Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

PRETTY MUCH AGREE WITH THIS ASSESSMENT OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY:There is rot and the Republican Party shares some of the blame.  I've had trouble with the Republican Party under the leadership of the Bushes for the very reasons this author gives.  They were too casual about the growth of government, did too little to reign in spending and restore fiscal integrity to the system, and so forth.  Granted most necessary things only get done after the fact of a crises, at least politically, nevertheless there were many reforms Republicans could have pushed for much more aggressively than they did.  Like eliminating some of the worthless government bureaucracies, Education, Commerce, Energy, come to mind.  Being more confrontational with the Democrats and their destructive ideas and plans would also have been helpful.  Where we go from here with an out-of-control President and a bunch of statist/collectivists running rampant in the Democrat Party and in the various bureaucracies is an open question.  We have an electorate that is marginally informed and seemingly could care less about the system relive under as long as they are fed, housed, and entertained.  Not too promising.

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