SOMETHING TO READ FROM THE NYT: Sugar free month experiment.
COMMENTS ARE PRICELESS: Especially those by "Jonathan Swift" who has done his homework.
10 LAWS OF ECONOMICS: From the Mises site
LESSON IN BANKING: The movie's a morality show. Also describes problem with government interference in the economy via FM,et al.
COMMENTS ON VON MISES: Author of a Mises reader publication newly available.
LIBS AT WORK: Doing what they do best
INTERESTING FAMILY:It doesn't take much in the absence of debt.
MAY OBAMA ADMIN'S MOST DESTRUCTIVE POLICY: This is truly shameful.For some reason blacks will not own up to the obvious fact the black family is dysfunctional because there is no black family to speak of any more. Moynihan described this in the '60's and it has only gotten wore. He was shamed for bringing this out and there has been no attempt to address the problem since.
SUMMARY OF OBAMA YEARS IN OFFICE: Good as this summary is it overlooked O's major contribution to racial healing as the first black president. I suspect he'll be the last for the foreseeable future.
EXCELLENT SUMMARY OF EIGHT WASTED YEARS: So much to do to make up for last time. Is Trump up to it?
TO THE POINT RE GOVERNMENT:He's exactly right about civil society taking over once again from the make-work busybodies.
REMINISCENT OF DR NOSEWORTHY: Presentation at JI in 2016 re senescent cells.
THE LIBERAL TAKE ON BLACKS:It's all about feeling superior.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
WHAT IS THE MODERN MUSEUM?: Entertainment or art appreciation.
DIDN'T EVERYONE KNOW? I mean, Ponzi scheme on steroids.Politicians and unions are a toxic mix and somebody will pay for this business through the nose. Somebody? The taxpayer, of course.
THERE'S ONLY ONE ANSWER: No more Muslims until their theocratic system is reformed.And until their religion conforms to Christianity, i.e., is a religion of peace and love. forget those who claim it is already. It is a religion funded by a violent tribesman who was a pedophile by current day standards. It is a religion that has embedded into it the seeds of violent extremism and until that religion has its equivalent of the Nicene Creed and agrees to excommunicate and expel all those who do not accept the Creed, they must be shunned and avoided at all costs.
THE DEBT BOMB:Armageddon? or just another naysayer???????
SHADES OF JIM WHELPLEY: impressive prediction.
THE ANTI PC MOVEMENT:Significant pushback going on at the University of Toronto What happens to this professor will be indicative of where this PC totalitarian movement goes in the future. He's a voice of clarity and reason. Students are being brainwashed badly by our so-called institutions of higher learning.
DIDN'T EVERYONE KNOW? I mean, Ponzi scheme on steroids.Politicians and unions are a toxic mix and somebody will pay for this business through the nose. Somebody? The taxpayer, of course.
THERE'S ONLY ONE ANSWER: No more Muslims until their theocratic system is reformed.And until their religion conforms to Christianity, i.e., is a religion of peace and love. forget those who claim it is already. It is a religion funded by a violent tribesman who was a pedophile by current day standards. It is a religion that has embedded into it the seeds of violent extremism and until that religion has its equivalent of the Nicene Creed and agrees to excommunicate and expel all those who do not accept the Creed, they must be shunned and avoided at all costs.
THE DEBT BOMB:Armageddon? or just another naysayer???????
SHADES OF JIM WHELPLEY: impressive prediction.
THE ANTI PC MOVEMENT:Significant pushback going on at the University of Toronto What happens to this professor will be indicative of where this PC totalitarian movement goes in the future. He's a voice of clarity and reason. Students are being brainwashed badly by our so-called institutions of higher learning.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Thursday, November 17, 2016
IT'S ALL-OUT THE COST OF LABOR:Not sure Trump gives a rat's ass about anything long term.This is what conservative ere worried about. He's a wheeler-dealer but not a conservative. But, he's ten time better than the alternative of Hillary, so I'll take him.
SEAN PENN AND THE IDIOCY OF HOLLYWOOD:This clown thinks he's brilliant and articulate. He follows Noam Chomsky, and that tells one everything. Trouble with liberals is they know a lot but it's all wrong. Ahat's more, they always seem to draw the wrong conclusions from life. Penn makes 20 million per film and is opposed to the system that allows this. He does not, however, stop making the films that make him rich and among the 1/10th of 1 percent of the population. It's easy to be a hypocrite knowing there are no consequences to ones hypocrisy.
WHY IS SOROS ANTI AMERICAN?: The man is not all that American even if he's a citizen.
SABATO'S ANALYSIS:SABATO' unusually reasonable analysis.
BRILLIANT ANALYSIS OF O'S LEGACY: Conrad Black outdoes himself with this one. Take a bit of exception with presenting O as a genial sort with the best interests of the US at heart. He was/is and American hater who fundamentally wanted to change the direction and cutture of the country. In addition as an idiotic "community organizer" he surrounded himself with mindless children who were there because they worshipped his palaver and coolness. They provided no counterbalance to his worst instincts and judgment, which were most of his instincts and judgments. Ben Rhodes, anyone!! Valerie Jarrett, anyone??? And look at the heads of all the ministries with the exception of FBI and even that one was possibly tainted. This was a man with no real world experience and was in charge of the world's largest and most important democracy. What kind of abject foolishness is that? Please! Thomas Sowell, like others of us, saw immediately that this man was a fraud and that only Democrat Party was capable of electing such as he. This was truly an unfortunate election and a waste of eight years, time needed to get the country back on track from the lackluster Bush years, preceded by the lackluster Bush-Clinton years. About the only growth experienced in the US economy for the last 25 years has been government bureaucracies, regulations and social discourse.
SEAN PENN AND THE IDIOCY OF HOLLYWOOD:This clown thinks he's brilliant and articulate. He follows Noam Chomsky, and that tells one everything. Trouble with liberals is they know a lot but it's all wrong. Ahat's more, they always seem to draw the wrong conclusions from life. Penn makes 20 million per film and is opposed to the system that allows this. He does not, however, stop making the films that make him rich and among the 1/10th of 1 percent of the population. It's easy to be a hypocrite knowing there are no consequences to ones hypocrisy.
WHY IS SOROS ANTI AMERICAN?: The man is not all that American even if he's a citizen.
SABATO'S ANALYSIS:SABATO' unusually reasonable analysis.
