Monday, September 26, 2011

Outrage in Wisconsin

For some reason Wisconsin is in the news a lot these days, and not in a good way, largely because of the activities of government unions and the policies of the uber liberal University of Wisconsin's admissions policies as they relate to the affirmative action law.

On the subject of higher education this post from Innovations - The Chronicle of Higher Education blog, presents a recent "incident" that occurred at the U. of Wisconsin, having to do with the interruption of a meeting held in a local hotel by a respected organization that studies the effect and results of affirmative action policies (diversity initiatives) by institutions of higher learning.  It seems this organization through the FOIA had acquired the records on admissions at the U of W and was meetig to discuss these results when a student "mob", at the direction of the vice provo of the school's "Diversity" department, interrupted the meeting by taking over the site and threatening the participants.  Obviously the university and the "students" feared the outcome of the meeting, which indeed was discussing the facts of the admissions policies of the school in a most unfavorable light as is seen in this link to a post describing the events.  

This blatantly illegal action on the part of the students, goaded on by a school administrator, is an outrage but in keeping with what is going on at schools all over the country.  The facts of the admissions policies including the graduation rates of the affirmative action admits are laid out in the post and make for discouraging reading if you are at all concerned about the quality of education offered by our universities and the impact of the diversity outreach programs which flow from the affirmative action law.  Thank you Sandra Day O'Connor for your contribution to the official discrimination against white and Asian students now rampant and legal at universities around the country.  Affirmative Action never was a good idea, never mind its dubious constitutionality.  That law has now created an virtual industry of administrators and professoriate who are infusing universities with the twin poisons of political correctness and multiculturalism.  This will come to no good end.

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