Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016


INTERESTING NYTIMES ECONOMICS DISCUSSION: No mention in this discussion of the importance of the role of money in the performance of the economy. The Austrians and the Monetarists would shred most of these POVs.

WHERE DOES HE GET HIS HISTORY? Defies imagination where he comes up with this stuff.  Conflating white murderers with Muslim terrorists. Last I knew Muslim region was a faith and not a race.  The man has some serious problems with history and logic.

THE HORRIFIC AMNESTY PLAN IN SLIDES:  This is the plan Rubio signed on to. Hard to imagine anyone other than a Democrat, one-worlders signing on to this.

MARK STEYN ON IOWA AND HIS CLIMATE WARMING CASE: For anyone who cares about freedom of speech, Steyn is a fighter extraordinaire.  His testimony HERE before a sub committee on space and science is a study in runaway government spending and abuse of citizens.

WELL REASONED TAKEDOWN OF THE DONALD: Another way of saying he's a dangerous loose canon.

EXPOSING THE FRAUD KRUGMAN ONCE MORE: The Nobel Prize isn't what it once might have been.  Once again mixing political bias with statistics foils a committed lefty like Krugman.  Thank heaven for the likes of the internet and legitimate reporters like Iowahawk who does valuable work on behalf of the truth.

THIS SORDID PLOT THICKENS: In a non political world of real justice, a lot of Obama Administration officials should end up doing time over this one.

IT'S NOT, AS THEY SAY, BRAIN SURGERY: The answer lies in returning to the basics of free market capitalism.

THIS GUY IS AN ASSET FOR CONSERVATISM: Besides his writing resume he has also been a professor of computer science at

HE WOULD BE A DISASTER: Some Rs are having a collective nervous breakdown.

SUCCINCT DESCRIPTION OF SHINING CITY ON A HILL: From a conservative historian, Sasse.

THE ESTIMABLE KOCH BROTHERS: It is disgraceful that more business leaders, CEOs, et al, do not defend capitalism/freemarkets more than they do.  The absence of their voices in the public square probably means they are afraid of offending the political class with whom they are in cahoots to protect their companies from competition or whatever.  To their credit, the Koch brothers hold forums and symposiums and in general defend capitalism aggressively.  Could be the fact they own and manage their company is the difference.  CEO/managers have a much shorter time perspective.

THE FASCINATING WORLD OF RUSSIAN WRITERS: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy , et al are captivating story tellers from a world that's alien to most westerners.

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