BRILLIANT ANALYSIS OF O'S LEGACY: Conrad Black outdoes himself with this one. Take a bit of exception with presenting O as a genial sort with the best interests of the US at heart. He was/is and American hater who fundamentally wanted to change the direction and cutture of the country. In addition as an idiotic "community organizer" he surrounded himself with mindless children who were there because they worshipped his palaver and coolness. They provided no counterbalance to his worst instincts and judgment, which were most of his instincts and judgments. Ben Rhodes, anyone!! Valerie Jarrett, anyone??? And look at the heads of all the ministries with the exception of FBI and even that one was possibly tainted. This was a man with no real world experience and was in charge of the world's largest and most important democracy. What kind of abject foolishness is that? Please! Thomas Sowell, like others of us, saw immediately that this man was a fraud and that only Democrat Party was capable of electing such as he. This was truly an unfortunate election and a waste of eight years, time needed to get the country back on track from the lackluster Bush years, preceded by the lackluster Bush-Clinton years. About the only growth experienced in the US economy for the last 25 years has been government bureaucracies, regulations and social discourse.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Election Day. Looks like Hillary. Batten down the hatches.
THESE STATS ARE TROUBLING:More people working for the government than work in manufacturing???
OUT-OF-STEP WEIRDO PROFESSOR; CConservative professor at Yale?
RESULTS IN. TRUMP WINSMark Steyn was right going back before Trump was even nominated. This, is a very astute political observer. An amazing story. Steyn has a touch that few others do regarding American politics. Maybe its because he's a native born Canadian, now an American naturalized citizens, who simply see things more clearly. He's always ben perceptive but these predicttion going back before the primaries are positively eerie. Eerily right. Wow. I'm impressed!
WELL PUT: Don't know this author but h's right on many levels.
IF TRUE DITCH THE POLLSTERS:Maybe they just didn't poll the right people.
SHELBY STEELE IS RIGHT: This should be required reading by liberals everyday until they go mad, or agree
GREAT EXPLANATION OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE:It's all about a boxing match scoring analogy AND HERE'S ANOTHER PRO EC COLUMN: If toy don't respect federalism you're for popular vote determinant.
COULD'NT AGREE MORE: Bolton speaks knowledgeably and directly. Think Kerry's opposite.
WHAT TRUMP HAS AHEAD OF HIM:The spending machine is out of control.
THE PROGRESSIVES HAVE THE SCHOOLS:When you have the youth you will have the revolution. The sad truth is the youth have been coopted by the educates and professoriate and are now in the vanguard of the progressive takeover, Trump notwithstanding.
A MODERN MARX: Pinkerty is a french socialist.
Monday, October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016
70 YEAR BOND???:Tooth fairy anyone?
THE ONLY REASON TO VOTE FOR TRUMP:But Hillary is a very good reason for that vote.
HOW DEMS VIEW REPUBLICANS:They've never read the Austrians. Few have which accounts for ignorance on many levels.
ANDREW MCCARTHY AND THE TRUTH: Tough legal reading but well worth it. Clintons along in jail.
JONATHAN SWIFT, SATIIST, POLEMICISTS:And author of Gulliver's Travels
WHO THEY ARE: Like all democrats they are power and wealth at the public trough driven,
THE "WONDERFUL" IRAN HOSTAGE OBAMA DEAL:For this deal alone Obama and Kerry should be impprisoned without parole and in an Iranian prison at that. Disgraceful.
AH YES IT'S THE CLINTONS AT IT AGAIN: In office by deceit and still at it.The Clintons and everyone that has anything to do with them are pure slime. The attack on Comey is delicious.
SHOULD ILLITERATES AND THE STUPID VOTE?: Most definitely not and thanks to Hart-Celler Actpassed by Kenndy et al they can. And they all vote Democrat.
THE ONLY REASON TO VOTE FOR TRUMP:But Hillary is a very good reason for that vote.
HOW DEMS VIEW REPUBLICANS:They've never read the Austrians. Few have which accounts for ignorance on many levels.
ANDREW MCCARTHY AND THE TRUTH: Tough legal reading but well worth it. Clintons along in jail.
JONATHAN SWIFT, SATIIST, POLEMICISTS:And author of Gulliver's Travels
WHO THEY ARE: Like all democrats they are power and wealth at the public trough driven,
THE "WONDERFUL" IRAN HOSTAGE OBAMA DEAL:For this deal alone Obama and Kerry should be impprisoned without parole and in an Iranian prison at that. Disgraceful.
AH YES IT'S THE CLINTONS AT IT AGAIN: In office by deceit and still at it.The Clintons and everyone that has anything to do with them are pure slime. The attack on Comey is delicious.
SHOULD ILLITERATES AND THE STUPID VOTE?: Most definitely not and thanks to Hart-Celler Actpassed by Kenndy et al they can. And they all vote Democrat.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
GOLD SERIES SEMINAR: The Glorious Revolution How Parliament became powerful
SHAKESPEARE'S CO-WRITER(S)?: Modern forensics say Marlowe was a definite collaborationist and there may have been others.
WARREN BUFFETT, AGAIN?: Enviroradicals and our government at work to protect a grand libera;?.Warren Buffett owns the railway that currently transports file from the Dakota to the midwestern refineries and would be put out of business by the pipeline. Warren Buffett is a flaming liberal, especially when it comes to the government protecting his companies from competition. His interests in taxing the rich more directly benefits his life insurance cash cow company(s) that have invested the premium proceeds in his acquisition of other companies for decades. The higher the taxes on the rich the more the rich buy the tax free life insurance offered by Buffett to avoid the consequences of punitive income and death taxes. Nice racquet but don't trust Buffett as a spokesperson for Democrats, he's actually benefitting mightily from their spread the wealth policies.
FBI RETIRED AGENT SPEAKS OUTHow does Comey respond to this?Probably cannot. The evidence is fairly conclusive that Comey was involved in an employment or job enabled by the Clinton Foundation and that this job netted him millions. It looks like he has been compromised as simply one more hack in the orbit of the Clinton and their corrupt empire. Somewhere, some time, these people are going to have to pay for these sins against the American public.
MAJOR INFLUENCE PEDDLING IN WASHINGTON.: This, folks, is how corruption works. To which I would add my own experience on the board of the MIC (Motorcycle Industry Council) in 1975 or thereabouts, during which I watched Washington-based lawyers get their teeth into the L.A.-based MIC and convince the members they needed to provide funding for political outreach to members of Congress. Multiply the sales effort I observed over a few years in the '70's by all the trade associations in the country and you begin to see how the political power came to be concentrated in Washington DC. Veery clever, subtle and effective salesmanship by many young and aggressive lawyers.
