renown liar and simply cannot be trusted.   Much like the Clintons, these people who come out of a weird background, mysterious or strange, there's no way of coming to grips with the influences in their past, which, in and of itself, promotes speculation.  In a Democracy, the people are entitled to all the knowledge about the candidates past in order to judge his/her fitness for high office.  This is a basic requirement and should not be hidden by candidates.

THE FALL OF EUROPE: They've given up Christianity in Europe and Islam is rampant. This would largely be the result of indifference.  What Europeans don't get is Islam is not a religion as much asEuropeans awake to this fact, it just may be too late to recover and heads will roll.

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