Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

WHAT IS INFLATION?: It is policy and the printing of money. So says Mises.

MORE OF THE SAME:Business as usual with Ryan as Speaker. Disappointing.

FROM ALJAZEERA: Take a hard look at your Welfare State policies. An effort to smear US, but how many of then 45 countries listed have millions of illegal immigrants and a huge dependency underclass like the US?

CRUZ IS NO AUSTRIAN: Doesn't seem to understand the Fed's role all that much. But then few politicians do.

UNHAPPY WITH PAUL RYAN'S BUDGET CAPITULATION? Try this post by Glenn Reynolds back in 2006.  Sometimes it hurts to be right.  As Glenn identifies, Republicans insist on being Dems lite and they keep losing the WH because their base is disgusted and doesn't show up at the voting booth.  Trump is hardly the answer.  He's just a buffoon who represents the "disgust" vote of the base and that of some hard-assed dim bulbs. Cruz is the only Constitution-driven conservative in the bunch.  Rubio is a programmed conservative who would bend the Constitution like dems always do only maybe only occasionally.  But he may be more acceptable to the independents.  Between Cruz and Rubio the choice seems to come down to either turning out an energized, motivated base on election day, or risking that approach in exchange for an appeal to independents.  Reagan was a principled conservative who by dint of a winning personality managed to both energize the base and appeal to independents.  Cruz surely does not have Reagan's personal appeal.  Kinda a conundrum at this point.

AH, A REAL PARODY: Eoow. That hurts

THREE CHOICES FOR GOP: The choices are narrowed to three and the differences are stark.

OBSEQUIOUS MEDIA: Fallow & camp; co. are hopelessly in love.

CURRENT DAY DISCUSSION OF MISES, ET.AL.: Comments section entertaining.

GREAT VIDEO ON MEDIEVAL EUROPE: BBC series as only the Brits seem to produce.

YALE MAKES IT BACK INTO THE NEWS CYCLE: Of course the Law School, which has produced just  about every Democrat Party hack except for those produced by HLS since Bill Clinton, manages to foul the air again through Bruce Ackerman who's an off-the-charts lefty.

WHEN DO YOU HEAR AN IVY LEAGUE STORY THAT ISN’T AN EMBARRASSMENT THESE DAYS? Sadness, shame and blame at Yale over First Amendment repeal video.

Members of the Yale University community on Thursday responded with a mix of embarrassment, sadness and literal disbelief to a viral video showing students there freely signing a petition that calls for the repeal of the First Amendment.
“It numbs the mind that dozens of Yale students could sign a petition to revoke the First Amendment,” freshman Grant Richardson wrote FoxNews.com in an email. “Besides the fact that the First Amendment lists the most fundamentally important rights we hold as Americans, it is rather embarrassing to think Yalies could not see the irony that they were petitioning away – their right to petition.”
Richardson, responding to a video by filmmaker and satirist Ami Horowitz that first aired on FoxNews.com Wednesday, said he hopes the actions of those shown in the video don’t reflect on him or many other students.
“It is mortifying to think that family, friends and future employers could equate such behaviors to Yale, and by extension, to me,” he said. “I can only hope that my fellow students were answering in jest.”
A member of the Yale Law School faculty also responded to the video, and wasn’t happy with what he saw.
“It’s a sad commentary on the present state of public opinion,” said Professor Bruce Ackerman. . . .
But Ackerman said he also felt the First Amendment debate wasn’t as important as more pressing issues.
“It does not remotely pose the same danger as the support of all Republican candidates, with the exception of Rand Paul, for President Obama’s unilateral war against ISIS in plain violation of the Constitution,” Ackerman said.
That part of the professor’s response didn’t sit well with Horowitz.
“This is exactly part of the problem. Why would Yale students, or university students anywhere in this country, feel a fidelity to our fundamental beliefs, when their professors try to shoehorn in anti-American sentiment at every opportunity?” he told FoxNews.com.
Yale Law School was a center of hardcore support for free expression once. But that was when leftists were the ones speaking. Now that leftists are the ones doing the persecuting, Yale Law isn’t nearly as strong.

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