CALIFORNIA IS IN DECLINE: HANSON is a life-long resident of farmland California (near Fresno) who knows. He also loves California, is rooted there with ownership of a family farm, and he's a historian of note.
A BOOK TO BUY:Especially when it comes out on Kindle or Audibl
CHECK BACK HERE AFTER ELECTION: Check here after election in 11 days.Artificial intelligence at work predicts Trump win.
KIM STREUSEL OF WSJ:This is what the left's about. Beware, if Hillary wins it will get much, much worse.
WHY THE CLINTONS SHOULD BE INCARCERATED: Very apparent RICO statutes apply to the Foundation's work.
EPSTEIN ON SALVOES OF YALE:He's just another squishy, loser liberal whose thinking and policies are destroying the Republic.
SHAKESPEARE'S CO-WRITER(S)?: Modern forensics say Marlowe was a definite collaborationist and there may have been others.
WARREN BUFFETT, AGAIN?: Enviroradicals and our government at work to protect a grand libera;?.Warren Buffett owns the railway that currently transports file from the Dakota to the midwestern refineries and would be put out of business by the pipeline. Warren Buffett is a flaming liberal, especially when it comes to the government protecting his companies from competition. His interests in taxing the rich more directly benefits his life insurance cash cow company(s) that have invested the premium proceeds in his acquisition of other companies for decades. The higher the taxes on the rich the more the rich buy the tax free life insurance offered by Buffett to avoid the consequences of punitive income and death taxes. Nice racquet but don't trust Buffett as a spokesperson for Democrats, he's actually benefitting mightily from their spread the wealth policies.
FBI RETIRED AGENT SPEAKS OUTHow does Comey respond to this?Probably cannot. The evidence is fairly conclusive that Comey was involved in an employment or job enabled by the Clinton Foundation and that this job netted him millions. It looks like he has been compromised as simply one more hack in the orbit of the Clinton and their corrupt empire. Somewhere, some time, these people are going to have to pay for these sins against the American public.
MAJOR INFLUENCE PEDDLING IN WASHINGTON.: This, folks, is how corruption works. To which I would add my own experience on the board of the MIC (Motorcycle Industry Council) in 1975 or thereabouts, during which I watched Washington-based lawyers get their teeth into the L.A.-based MIC and convince the members they needed to provide funding for political outreach to members of Congress. Multiply the sales effort I observed over a few years in the '70's by all the trade associations in the country and you begin to see how the political power came to be concentrated in Washington DC. Veery clever, subtle and effective salesmanship by many young and aggressive lawyers.
CALIFORNIA IS IN DECLINE: HANSON is a life-long resident of farmland California (near Fresno) who knows. He also loves California, is rooted there with ownership of a family farm, and he's a historian of note.
A BOOK TO BUY:Especially when it comes out on Kindle or Audibl
CHECK BACK HERE AFTER ELECTION: Check here after election in 11 days.Artificial intelligence at work predicts Trump win.
KIM STREUSEL OF WSJ:This is what the left's about. Beware, if Hillary wins it will get much, much worse.
WHY THE CLINTONS SHOULD BE INCARCERATED: Very apparent RICO statutes apply to the Foundation's work.
EPSTEIN ON SALVOES OF YALE:He's just another squishy, loser liberal whose thinking and policies are destroying the Republic.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Monday, October17, 2016
TALKING MAP FOR JI PRESENTATION:Highly utilitarian resource for presentations.
SHE'S A DISASTER:At least Trump has no record of malfeasance in office.
ONE OF PJMEDIA'S BEST COLUMNS AND COMMENTS SECTION: Great read, unfortunately the future looks grim.
HOORAY FOR MAVERICKS:On behalf of a conservative, English, queer.
REASON FOR TRUMP: Classic bait and switch.
IRAN'S PRESIDENT WEIGHS IN: It's not as though he has no problems at home to deal with. S why is this moron involved in our election process?
SHE'S A DISASTER:At least Trump has no record of malfeasance in office.
ONE OF PJMEDIA'S BEST COLUMNS AND COMMENTS SECTION: Great read, unfortunately the future looks grim.
HOORAY FOR MAVERICKS:On behalf of a conservative, English, queer.
REASON FOR TRUMP: Classic bait and switch.
IRAN'S PRESIDENT WEIGHS IN: It's not as though he has no problems at home to deal with. S why is this moron involved in our election process?
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
THE FAILURE OF ECONOMICS: It's about rejecting the Austrians and following Keynes's nonsense.
IT'S ALL ABOUT IMPEACHMENT: Author stole my argument!
POPULISM AND POLITICAL PARTIES:What the Trump campaign means.
CHARACTER AND THE PRESIDENCY:Hayward is spot on, again.
REMINDER WHY WE INVADED IRAQ:There were no good options to deal with the perfidious Saddam.
WHY TEXAS WORKS, WARTS AND ALL: It's all about small government.
RIGGED POLLS: Compelling indictment of the biased polls and pollsters.
MAULDIN'S PESSIMISM:From the Austrian perspective it's quite justified.
HYPOCRISY ALERT:Has politics ever gotten this debased?
IT'S ALL ABOUT IMPEACHMENT: Author stole my argument!
POPULISM AND POLITICAL PARTIES:What the Trump campaign means.
CHARACTER AND THE PRESIDENCY:Hayward is spot on, again.
REMINDER WHY WE INVADED IRAQ:There were no good options to deal with the perfidious Saddam.
WHY TEXAS WORKS, WARTS AND ALL: It's all about small government.
RIGGED POLLS: Compelling indictment of the biased polls and pollsters.
MAULDIN'S PESSIMISM:From the Austrian perspective it's quite justified.
HYPOCRISY ALERT:Has politics ever gotten this debased?
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
ENVIRONMENTAL CON EXPLAINED:Just another version of Marxism.
WHERE WFBJR GOT INSPIRATION?This is the definition of faith.
VOICES THAT NEED TO BE HEARD: Mr Owens has it exactly right. The worst possible outcome of this election for blacks would be Hillary's party.
ELOQUENT PITCH FOR TRUMP: He's really the only shot we have at saving the Republic.
ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT:Hillary would be a disaster several magnitudes greater than Trump or even her husband.
