Thursday, March 1, 2012

Taxing the rich -- again

Michael Barone identifies the reason liberals want to continually tax the producers (rich) in this country in this article "Why liberals like taxing the rich".  He's right!  It has to do with aggregating economic power in the central government while taking it away from individuals and their charities of choice. Barone points out that Alexis de Toqueville made the observation in the 1830's, that what set America apart from his own country (France), was the generosity of spirit of the average American reflected in the charities that flourished all over the land.  It has always been the case that Americans have given freely and generously to charities, much more than in any other country.  Liberals do not like this state of affairs because it limits the state's power and control over the lives of citizens.  The more the rich are taxed and have less to give to charities, the greater the demand for government programs to help the needy and to thereby exercise more control over the lives of everyone.  Herein lies the real danger of electing any liberal to public office,  especially one as doctrinaire as Obama.   Barone concludes that this coming election is critical to preserving the America de Toqueville admired and extolled in his writings.  One has to believe it is the America most Americans would prefer providing they fully understand the motivation and goals of liberals.

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