Saturday, January 29, 2011

The handwriting was always on the wall

Most Americans are trusting souls not prone to imagining a lot of conspiracies going on designed to change our government and the capitalistic economy we have thrived in for most of our existence as a country.  There is much evidence, however, to indicate we are being victimized by a cabal of radicals who want to change our form of government and economy to conform to their ideas, which not surprisingly can best be described as socialism.  An interesting little drama is being played out currently in the media that shines a light on what has been going on and is playing out now in the political scene.  Francis Fox Piven, a septuagenarian Columbia professor and the surviving half of the husband and wife, so-called Cloward-Piven Strategy, was singled out on the Beck TV show as a progressive who actually promoted and promotes even now violent demonstrations and the abuse of the welfare system to systematically bring down the government and replace it with a socialist regime.  All this may seem a far fetched conspiracist's mad dream, except for the fact that much of what the Cloward-Piven Strategy called for back in the 1960's has already happened.  It is all laid out in chapter and verse in this carefully documented American Thinker article written by James Simpson, a former WH economist and financial analyst.  Based on all the books I have read on the causes of the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, and the connections between BO, George Soros, Acorn and all the rest, my conclusion is there has been a concerted effort over time to implement the Cloward-Piven Strategy and that to a very large extend it has succeeded brilliantly. The Tea Party movement has been a rear guard attempt to slow the the strategy down and give people the opportunity to see what's been happening for themselves.  Now we are at one of those famous "tipping" points in time when we are at a fork and one road takes us down the Cloward-Piven path and the other gets us back to our roots and the way of life of our founders and forefathers. Parenthetically  I find it interesting that unless one considers the Scandinavian countries with their dependency on oil revenues as examples, no where else can one point to a successful socialist state, while examples of  successful market based free enterprise countries abound.  As they say, Go Figure.

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