Re[ublican Party leading to totalitarian form of government eventually. I confess to having similar thoughts from time to time. Hillary is a walking, talking basket case of a candidate who will make a terrible president, maybe even worse than Obama. But, since Trump is NOT a conservative but an unprincipled business operative, his reign would be even worse because he'd be rolled by the bureaucracy and anyone who has a scheme that he thinks would make him look good. Meantime he doesn't give a rat's ass about the size of government, the restoration of constitutional representative government, the rule of law, equal opportunity under that law, government spending limits, the runaway banking system and the dtysfunctioning economy. Like he's a anal ventriloquist who leads via intimidation, outright threats, manipulation and bribery. In short he has no redeeming qualities. Better to elect Hillary, let her fail as she surely will, reconstruct the Republican Party along conservative lines and principles, and go for 2020 in a big way. In other words write off four more years. This scenario may be even worse than the Trump one, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
MEDIA SHAMING: Stray from the reservation and you're toast in medialand.
CORPORATIONS VS STATE: Interesting discussion on capitalism, especially comments.
MAEXISM AND PROGRESSIVES:They narrowly define tolerance.
THE REPUBLIC'S IN TROUBLE:Should HRC win the Republic is finished; who knows with Trump. Trump is an in the moment businessman who really has no vision other than his "greatness" theme that no-one knows what it means. Hillary's vision is where the country is today only more of the same. Hers would produce the outcome that would destroy what's left of the Republic as we used to know it.
ENVIRONMENTAL CON EXPLAINED:Just another version of Marxism.
WHERE WFBJR GOT INSPIRATION?This is the definition of faith.
VOICES THAT NEED TO BE HEARD: Mr Owens has it exactly right. The worst possible outcome of this election for blacks would be Hillary's party.
ELOQUENT PITCH FOR TRUMP: He's really the only shot we have at saving the Republic.
ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT:Hillary would be a disaster several magnitudes greater than Trump or even her husband.
Re[ublican Party leading to totalitarian form of government eventually. I confess to having similar thoughts from time to time. Hillary is a walking, talking basket case of a candidate who will make a terrible president, maybe even worse than Obama. But, since Trump is NOT a conservative but an unprincipled business operative, his reign would be even worse because he'd be rolled by the bureaucracy and anyone who has a scheme that he thinks would make him look good. Meantime he doesn't give a rat's ass about the size of government, the restoration of constitutional representative government, the rule of law, equal opportunity under that law, government spending limits, the runaway banking system and the dtysfunctioning economy. Like he's a anal ventriloquist who leads via intimidation, outright threats, manipulation and bribery. In short he has no redeeming qualities. Better to elect Hillary, let her fail as she surely will, reconstruct the Republican Party along conservative lines and principles, and go for 2020 in a big way. In other words write off four more years. This scenario may be even worse than the Trump one, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
MEDIA SHAMING: Stray from the reservation and you're toast in medialand.
CORPORATIONS VS STATE: Interesting discussion on capitalism, especially comments.
MAEXISM AND PROGRESSIVES:They narrowly define tolerance.
THE REPUBLIC'S IN TROUBLE:Should HRC win the Republic is finished; who knows with Trump. Trump is an in the moment businessman who really has no vision other than his "greatness" theme that no-one knows what it means. Hillary's vision is where the country is today only more of the same. Hers would produce the outcome that would destroy what's left of the Republic as we used to know it.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Monday September 19, 2016
STRONG MEDICINE FROM A STRONG CONSERVATIVE:Ben Shapiro speaks with a clear voice.
CORRUPTION KNOWS NO LIMITS: Are there any honest people left in government?
AUSTRIANS CAN TELL US WHY: REGRETTABLY the solution has been kicked down the road.
MUNIS IN JEAPHORDY?:This happens when you mess with the currency all the time.
WHOA!:WHAT's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
CORRUPTION KNOWS NO LIMITS: Are there any honest people left in government?
AUSTRIANS CAN TELL US WHY: REGRETTABLY the solution has been kicked down the road.
MUNIS IN JEAPHORDY?:This happens when you mess with the currency all the time.
WHOA!:WHAT's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is joining the attack against Wells Fargo, which was fined $185 million by the federal government for opening new accounts for customers without their consent, and then charging them fees.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is leading the charge, but Clinton is trying to use the issue to her advantage, writing an open letter to Wells Fargo customers promising to take action.
However, the Clinton Foundation has taken large sums from Wells Fargo.
Last year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the Wells Fargo Foundation had given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. The Huffington Post adds:
Wells Fargo, both the bank and its foundation, have given generously to the Clinton Foundation over the years. The bank has given between $10,001 and $25,000, and the foundation has given between $100,001 To $250,000. In 2011, former President Bill Clinton gave a speech to Wells Fargo for $200,000.“This is classic Hillary Clinton: publicly criticizing a company because it’s good politics while the Clinton Foundation quietly accepts hundreds of thousands of dollars from that same company,” said Jeff Bechdel, communications director of the conservative America Rising PAC. “If Clinton truly meant what she wrote, her letter would have been accompanied by a check from her family foundation returning the money from the company she is hypocritically complaining about.”
Thus far, there is no indication that the Clintons intend to return the money to Wells Fargo.
Clinton’s rival during the primary campaign, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), pressed her to release the transcripts of her speeches to other Wall Street banks. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reiterated that call. Clinton has not complied.
Since all charitable organizations exists at the sufferance of we the people's representative governmental policy (tax exemption) they should be required to make public all solicitations of large prospective donors, provide a public record of their actual presentation, to whom given, etc, and in turn the company being solicited should provide a public record of what was proposed to them and the deliberations concerning the decision of those individuals to whom the presentation was made and the reasons why the solicitation was or was not accepted. Companies must provide the amounts they contribute and how that amount is justified in terms of the mission of the charitable foundation they represent. The public is also entitled to know what stipulations are mandated to ensure accountability for the contributions.
WHY I DISBELIEVE EVERYTHING SEEN AND HEARD ON CNN: NARRATIVE UBER ALLES: CNN writer contradicts himself on Trump profiling comments.
Yeah, they hope you won’t notice that.
The extent to which “journalists” have pulled out all the stops to misrepresent Trump and his positions — and in some cases are even bragging about it and encouraging others to do the same — kind of illustrates why Trump’s here to begin with.
WHY I DISBELIEVE EVERYTHING SEEN AND HEARD ON CNN: NARRATIVE UBER ALLES: CNN writer contradicts himself on Trump profiling comments.
Adding the word “racial” to a chyron about GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment on profiling wasn’t the only blatant mistake the CNN made.
In an article about Trump’s comments, the network’s Theodore Schleifer contradicted himself in his first and third paragraphs.
“Donald Trump on Monday reiterated his support for the controversial practice of racial profiling by police amid increasing threats to the homeland,” Schleifer wrote in the first paragraph.
