Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2017

IS THIS PRESCRIPTION STILL BEING PUSHED? Seriously? Is there really only the one way to approach slow growth? Also, how many of the economists pushing this nostrum work for directly or indirectly, the federal governments?

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK: This article every contemporary parent should read, for sure.

SADLY, SHE'S LIKELY TO BE POTUS: May God help all of our grandchildren. Appointees to federal positions of responsibility are yet Another example of clinton perfidy.

STILL BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY? This carefully documented story points out obvious and pernicious media bias.  If one carefully reads and thinks about the consequences of this story he realizes the media was deeply vested in shaping the outcome of the 2000 election and to this day is an arm of the Democrat Party. This conclusion is not speculative. It is a fact.  There is a solution to this problem.  Any broadcast or cable network that purports to deliver "news" as opposed to opinion or entertainment, should have to meet standards set and judged by a bipartisan board of journalist of impeccable reputation for the unbiased or "straight" delivery of news.  Failing to meet this standard three times would result in the loss of FCC license to use common carrier airwaves or bandwidth for a period of five years, and fines.  No and, ifs, or buts.Clearly this would be acceptable to freedom lovers/respecters of the !st Amendment on the grounds the airwaves are public terrain, and the cable carriers operate a monopoly at the sufferance of the government.

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