Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

ELECTION REFLECTIONS:  It just may be that the free-spending, redistributionist, collectivist crowd has reached the limit of other people's money, as Margaret Thacher so succintly put it one time.  The Maryland governors race may be the canary in the coal mine.  Seems the incumbent, a typical but state liberal governing in perhaps the bluest state in the union, taxed everything that moved and then moved on to tax everything that didn't move including fishing licenses, garage and patio space, and the like.  Eventually he got around to taxing his but collar and poor base in ways they simply didn't appreciate.  And so it goes.  As one pundit put it, "It's fun to be Robin Hood until you morph into the Sheriff of Notingham".  Suddenly no one likes you.


AN INTERESTING TAX SOLUTION TO SAVINGS:Since people don't seem to save anymore this could help.


The president will present his case on behalf of his forthcoming executive order on amnesty tomorrow at 8 p.m. I certainly hope President Obama addresses the arguments against his action that were repeatedly and passionately made by … President Obama. Our friends at National Review have put together a nice videohere; I’d urge you to watch it. Mr. Obama is now acting like, in his words, an “emperor.” His hypocrisy is, even by his standards, staggering.

But hypocrisy is not unusual in politicians and presidents; firing a missile aimed at our constitutional form of government is. And that is what Mr. Obama is about to do.
As the liberal law professor Jonathan Turley put it last night, this is a “particularly dangerous moment” for the president to defy the will of Congress yet again, just 15 days after an election in which the American people registered their emphatic (anti-Obama) judgment. “What the president is suggesting is tearing at the very fabric of the Constitution,” according to Professor Turley. “We have a separation of powers that gives us balance. And that doesn’t protect the branches — it’s not there to protect the executive branch or legislative branch — it’s to protect liberty. It’s to prevent any branch from assuming so much control that they become a threat to liberty.”
What is about to happen may be the low point in a presidency filled with them. Mr. Obama is acting in a way that he himself knows–that he himself has said–is unconstitutional and indefensible. No matter. In an act of unmatched narcissism and selfishness, the president will create–he is thirsting to create–a constitutional crisis that is utterly unnecessary and will further polarize our political culture.
Mr. Obama is about to commit an act of constitutional infamy. This is a stain that will stay with him.

THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES?:If the fed gets away with this one it will be a miracle.

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