But in his second paragraph, Schleifer states that “Trump did not say on what attributes he would encourage police to profile possible suspects” and that “it’s illegal for police to subject U.S. persons to disparate treatment based on their race or other protected status.”
How can Trump “support … racial profiling” yet not have outlined the attributes police should use to profile?
Yeah, they hope you won’t notice that.
The extent to which “journalists” have pulled out all the stops to misrepresent Trump and his positions — and in some cases are even bragging about it and encouraging others to do the same — kind of illustrates why Trump’s here to begin with.
Monday September 19, 2016
AUSTRIANS CAN TELL US WHY: REGRETTABLY the solution has been kicked down the road.
MUNIS IN JEAPHORDY?:This happens when you mess with the currency all the time.
WHOA!:WHAT's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
AUSTRIANS CAN TELL US WHY: REGRETTABLY the solution has been kicked down the road.
MUNIS IN JEAPHORDY?:This happens when you mess with the currency all the time.
WHOA!:WHAT's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is joining the attack against Wells Fargo, which was fined $185 million by the federal government for opening new accounts for customers without their consent, and then charging them fees.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is leading the charge, but Clinton is trying to use the issue to her advantage, writing an open letter to Wells Fargo customers promising to take action.
However, the Clinton Foundation has taken large sums from Wells Fargo.
Last year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the Wells Fargo Foundation had given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. The Huffington Post adds:
Wells Fargo, both the bank and its foundation, have given generously to the Clinton Foundation over the years. The bank has given between $10,001 and $25,000, and the foundation has given between $100,001 To $250,000. In 2011, former President Bill Clinton gave a speech to Wells Fargo for $200,000.“This is classic Hillary Clinton: publicly criticizing a company because it’s good politics while the Clinton Foundation quietly accepts hundreds of thousands of dollars from that same company,” said Jeff Bechdel, communications director of the conservative America Rising PAC. “If Clinton truly meant what she wrote, her letter would have been accompanied by a check from her family foundation returning the money from the company she is hypocritically complaining about.”
Thus far, there is no indication that the Clintons intend to return the money to Wells Fargo.
Clinton’s rival during the primary campaign, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), pressed her to release the transcripts of her speeches to other Wall Street banks. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reiterated that call. Clinton has not complied.
Since all charitable organizations exists at the sufferance of we the people's representative governmental policy (tax exemption) they should be required to make public all solicitations of large prospective donors, provide a public record of their actual presentation, to whom given, etc, and in turn the company being solicited should provide a public record of what was proposed to them and the deliberations concerning the decision of those individuals to whom the presentation was made and the reasons why the solicitation was or was not accepted. Companies must provide the amounts they contribute and how that amount is justified in terms of the mission of the charitable foundation they represent. The public is also entitled to know what stipulations are mandated to ensure accountability for the contributions.
WHY I DISBELIEVE EVERYTHING SEEN AND HEARD ON CNN: NARRATIVE UBER ALLES: CNN writer contradicts himself on Trump profiling comments.
Yeah, they hope you won’t notice that.
The extent to which “journalists” have pulled out all the stops to misrepresent Trump and his positions — and in some cases are even bragging about it and encouraging others to do the same — kind of illustrates why Trump’s here to begin with.
WHY I DISBELIEVE EVERYTHING SEEN AND HEARD ON CNN: NARRATIVE UBER ALLES: CNN writer contradicts himself on Trump profiling comments.
Adding the word “racial” to a chyron about GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment on profiling wasn’t the only blatant mistake the CNN made.
In an article about Trump’s comments, the network’s Theodore Schleifer contradicted himself in his first and third paragraphs.
“Donald Trump on Monday reiterated his support for the controversial practice of racial profiling by police amid increasing threats to the homeland,” Schleifer wrote in the first paragraph.
But in his second paragraph, Schleifer states that “Trump did not say on what attributes he would encourage police to profile possible suspects” and that “it’s illegal for police to subject U.S. persons to disparate treatment based on their race or other protected status.”
How can Trump “support … racial profiling” yet not have outlined the attributes police should use to profile?
Yeah, they hope you won’t notice that.
The extent to which “journalists” have pulled out all the stops to misrepresent Trump and his positions — and in some cases are even bragging about it and encouraging others to do the same — kind of illustrates why Trump’s here to begin with.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
This video is sickening. Just what are the standards being applied by the Admissions Office of this once great school. Furthermore what kind of an adult would stand there, meekly, and take this abuse from a deranged juvenile? I'm truly embarrassed. The assembled minority students approvingly clicking their fingers while this child rants her nonsense don't belong at this school either. My questions: what courses do they take while at the school? What kinds of extra-curricula activities do they participate in while attending the school? Who would hire these people once they graduate, and do they?
Part IV: Yale Students and Nicholas Kristachis
THIS IS WHAT A REAL INTELLECTUAL SOUNDS LIKE:Epstein sounds a lot like von Mises.
JAMES GRANT;Influential Austrian School follower.
THE FACE OF CRONY CAPITALISM: The Clintons are masters of this practice.
HARD TO BELIEVE:What's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
Part IV: Yale Students and Nicholas Kristachis
THIS IS WHAT A REAL INTELLECTUAL SOUNDS LIKE:Epstein sounds a lot like von Mises.
JAMES GRANT;Influential Austrian School follower.
THE FACE OF CRONY CAPITALISM: The Clintons are masters of this practice.
HARD TO BELIEVE:What's hard to believe is that it's come to this point. The Muslim faith, ideology, belief system is antithetical to what's left of our western civilization. The liberals have won and the result is not pretty.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Saturday, September 3, 2016
COMEY BLEW IT BADLY, VERY BADLY: So badly he may have severely damaged one of the few remaining government entities people respected and believed in. And Comey was regarded highly for his Bush Administration actions.
MORE CLINTON CORRUPTION: Even "honest Jim"Comey's involved with the machine
JONAH'S G-FILE: They're always good but this one is exceptionally good.
RAND PAUL IS RIGHT!:Crony capitalism is the root of all evil when it comes to pricing products.
CLINTONS AT IT AGAIN: Grifters eventually step in it, which the Clintons have done with this Laureate school scam.
THE MONETARY COLLAPSE IS CLOSE: At least according to Stockman and the Austrians.
TRUMP GETS THE FINANCIAL/MONETQRY ISSUE:Armageddon after Obama leaves office and this has to be dealt with.
THE VALUE OF EDUCATION:And look at what's happened since the government took control of all education.The moral of this story is the value and importance of basic education to the development of individuals. Government collusion with teacher unions has destroyed the education system for blacks. All that happened in this story told by Jason Riley happened without the involvement of government.
