Sunday, April 22, 2012

Zimmerman murder trial

Racism in this country is now being played like a finely tuned Stradivarius by most black leaders and their white accomplices in the Democratic Party.  It is a shame and what's more this overt racism is seriously holding back the black race.  In the sports/music/entertainment worlds of our culture, blacks earn their way and have become major factors through open and fair competition. They have been well rewarded financially for their success.  In politics and education where they have been given "help" through Affirmative Action programs and gerrymandering of political jurisdictions to ensure proportionate representation, success is not apparent.  In fact, it is hard to find any real progress in the fortunes of most blacks since the inception of all the many government programs, agencies and laws designed to create equality between the races.  It can be argued that race relations have never been worse and with 70% out-of-wedlock birthrate and incarceration rates many times greater than any other race, it can also be argued the blacks in the main are not making the progress they should be. Finally, it can be seriously argued, black leadership in and out of Congress is running the serious risk of losing the goodwill and support of the large and tolerant white middle class who opposed slavery (and shed blood to free the country from this cancer), opposed Jim Crow laws in the South (and supported the Civil Rights Movement of the '60s), and who still support those failed programs designed to make up for past societal sins against blacks.  Often replies in the 'Comments' of internet posted articles and blogs make better points than those made in the article or blogger's posts itself.  The following comment by an anonymous poster on the Trayvon Martin-Zimmerman tragic confrontation is one such example:

Think about Mukden, Gulf of Tonkin, the Sudentenland – whatever incident fills the bill. They are situations where a perception was exploited, whether you agree the original perception was justified, to expand a different agenda, usually exaggerating some danger or injustice. That higher agenda didn’t really care whether truth was served or not, or whether myths were employed as long as certain ends were achieved.
The above is the way I see the Trayvon Martin case. The black community and the political Left have taken a killing and made it into something far above what it may or not have been, and in their eyes, the case is closed. All these calls for ‘we just want an arrest’ seem phoney – what they in fact want is a conviction. Just wait and see what happens when Zimmerman walks and you’ll learn the truth of it.
In order to serve the racial obsession of the Left and urban myths about white Americans past and present, Zimmerman was magically transformed into a white man. Further, and despite massive statistical evidence that presents a completely opposite picture, the Left used the Martin case to say ‘See, we told you so – white people are murdering blacks in this country every day – hunting them even.’ One thing becomes the entirety of the United States of America because it is not seen as an anecdote, but confirmation of a massive trend.
Well, it is a lie. A lie based on hate and racism. The Dem Party has been veering into dangerous territory for at least a decade now and today they have become the most radicalized they have been in my lifetime. This radicalization has gone mainstream.
Although I suspected it, I never really believed the NBA Player’s Association would release such a patently racist press release as they did about the Martin case – you can’t get more mainstream than that. Blacks who bitterly complain about injustice, like Spike Lee, a mainstream film maker, who usually confines his whining to attacking Clint Eastwood because he didn’t depict heroic blacks at Iwo Jima, or that we should all do a Zimmerman on Cleopatra and turn a Macedonian Greek into a black sub-Saharan African, went off the rails and tried to release Zimmerman’s address – violence was certainly implied.
The real core of this situation is the urban myths black American’s hold about white people in America and the history of America, and the extent to which the liberal Left has bought into them, as if it’s still 200 years ago, slave ships still plying the waters of the Atlantic, or at least Jim Crow firmly in play. To invoke this, the Left has had to replace the now gone institutions of racism with ‘code,’ ‘dog-whistles,’ bizarre and inescapable theories like ‘white privilege,’ ‘the New Jim Crow,’ and Critical Race Theory.
Almost unbelievable racists are institutionalized in our mainstream colleges and universities: Dr. Boyce Watkins at Syracuse, Michael Eric Dyson at Georgetown, Melissa Harris-Perry at Tulane, Cornel West at Princeton and the vile James Cone at Union Theological Seminary. On top of this, you have similarly intransigent racists like Al Sharpton at MSNBC, Tavis Smiley at PBS, and Roland Martin at CNN. I have followed the writings of these people: there is not a single doubt in my mind they share the same intellectual and philosophical space as Nazis in 1930s Germany. The Dem Party is not far behind.
The Left and black Americans pillory groups like the Tea Party or GOP as racist simply because black folks don’t join them, not because they are structured around race. And every single entity that accuses the Right themselves either belongs to, or supports mainstream race-based groups too numerous to mention. Meanwhile on that conservative Right, they support not one mainstream law or organization founded on a concept of race.
Those on the side of Martin as being evidence of the endemic racism of America constantly ask others to do something they refuse to do: think of the greater good. The Duke Lacrosse case had the exact same racist sadness emerge from the black community.
In my entire life, I have never seen such a wholesale flood of hypocrisy, lies, racism and myths emerge from the Martin case as I’ve seen emerge from black Americans and the Dem Party. They have gone too far this time. What will be the result is unknown. Obama and Holder and their payback minions have already done more to radicalize blacks in a few short years than in the last 50. They have done so to a receptive audience, nodding their heads yes that America is full of white supremacists who simply went underground in 1970.
It is hard to believe I live in a country where a black Florida representative can show up to work dressed like a Bangkok hooker from a strip club and say the most vile racist things about whites. It is hard to believe that not one congressman in America has the guts to stand up and say ‘get out’ to the Black Congressional Congress. There’s more – I’ve written enough.
But I will say this: let’s no longer ask why there was not one Iraqi who had the guts to blow out Saddam Hussein’s brains, or one German close to Hitler do the same. Under far less perilous circumstances, we have become muzzled by one piece of name-calling which, considering the reality of America, is a perfect Orwellian expression of ‘doublethink’: you are a racist. Pitiful. Resolve: gone. Courage: gone. Audacity: gone. Common sense: gone. Proportion: gone. Context: gone.

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