Saturday, December 26, 2015

Friday, January 26, 2015

IF TRUE, WHATCH OUT BELOW: We are educating our downfall as a nation. Bring back schooling in the trades to stop producing useless idiots with BA degrees in gender studies, africana, etc.

IT WAS A BETTER SYSTEM: But alas, there were no votes to be had in this volunteerism.

SOUNDS LIKE A MUST READ: It's been a long, slippery slope since the Revolution.

TRUMP VS. HILARY: Wait until Trump brings up the name of Jeff Epstein. Could get ugly for her and Billy Bob.

PROOF POSITIVE: Oh yeah, but it creates all this inequality. Can't have that if you're a real socialist now, can you?

THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE: It dates as far back as WWI and the Progressive movement he promoted. FDR put the movement on steroids, WWII solidified it and LBJ crowned it.

ONLY CLINTONS COULD GET AWAY WITH THIS: Anyone else would be behind bars. No speculating this is anything other than a tax free, influence peddling political organization.

ANALYZING CRIME STATS: Heather MacDonald is THE go to writer on crime in the US. By far. What's needed is more conservative city newspapers in the country to offset the claptrap we now get from just about all major newspapers in the country -- excepting WSJ and the Boston Herald.

MAYBE THE REAL STORY AT LAST: The misinformation and deflection by deems been going on far too long.

YOGHURT MADE IN A PRESSURE COOKER: Very simple and very easy. Cowbell bags are a big improvement over cheesecloth for straining.

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