Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

BIG TIME FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Wonder what Mises/Hayek/Rothbard would say about this column. As is often the case the comments are particularly interesting.

ON JOHN STUART MILL:Would Mill have liked social media? Maybe.

FOR UNFORGETABLE GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHS. Mixing cheeses and adding spices makes a diff.

DEMOCRATS ARE CRIMINALS POSING AS LAWMAKERS:In a sane world it would be the Clintons in the dock, not Trump.

DISPARATE JUSTICE A LA OBAMA:  Nice program Obama. Thanks for 17 children's death.

TRANSGENDERISM AND PROGRESSIVISM: Smmary of article in NR: full article here: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/the_trials_and_tribulations_of_the_transgenders.html

As has often times been noted, all the surgery and hormone treatments in the world cannot change the chromosomal makeup of each of the trillion of cells in a person's body. For males, the chromosome pair is XY and females it's XX. Given that fact and the problems in transitioning into another gender with surgery and/or hormone treatments, it is little wonder then that those with gender dysphoria have a 41% rate for suicides or attempted suicides compared with just 4.6% of the general population.
For a particularly enlightening view of the absurdity of  here's a story from the Federalist website of one person who tried it while on active military service and his negative views on the matter. Jamie Shupe writes, 
"The sex change process is inherently and fatally flawed because even if science eventually proves transgender people are more than the sum of their currently visible and measurable birth biology, this would make them intersex -- a mixture of male and female. It would not make transgender persons the complete opposite sex.
Nor should the military be involved in attempting to medically shoehorn trans service members into the opposite sex, something at which they can't possibly succeed. Because of the 'at best' case of mixed male and female biology in this scenario, the transgender person will always be plagued by gender dysphoria. It's the equivalent of claiming a mixed-race person can be made white or black by a medical treatment."
Shupe uses a useful term here that I haven't heard before in describing transgender people -- intersex. This implies that these poor souls who undergo sex change surgeries and heavy hormone treatments are neither fish nor fowl. Biologically and scientifically speaking, that is correct. 
And 'poor souls' also describes many transgender people. These people have a problem (gender dysphoria), and they are being encouraged by powerful cultural forces in society to mutilate and distort their bodies in trying to become something they can't. Of course, those who are egging them on have their own agenda which is not the best interest of the gender-conflicted. But this is a common tactic of the progressive Left. Causalities on the road to Utopia do not trouble them in the least. As Joe Stalin said, you have the break a few eggs to make an omelet.

MUSLIM BELIEF MYTHS:Is this accurate? No reason to assume not. This is a failed and dangerous religion unless some credible Muslims can debunk this information.

WHO'S RESPONSBLE? Answer: Both parties, Dems 10 times more b/c of entitlements.

MELANI PHILLIPS ON MUSLIMS: It's all about coming to grips with modernity.

STIGLITZ THE SOCIALIST: Its always the same with socialist, "The rich are greedy swine determined to keep the rest of us down".

CURRENCY CRISES?:Sounds like pick your poison at this point.

BROKEN GOP PROMISES: We'll see how this ends up. GHWB revisited?


POWER MAD, CRAZED, ETC: Talk about lost, confused and unhinged is to talk about lefties.  and MORE HERE.

ERIVING THEM CRAZY: Or more to the point, lack of power, being out of power, ids driving them crazy.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION RESULTS: Another example of government meddling in the free market of college admissions.

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