Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yale in the news

K.C.Johnson, the history professor from L.I.U, does very good work holding out-of-control college administrators'  feet to fire over outrageous policies, including those involving sexual harassment, rape, etc.  Here he looks into the case involving the Yale football quarterback, Patrick Witt,  his application for a Rhodes' scholarship while challenged for some alleged sexually related misbehavior.  This is another example of the influence of the feminists, gay and lesbians, turning colleges into dangerous venues for straight males.  Yale and other "elite" schools had best get these extremists under control or their student bodies are going to look more like gay, lesbian and transgender freak shows than wholesome student bodies since no traditional, "normal" young people would want to go there.  It's no secret that Yale is called the "Gay Ivy" in some circles, the result of pandering to these segments of society with policies such as on display in this article.  It's probably just a matter of time before some student sues one of these schools over freedom of speech issues relating to their draconian politically correct policies.

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