Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

YES, THEY ARE INVADING THE WEST:This s a failed religion that allows terrorism.The political class will promote a paradigm that does not exist for self-serving reasons.  They want to appear "inclusive", "welcoming"(because we're all immigrants, ya'know) because they want the support and votes of these people.  Truth be known these people practicing this so-called faith, are unassimilable. There is no coherence to their religion/faith, no hierarchy by which reforms can be dictated.  The ways the religion (theocracy) is flawed could, and has, fill a book (see Spencer).  In this country we should stop all immigration from countries in which Islam is the dominant faith, excepting those pitiful few Christians and Jews who may live there.  Practice the Muslim faith, you are not welcome here in a Christian society.  Unfortunately, secularism is so rampant in the West now that we will have a hard time getting to this solution.  But, like it or not, it is the only realistic way to stop this virus.  Communism is an analogy.  It is an evil construct for organizing the affairs of people.  Failure to deal with it harshly leads to enslavement, wars, pestilence.  To say nothing of loss of freedom in all its aspects.  Tolerance does dot work for evil constructs.  They must be isolated and expunged from the body politic because in the end this is a political issue.

AN INVESTIGATION LIKE VALERIE PALME'S:No crime except leaking classified information.Liberals are sickos who only worship power.  They are frightened that Trump will upset their lucrative gigs at the public trough.  This is all a byproduct of easy money and will end sooner or later.  What can't go on forever, won't. Angelo Codevilla nails it.

SIMPLY STATED TRUTH: Can't have it both ways but unions are tying to:This has really been going on far too long.  Public sector unions have created sinecures that have become inviolate.  But, they are a big reason why the country is heavily indebted not only because of the indoctrination they provide to students, but also because of the unsustainiblity of their financial gains for their members.

WE SHOULD LISTEN TO ANDREW MACCARTHY:The sharks live in the sea metaphor. Remove shark from sea and it dies.

WASTE WASTE AND MORE WASTE:Solve this problem by outlawing government unions -- they're breaking then bank.

HATE FILLED MEDIA:Trump Derangement Syndrome began under W. It is consuming its perpetrators with hate, bigotry, and madness.

MADNESS OF LIBERAL GOVERNMENT:How do they get away with this stuff.Easy.  They get a bunch of crony business types like Elon Musk to gin up phony business plans, a bunch of big government pols to create some laws, a MSM propaganda machine to create memes, and you are in business. Mostly in business screwing taxpayers, yet again.

INSIDE STORY ON COMEY/CLINTONS ET AT?If partially true there's lots to ponder here.This all makes for a coherent and plausible scenario.  Now to see how it all plays out.

GINGRICH SPEAKS OUT ON COMEY/DEEP STATE:Hard to argue with this argument. This is a titanic struggle.

GOOD DEREGULATION BILL:In the interest of the free market pass this bill.

RISE AND FALL OF NEWARK:As seen through the eyes of Philip Roth.

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