Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017

IMPLICIT BIAS: Code for b.s. and an employment racket for the equality/diversity/inclusion crowd.This hokum is sapping the vitality out of large corporations and turning out a bunch of weak-kneed do-nothings.  Probably accounts for why corporations underperform as they get more bureaucratic.

ANOTHER TAKE ON VN WAR:Poorly fought but worthy war. Say what you will that war was to hold back the tide of Communism in the far east and to an extent it did.  Even though the West "lost" the 10 years of holding back the tide of communism gave other allies in the area (Japan, NK) time to develop their economies and build up their defenses enough to pose a reasonable deterrent and to signal that the US would continue to fight back against the tyranny of communism.  The Democrats across the board covered themselves with shame in this war.

ON  HARVEY WEINSTEIN:The weirdness of Hollyweird, and why the rot is so prevalent. Movies are dangerous when they come from the mind of the corrupt.

VDH ON TRUMP TODAY:Hard to say where it ends up. At least so far he's gotten quite a lot accomplished especially in terms of the economic outlook.  He's still a loose canon but he's also still an agent of change.  Make no mistake the progressives in both parties were winning big.  The Uniparty, Deep State, Establishment or whatever you want to call it was calling ALL the shots and making the system work for them.  Trump, an outsider, who who bulled his way to wealth and a form of influence at least, saw the plight of the disenfranchised in a way the other Republicans, part of the establishment, did not, could not.  That's what the blue collar, disenfranchised saw in him and why they voted for him.  He was seen as a change agent.  So far he's been living up to that promise, at least to his following.  Can he sustain his role as a change agent?  He must produce some concrete successes in order to and that is his challenge.  The forces arrayed against him are monumental, to say the least.

TRUMP AND JACKSON:DeToqueville met Jackson and here's a comparison.Not that far-fetched when you think about it.  They were both vulgarians who represented the interests of the very common man.

UNDERSTANDING CORKER/TRUMP DUSTUP: THE Irand deal was a fraud from the beginning and brings great shame on the politicians involved, especially Corker. ShowsmCorker was either in over his head or was duplicitous for some reason we cannot yet fathom.  Was he a pal of Obama's?  Did he have a deal with Boeing? Hard to know what was in his mind, but whatever it was it did not have the best interests of the US in it.  On this one Trump is right.

GREAT ARTICLE, EVEN BETTER DISCUSSION: This is civility in action. The responses and the discussion provoked by the article represents the best colloquy I've read on the internet to date.  A very important argument presented by the author and a spirited and thoughtful collection of responses.  Particularly useful is the back and forth between Steve Garner and urbangorrilla which is an example of a civil discussion between two people on a subject both know a great deal about.

BRILLIANT ANALYSIS OF TODAY'S MEDIA: Oh so true. Continnetti is an astute observer. He will be a major media star as time goes on.

ANOTHER RISING STAR: Or maybe he's a star already.

IT'S ALL ABOUT DICTION:Confusion about origin of the word "liberal".

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