Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday, January 26, 2016

CHARITABLE FRAUD: A reform administration would do well to clean up this sort of morally corrupting fraud in the "charity"industry.

WANT A SLEAZY TWO-BIT COUNTRY LAWYER FOR PREZ? 'Cause that's what you'd get with Hillary Clinton.   It's hard to imagine what respectful,  successful people are thinking, like a man I recently met at a social event, when they say they like Hillary because she's so "experienced" and "ready" for the job.

LEGACY?: Dubious one at best.

ABOUT RIGHT: Edmund Burke would have a lot to say about this analysis of the current state of the Western world.  It appears true we are being invaded, and are actually inviting the invasion, by unassimilable hordes whose foreign culture is changing our native culture. As we become more secularized and tolerant, we become more open to the values of other cultures.  Never mind we may not fully understand those cultures, who are we to impose our values on anyone else.   And since we are now in the grip of relativism, who are we to say those other cultures are not as valid. or even more so, than our own.  Europe is experiencing this relativism more than we in the US at this point in time, although we are catching up.  What this all reflects is a loss of confidence in Western values at the heart of which is Christianity. The West is truly in decline, at least for the time being.

EFFECTIVE SUMMARY OF 7 YEARS OF OBAMA RULE: A lot to reverse and reject, nothing to keep in place. Next administration has its hands full.

REASONABLE GOP ARGUMENT: Bears remembering, however, that the next Prez will appoint at least two SC justices.

WHY PEOPLE ARE VOTING FOR TRUMP AND BERNIE: This is the definition of corruption, period.

CHANNELING CRONKITE; Point being MSM has never been about "News". Only competition solves this problem and there was none back then.

LIBERTARIAN SPEAK: Interesting bibliography associated with this document.

PRETTY STRONG ENDORSEMENT OF A CONSERVATIVE FOR CRUZ: Marcus is a principled, black conservative. His brief life story here says why.

THE FLINT STORY IN A NUTSHELL:Unfortunately all the reasonably competent souls living in Flint, left when the unions destroyed the city. But some still live reasonably well off.

WISHFUL THINKING, OR IS SHE IN THE SOUP: The ticket witch from Arkansas deserves what she gets, which probably won't be much considering at least 1/2 the country thinks she's above the law.  Is there a better single word to describe the Clintons than "Grifters"?

FN HAS CREDIBILITY PROBLEM: If true, Fox could be in trouble with its conservative viewers. Sounds reasonable that Murdoch is a globalists since his business enterprise spans the globe in a sense.

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