A THOROUGH COMPILATION OF MSM MEDIA BIAS AND CORRUPTION:There are no adults left in the MSM and there haven't been for at least 45-50 years. And that is why we have so many destructive policies in place, policies that have ruined major cities and corrupted race relations and races. Liberalism is the death knell of western civilization and all the values that have made it prosper and thrive for so long.
THOMAS WOLF'S LATEST: The guy's timing is uncanny. BTW he's 86 and very active with words.
MORE CLINTON CORRUPTION: Even "honest Jim"Comey's involved with the machine
JONAH'S G-FILE: They're always good but this one is exceptionally good.
RAND PAUL IS RIGHT!:Crony capitalism is the root of all evil when it comes to pricing products.
CLINTONS AT IT AGAIN: Grifters eventually step in it, which the Clintons have done with this Laureate school scam.
THE MONETARY COLLAPSE IS CLOSE: At least according to Stockman and the Austrians.
TRUMP GETS THE FINANCIAL/MONETQRY ISSUE:Armageddon after Obama leaves office and this has to be dealt with.
THE VALUE OF EDUCATION:And look at what's happened since the government took control of all education.The moral of this story is the value and importance of basic education to the development of individuals. Government collusion with teacher unions has destroyed the education system for blacks. All that happened in this story told by Jason Riley happened without the involvement of government.
A THOROUGH COMPILATION OF MSM MEDIA BIAS AND CORRUPTION:There are no adults left in the MSM and there haven't been for at least 45-50 years. And that is why we have so many destructive policies in place, policies that have ruined major cities and corrupted race relations and races. Liberalism is the death knell of western civilization and all the values that have made it prosper and thrive for so long.
THOMAS WOLF'S LATEST: The guy's timing is uncanny. BTW he's 86 and very active with words.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2017
IS THIS PRESCRIPTION STILL BEING PUSHED? Seriously? Is there really only the one way to approach slow growth? Also, how many of the economists pushing this nostrum work for directly or indirectly, the federal governments?
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK: This article every contemporary parent should read, for sure.
SADLY, SHE'S LIKELY TO BE POTUS: May God help all of our grandchildren. Appointees to federal positions of responsibility are yet Another example of clinton perfidy.
STILL BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY? This carefully documented story points out obvious and pernicious media bias. If one carefully reads and thinks about the consequences of this story he realizes the media was deeply vested in shaping the outcome of the 2000 election and to this day is an arm of the Democrat Party. This conclusion is not speculative. It is a fact. There is a solution to this problem. Any broadcast or cable network that purports to deliver "news" as opposed to opinion or entertainment, should have to meet standards set and judged by a bipartisan board of journalist of impeccable reputation for the unbiased or "straight" delivery of news. Failing to meet this standard three times would result in the loss of FCC license to use common carrier airwaves or bandwidth for a period of five years, and fines. No and, ifs, or buts.Clearly this would be acceptable to freedom lovers/respecters of the !st Amendment on the grounds the airwaves are public terrain, and the cable carriers operate a monopoly at the sufferance of the government.
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK: This article every contemporary parent should read, for sure.
SADLY, SHE'S LIKELY TO BE POTUS: May God help all of our grandchildren. Appointees to federal positions of responsibility are yet Another example of clinton perfidy.
STILL BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY? This carefully documented story points out obvious and pernicious media bias. If one carefully reads and thinks about the consequences of this story he realizes the media was deeply vested in shaping the outcome of the 2000 election and to this day is an arm of the Democrat Party. This conclusion is not speculative. It is a fact. There is a solution to this problem. Any broadcast or cable network that purports to deliver "news" as opposed to opinion or entertainment, should have to meet standards set and judged by a bipartisan board of journalist of impeccable reputation for the unbiased or "straight" delivery of news. Failing to meet this standard three times would result in the loss of FCC license to use common carrier airwaves or bandwidth for a period of five years, and fines. No and, ifs, or buts.Clearly this would be acceptable to freedom lovers/respecters of the !st Amendment on the grounds the airwaves are public terrain, and the cable carriers operate a monopoly at the sufferance of the government.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Saturday, August 20, 2016
DIVERSITY VS MELTING POT. hYou simply cannot have it both ways and have a functioning,unified country or state. Won't, and can't happen according to VDH.
HOW SOROS DID IT: All legal and very lucrative.
CLINTON'S REDEFINE CORRUPTION: teapot Dome, Mississipi land sale, etc are all chump change compared to the King and Queen of sleaze and corruption.
YALE MAKES NEWS AGAIN: 1984 and the French Revolution.
FAILURE OF BIG CITY POLITICS: Democrat policies to blame. No argument.
ONE OF JONAH'S BETTER COMMENTARIES: He's definitely a polymath.
FUNNY HYSTERICAL: It is very revealing how little sense the gems make.
HOW SOROS DID IT: All legal and very lucrative.
CLINTON'S REDEFINE CORRUPTION: teapot Dome, Mississipi land sale, etc are all chump change compared to the King and Queen of sleaze and corruption.
YALE MAKES NEWS AGAIN: 1984 and the French Revolution.
FAILURE OF BIG CITY POLITICS: Democrat policies to blame. No argument.
ONE OF JONAH'S BETTER COMMENTARIES: He's definitely a polymath.
FUNNY HYSTERICAL: It is very revealing how little sense the gems make.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
FOR MSM AND BLACK REPORTERS IT'S "DON'T SHOW ME THE FACTS":hAfter all facts can get in the way of my narrative. Especially facts about crime and blacks. Were I running a media company for general public news consumption, before hiring a reporter to work for me, I'd super-vet them that they bring no bias like Armstrong's to the newsroom. Black reporters in particular are guilty of disseminating false narratives on this issue to the very great detriment of the black community. This disinformation leads to the creation of groups like BLM, and to the ludicrous behavior of blacks on college campuses all over the country. It also leads to a reluctance to hire blacks by corporations around the country. Why invite trouble by hiring a potential trouble maker.
ABOUT THOSE CLINTON RELATED MURDERS:There's too much coincidence to be false, however, it's still like a reach.
FRACKING AND NATURAL GAS: The future source of cheap energy and the US is way ahead.
A SUCESSFUL ELECTION PREDICTOR PREDICTS: We'll see how this works out in November.
ALWAYS HARD TO TELL THE GOOD GUYS IN THE M.E. Probably because there aren't many of them.
CLEAR STATEMENT OF AMERICANISM: What's more there's nothing to disagree with here.
