Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Clare Spark Blog

YDS is the blog of an historian who appears to be the exception and antidote to the politically correct, liberal mind set of many historians, especially those who have written the history of various eras in America's past such as the The Progressive and New Deal periods from the turn of the 20th century until the present.  An example of this latter type historian is Authur Schlessinger who as a chronicler of the New Deal of the 30's, showed his political stripes by taking an official position in the Kennedy Administration and then subsequently writing the "official" history of that period as well.  From all appearances, Clare Spark is a non ideological sort who believes in rigorous scholarship before weighing in with opinions on any subject matter,  surely a good thing.  These two posts from her site, here and here, deal with the reason multiculturalism became a central tenet of the liberal mantra in the first place, and the unravelling of this odious concept and return to a focus on the importance of the individual as developed during the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century.

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