THE RACCOON STORY AND TRUMP: Hard to deny the basic truth of this analogy from the 80 year old poster.
ABOUT THOSE CLINTON RELATED MURDERS:There's too much coincidence to be false, however, it's still like a reach.
FRACKING AND NATURAL GAS: The future source of cheap energy and the US is way ahead.
A SUCESSFUL ELECTION PREDICTOR PREDICTS: We'll see how this works out in November.
ALWAYS HARD TO TELL THE GOOD GUYS IN THE M.E. Probably because there aren't many of them.
CLEAR STATEMENT OF AMERICANISM: What's more there's nothing to disagree with here.
THE RACCOON STORY AND TRUMP: Hard to deny the basic truth of this analogy from the 80 year old poster.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
IF TRUE WATCH OUT BELOW:Not to believed. Below is a list of EOs by president since Washington according to Wikipedia
HERE'S AN INTERESTING WEBSITE: No telling how long it will be around.
CRONY CAPITALISM:Billionaires know how to game the system. It is rigged.
SOME OF THE BEST RESPONSES EVER:Some very thoughtful responses to this post on what's happening in Venezuela.
DEFINITION OF DESPICABLE: Once a bullshitter always a bull shitter. The man has no shame, conscience or ability to do anything except lie.
REACHING THE TIPPING POINT?; Another brave female reporter tells it like it ia.
A CONSERVATIVE BLACK SPEAKS:He makes sense but is that voice in the wilderness going to be enough?
BJ ALL OVER: Imagine how much good could be done with that jack
President | Total Orders | Order Number Range | Years in Office | Orders Per Year |
George Washington | 8 | unnumbered | 7.95 | 1.0 |
John Adams | 1 | unnumbered | 4 | 0.3 |
Thomas Jefferson | 4 | unnumbered | 8 | 0.5 |
James Madison | 1 | unnumbered | 8 | 0.1 |
James Monroe | 1 | unnumbered | 8 | 0.1 |
John Quincy Adams | 3 | unnumbered | 4 | 0.8 |
Andrew Jackson | 12 | unnumbered | 8 | 1.5 |
Martin van Buren | 10 | unnumbered | 8 | 1.3 |
William Henry Harrison | 0 | 0.08 | 0.0 | |
John Tyler | 17 | unnumbered | 3.92 | 4.3 |
James K. Polk | 18 | unnumbered | 4 | 4.5 |
Zachary Taylor | 5 | unnumbered | 1.34 | 3.7 |
Millard Fillmore | 12 | unnumbered | 2.66 | 4.5 |
Franklin Pierce | 35 | unnumbered | 4 | 8.8 |
James Buchanan | 16 | unnumbered | 4 | 4.0 |
Abraham Lincoln | 48 | unnumbered | 4.11 | 11.7 |
Andrew Johnson | 79 | unnumbered | 3.89 | 20.3 |
Ulysses S. Grant | 217 | unnumbered | 8 | 27.1 |
Rutherford B. Hayes | 92 | unnumbered | 4 | 23.0 |
James Garfield | 6 | unnumbered | 0.54 | 11.1 |
Chester Arthur | 96 | unnumbered | 3.46 | 27.7 |
Grover Cleveland - I | 113 | unnumbered | 4 | 28.3 |
Benjamin Harrison | 143 | unnumbered | 4 | 35.8 |
Grover Cleveland - II | 140 | unnumbered | 4 | 35.0 |
William McKinley | 185 | unnumbered | 4.53 | 40.9 |
Theodore Roosevelt | 1,081 | 7.47 | 144.7 | |
William Howard Taft | 724 | 4 | 181.0 | |
Woodrow Wilson | 1,803 | 8 | 225.4 | |
Warren G. Harding | 522 | 2.41 | 216.9 | |
Calvin Coolidge | 1,203 | 5.59 | 215.2 | |
Herbert Hoover | 968 | 5075 - 6070 | 4 | 242.0 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | 3,522 | 6071 - 9537 | 12.11 | 290.8 |
Harry S. Truman | 907 | 9538 - 10431 | 7.77 | 116.7 |
Dwight D. Eisenhower | 484 | 10432 - 10913 | 8 | 60.5 |
John F. Kennedy | 214 | 10914 - 11127 | 2.84 | 75.4 |
Lyndon B. Johnson | 325 | 11128 - 11451 | 5.16 | 62.9 |
Richard Nixon | 346 | 11452 - 11797 | 5.56 | 62.3 |
Gerald R. Ford | 169 | 11798 - 11966 | 2.45 | 69.1 |
Jimmy Carter | 320 | 11967 - 12286 | 4 | 80.0 |
Ronald Reagan | 381 | 12287 - 12667 | 8 | 47.6 |
George H. W. Bush | 166 | 12668 - 12833 | 4 | 41.5 |
William J. Clinton | 364 | 12834 - 13197 | 8 | 45.5 |
George W. Bush | 291 | 13198 - 13488 | 8 | 36.4 |
Barack Obama | 235 | 13489 - 13723... | 7.5 | 31.3 |
HERE'S AN INTERESTING WEBSITE: No telling how long it will be around.
CRONY CAPITALISM:Billionaires know how to game the system. It is rigged.
SOME OF THE BEST RESPONSES EVER:Some very thoughtful responses to this post on what's happening in Venezuela.
DEFINITION OF DESPICABLE: Once a bullshitter always a bull shitter. The man has no shame, conscience or ability to do anything except lie.
REACHING THE TIPPING POINT?; Another brave female reporter tells it like it ia.
A CONSERVATIVE BLACK SPEAKS:He makes sense but is that voice in the wilderness going to be enough?
BJ ALL OVER: Imagine how much good could be done with that jack
PURGE THE UNBELIEVERS: Saatchi & Saatchi chairman Kevin Roberts has resigned following his controversial gender diversity comments.
In an interview published Friday, Roberts said the debate over gender diversity in the advertising industry was “over” and he spent “no time” thinking about the issue at Publicis, thanks to its 50-50 gender split, adding that the company had “never had a problem.”Heretic.
Roberts also suggested that many female and male creatives did not take top leadership roles because they simply wanted to be happy and “do great work.”
63Posted at 8:55 am by Stephen Green

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Monty Python's The life of Brian - I want to be a woman
The Trap Has Been Set— Tupac Avenged (@tupacAvenged) July 28, 2016
Watch how the Clinton campaign stepped right into a trap set by Trump
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
KHAN STORY HAS LONG LEGS: And this is just the start. Note when the organization was founded.....2016! So Khan was in the business of advocating for "patriotic" Muslims to get behind peaceful advocacy for whatever since about the time of the democrat invention! HERE'S THE LATEST. This is getting better by the moment.
THERE'S USUALLY ANOTHER SIDE TO STORIES LIKE THIS: And indeed there appears to have been in this person's case. In addition this open letter from another soldier is warranted in view of the attack on Trump, that most Americans would consider unjustified, during the DNC's political convention. The open letter is here.
TSA, ANOTHER FAILED GOVERNMENT AGENCY: As my great father used dos say almost every night over dinner, "there's nothing government can do that private enterprise cannot do better."The longer I live, the more I understand the compelling wisdom of this assertion. For all the reasons asserted in this column by John Tierney, we are broke and getting broker by the day. As long as there is a Democrat Party and it remains in power, our country is in profound peril of collapse. The Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empires both collapsed for the same reason. Corrupt, one party rule. Although we have a token Republican Party rule in The Congress of the US, the sad truth is that party is but a lite version of the DP. Both parties are hooked on very Big Government programs that are bleeding taxpayers dry, and are totally inefficient and wasteful. Trump is a manifestation of this disgusting state of affairs. Sadly he does not have a clue about the dimension of the rot or how to put it right. It does not matter who wins this election in 100 days, the rot will continue to get worse. Int is hard to see how things can or will get better by 2020 by which time we should be in or nearing collapse as a society.
PESKY DEFICITS AND DEBT AGAIN: Neither party ever addresses the issue because voters want free stuff. There will be consequences, and big ones.
ISLAMIAM AND PIPES: Pipes maintains Islamism has peaked. Sure doesn't appear that way.
THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE IN POWER READY TO BE BOUGHT: So much for military independence from politics.
PARTISAN HACKERY: Thank heaven these guys are around to call out these frauds.
THE SCANDINAVIAN ECONOMY: MOSTLY successful in spite of high taxes. Much to do with homogeneity ?
REGRETTABLY AND UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS CORRECT: THE REPUBLICANS have badly blown this cycle no matter who wins. But they likely gave the election to the Clintons. And we get the pleasure of having these grifters in the WH for another four to eight years after which we most likely have a country like France or Germany. I.E., one that is more socialist than capitalist, one where government dominates the economic life of everyone, one in which America's role in the world is further diminished, and one in which the standard of living erodes dramatically.
DEVASTATING CRITIQUE OF DEM CONVENTION: They are truly one very big mess. What's more they are also fascists cloaked in the usual liberal b.s.
THERE'S TRUTH IN THIS: Shaking things up would help. At least Trump understands crony capitalism, would he be willing to effect change to a system that made his wealth?
MSM IS FINISHED: If you get your information and news from the NYTimes, you are misinformed.
TOP DONORS TO HIL: Weird list of billionaires. Hollywood, techies, Hedge funds, limousine libs head the list. Disproportionate number of Jews here as well.
THE MOTHER OF ALL MEDIA CONS: Trump knows how to expose the partisan media kids. They don't have a clue what he's up to. Very, very clever.
THE EMAIL SCANDAL EXP;AINED::MACCARTHY is a former prosecutor (of Blind Sheik) who is not a fan of Trumps.But by the same token he defends him against the Soviet-stlyed attacks by the fascist-left, which includes the more moderate Democrats, The democrat Party is a criminal syndicate masquerading as a political party.
THERE'S USUALLY ANOTHER SIDE TO STORIES LIKE THIS: And indeed there appears to have been in this person's case. In addition this open letter from another soldier is warranted in view of the attack on Trump, that most Americans would consider unjustified, during the DNC's political convention. The open letter is here.
TSA, ANOTHER FAILED GOVERNMENT AGENCY: As my great father used dos say almost every night over dinner, "there's nothing government can do that private enterprise cannot do better."The longer I live, the more I understand the compelling wisdom of this assertion. For all the reasons asserted in this column by John Tierney, we are broke and getting broker by the day. As long as there is a Democrat Party and it remains in power, our country is in profound peril of collapse. The Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empires both collapsed for the same reason. Corrupt, one party rule. Although we have a token Republican Party rule in The Congress of the US, the sad truth is that party is but a lite version of the DP. Both parties are hooked on very Big Government programs that are bleeding taxpayers dry, and are totally inefficient and wasteful. Trump is a manifestation of this disgusting state of affairs. Sadly he does not have a clue about the dimension of the rot or how to put it right. It does not matter who wins this election in 100 days, the rot will continue to get worse. Int is hard to see how things can or will get better by 2020 by which time we should be in or nearing collapse as a society.
PESKY DEFICITS AND DEBT AGAIN: Neither party ever addresses the issue because voters want free stuff. There will be consequences, and big ones.
ISLAMIAM AND PIPES: Pipes maintains Islamism has peaked. Sure doesn't appear that way.
THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE IN POWER READY TO BE BOUGHT: So much for military independence from politics.
PARTISAN HACKERY: Thank heaven these guys are around to call out these frauds.
THE SCANDINAVIAN ECONOMY: MOSTLY successful in spite of high taxes. Much to do with homogeneity ?
REGRETTABLY AND UNFORTUNATELY THIS IS CORRECT: THE REPUBLICANS have badly blown this cycle no matter who wins. But they likely gave the election to the Clintons. And we get the pleasure of having these grifters in the WH for another four to eight years after which we most likely have a country like France or Germany. I.E., one that is more socialist than capitalist, one where government dominates the economic life of everyone, one in which America's role in the world is further diminished, and one in which the standard of living erodes dramatically.
DEVASTATING CRITIQUE OF DEM CONVENTION: They are truly one very big mess. What's more they are also fascists cloaked in the usual liberal b.s.
THERE'S TRUTH IN THIS: Shaking things up would help. At least Trump understands crony capitalism, would he be willing to effect change to a system that made his wealth?
MSM IS FINISHED: If you get your information and news from the NYTimes, you are misinformed.
TOP DONORS TO HIL: Weird list of billionaires. Hollywood, techies, Hedge funds, limousine libs head the list. Disproportionate number of Jews here as well.
THE MOTHER OF ALL MEDIA CONS: Trump knows how to expose the partisan media kids. They don't have a clue what he's up to. Very, very clever.
THE EMAIL SCANDAL EXP;AINED::MACCARTHY is a former prosecutor (of Blind Sheik) who is not a fan of Trumps.But by the same token he defends him against the Soviet-stlyed attacks by the fascist-left, which includes the more moderate Democrats, The democrat Party is a criminal syndicate masquerading as a political party.
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